Find your state’s resources for child care, financial assistance, health and social services and more. *Virgin Islands’ QRIS is currently in progress.*. Early Intervention – Infants and Toddlers Program, Early intervention services for infants and toddlers at risk for developmental delays, Phone: (340) 777-8804 ext. Road Town, Tortola 3624 (St. Croix), There are currently no organizations listed. This information was last updated by CCAoA on October 5, 7:30 a.m. EDT. support is more than just money. Fax: 1(284) 468-3695, Virgin Gorda Office of Justice provides financial support to children through the establishment of paternity Form and instructions: Child and Family Services website. Acting Head of Family Children and Protective Services Unit within the Social Development Department, Ms Laurel Freeman, gave the stern warning in a public missive issued by the Government Information Service (GIS), on Wednesday, March 6, 2019. Vision. The services described on this site and provided John), (340) 772-7147 (St. Croix). If you find that any of the information above is incorrect, please contact us at Discover resources that will provide more information regarding local services such as health care and child well-being. Judicial Committee of the Privy Council (JCPC). The Paternity and Child Support Division (PCSD) of the Virgin Islands Department What requirements are there for a background check? Step 4: Applicant must complete a mandatory orientation training. For questions about eligibility and benefits, contact your Medicaid office. Virgin Islands (British) VG1110, Main Office The No 1 Source For Government Information, News, & Services. Step 1: Applicant must visit the department and complete the application form. © Copyright 2019 by Government of the Virgin Islands. Click a tab below to find those resources and more in U.S. Virgin Islands.
Find out what assistance programs are offered locally. Contact: Constituent Services
Click here to Subscribe. Step 5: A "Big Brother/Sister" is matched with a potential "mentee". Closure information around child care and the Novel Coronavirus in your area, *Child care programs may reopen or continue providing services. For additional child support Please for successful dual parenting. 4181 (St. Thomas/St.
Emergency Number:1(284) 468-9373. Phone: (340) 774-0930 (St. Thomas), (340) 776-6334 (St. John), (340) 718-2980 (St. Croix), Provider Complaint Line: (340) 774-0930 ext.
Virgin Islands Department of Human Services ... Child Protective Services. Click on the links below, or contact your local Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) agency for one-on-one help. Child Care Assistance – Child Care Fund Program, Phone: (340) 772-7147 (St. Croix), (340) 774-0930 ext. P.O. John), (340) 772-7147 (St. Croix), Find out what programs in your area are in compliance with licensing regulations, *Inspections not available online. Please note that information around the coronavirus is changing rapidly. What is required to become a provider in your area? 4050 (St. Croix), Federal-State health insurance program for low-income individuals, *If you are not eligible for Medicaid, your child(ren) may still be able to receive health coverage from the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP). These ratings can help families choose quality care and can assist child care providers to improve and communicate their quality. We have created a booklet that provides additional information about the process and our services. Th, Emergency Child Care & Technical Assistance™, Technical Assistance for Child Care Families, Technical Assistance for Child Care Providers, Click here to find your local Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) agency, contact your local Child Care Resource and Referral (CCR&R) agency. resources Receiving quality services from PCSD requires your cooperation and honesty. Emergency Number: 1(284) 468-9371 *, Information for Families and Child Care Providers, Application for Child Care Assistance with Family, Friend, and Neighbor Care. The Department's Big Brothers Big Sisters Programme offers children between the ages of six through sixteen years the opportunity to foster friendships with older persons who in turn provide positive guidance and companionship.
Address: 33 Admin Drive, Wickhams Cay 1, Road Town, Tortola, Virgin Islands (British). Virgin Islands Department of Human Services; Virgin Islands Port Authority; HOTLINE RESOURCES 1-800-950-NAMI (6264) National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 1-800-273-8255. Find out about the ins and outs of child care in your area. General information about COVID-19 in your area. Please note that information around the coronavirus is changing rapidly. National Domestic Violence Hotline 1 … information about the process and our services. Buying groceries or diapers? 4050 ACF (Federal) Point of Contact: Michael Ginns, … Momo Challenge .
2629 (St. Thomas), (340) 718-1311 ext. Phone: (340) 776-6334 (St. John), (340) 774-0930 (St. Thomas), (340) 718-2980 (St. Croix) Website *If county is not known, call ChildHelp at 1(800) 422-4453* Child Support Enforcement . U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Human Services home | about us | Contact us | community calendar ... and The Men's Coalition of the Virgin Islands, The Women's Coalition of St. Croix and the St. John Safety Zone. Florida Form: not available online. Child Providers should verify that they are following all updated state guidelines for care. Mentors are good listeners, people who care, people who want to help young people bring out strengths that are already there. Child care providers earn a rating when they meet quality standards. PCSD focuses on building financial bridges between non-custodial parents and their Georgia Form and instructions: not available online . The Department's Big Brothers Big Sisters Programme offers children between the ages of six through sixteen years the opportunity to foster friendships with older persons who in turn provide positive guidance and companionship.
click here to download a copy of the booklet. John), A federal program that promotes the school readiness of children ages birth to five from low-income families, Find Your Local Head Start/Early Head Start, A program offering supplemental foods, health care referrals, and nutrition information to low-income women who are pregnant or have children aged birth to five, Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF), Cash assistance designed to help low-income families achieve self-sufficiency, Phone: (340) 774-0930 (St. Thomas), (340) 776-6334 (St. John), (340) 773-2323 (St. Croix), Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (formerly Food Stamps), Helps low income households in meeting their immediate home energy needs. click here. Do you need to contact someone about child support, health care for your family, or help paying for food or heat?
Contact your licensing agency for more information*, Basic facts about child care in your area, Information and resources for parents looking for child care in U.S. Virgin Islands, Reimburses child care providers for healthy meals and snacks, Understanding criminal background checks requirements in your area. Are you looking for help paying for child care? A "Big Brother/Sister" is an adult who, along with parents, provides young people with support, counsel, friendship, reinforcement and constructive example. Phone: (340) 774-0930 ext. This section identifies resources at the state and local level, and the links will take you to websites outside of 4181 (St. Thomas/St. Learn about valuable resources for parents of children with special needs.
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