Examples are Joseph, son of Jacob; Joseph, the husband of Mary; Solomon; Isaiah; Ezekiel; Daniel; Peter; and Paul. Give the word its highest and its truest meaning, and Philip's error becomes grand truth. We huddled around the meager warmth of a fire that sputtered in the heavy downpour.

Accompanying the visual image of glory was the mighty sound of the voice of a multitude, apparently not words which could be understood, but giving the impression of great power (cf. The delay is explained in verse 13 as being occasioned by the opposition of “the prince of the kingdom of Persia” who “withstood me one and twenty days.” This “prince” is not the king of the kingdom of Persia but rather the angelic leader of Persia, a fallen angel under the direction of Satan, in contrast to the angelic prince Michael who leads and protects Israel.

Upon being strengthened and having his ability to speak restored, Daniel again confesses his weakness and lack of strength. If we get the sequence wrong, we miss out on God’s kingdom, and we find out that all these other things don’t satisfy.

Humanly speaking, there was ground for anxiety. 'How sayest thou, Shew us the Father?' According to Burt Nanus, a vision is “a realistic, credible, attractive future for your organization. Our Lord goes on to a further answer, and points to the divine and mutual indwelling by which this sight is made possible. In this situation, Daniel records that he had a vision of a glorious man. A non-profit, 501(c)3 corporation.

Such self-serving visions are satanically inspired.

Where are we going? After these things I looked, and behold, a door standing open in heaven, and the first voice which I had heard, like the sound of a trumpet speaking with me, said, “Come up here, and I will show you what must take place after these things.” Immediately I was in the Spirit; and behold, a throne was standing in heaven, and One sitting on the throne. Liberal scholars attempt to turn this into an argument against the historicity of Daniel, assuming that he would automatically return to his native land as soon as permitted. How Can an Omnipresent God Be in Hell if that is Eternal Separation from God? As a man he was conscious of the deep need which all of us have, whether we are conscious of it or not, for something more real and tangible than an unseeable and unknowable God. Make me fully alive to your destiny in my life. The answer is found in the Greek word translated as “rainbow.” The Greek word actually means “bow.” So, God is surrounded by an emerald bow and flashes of lightening and sounds of thunder. From God’s point of view, things were moving exactly on schedule.

The peculiarities of Philip's temperament strengthened the desire. They’re the ones who keep the wheels turning in any organization. Awaken my heart and establish your reign in my life. Whether it was in the body or out of the body I do not know – God knows. When I approached the bird it scooted away, but it didn’t scoot in a straight line.

All of this was a great concern to Daniel, for his primary purpose in encouraging the expedition had been the restoration of the temple as well as the city of Jerusalem. The things to which they commit their organization’s resources will reflect belief in a sovereign God. We have to trust Him. Calvin, refuting the notion that Daniel here is repenting his prophetic office, states, “By becoming prostrate on the ground, he manifested his reverence, and by becoming dumb, displayed his astonishment.”570 Whether or not Daniel actually fell to the ground is not clearly stated in verse 15, but the effect may well be what Calvin intimates. The first is, that we all do need to have God made visible to us. Daniel first affirms that the “thing” or word was true, as might be expected of a revelation from God. 24:21…; Isa. Who experienced visions in the Bible? By way of identification, his Babylonian name Belteshazzar, is given, to make clear that he is the same Daniel who was so named by Nebuchadnezzar seventy years before. The statement is quite clear and pinpoints the time of the vision.

He did not have a NDE.

In addition to everlasting life with him, God gives us a new way of looking at things in the here and now. They used whatever resources they could muster to hamper God’s work and to thwart His purposes… We get a rare glimpse behind the scene of world history. In the Old Testament, they were considered so important that their absence was a cause of great concern (1Samuel 3:1, Proverbs 29:18).

Leupold believes that the same angel mentioned in verse 10 and following is the one who strengthens Daniel in each instance.573 However, in view of the plurality of angelic ministry, there is no special reason why Daniel should not have the ministry of more than one angel. He saw God in a vision. Compared with heaven, this earth, the beauty of nature, the complexity of the human body – it’s like a tent compared with a multi-million dollar mansion.

You have not lied to men, but to God. The score was 63-0 at the end of the first quarter, 126-0 at halftime. 2 Mark Buchanan, Things Unseen (Sisters, OR: Multnomah, 2002), pp. Everything in this life hinges on whether or not we are willing to fix our eyes on the unseen reality of God’s purpose.
The majority of church-going people hope in Christ for their eternal destiny, but hope in the world for everything else. and now will I return to fight with the prince of Persia: and when I am gone forth, lo, the prince of Grecia shall come. As the book of Ezra makes plain, the children of Israel had encountered great difficulty in getting settled in the land.
The girdle was probably also linen embroidered with fine gold. They can confirm punishment for sin, inform someone to do the Eternal's will, or even provide encouragement and hope.

This is the last time in this vision where Daniel requires additional strength to be administered by the angel. However, Leupold prefers to identify him with an unknown angel of equal stature with Michael.555 Young notes that Hengstenberg identified him as Michael and that the Jews considered the figure an angel.556, Although there is room for debate even among conservative scholars, the evidence seems more in favor of considering this a theophany.

There’s going to be intimacy. Leaders need to be sure their vision is consistent with God’s purposes.

And he knew that the Lord was directing him to return to the Corinthians a third time. Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. When she got frustrated with us (which we often gave her good reason to be), she would clap her hands and say, “Children, start singing like I told you – because when you get to heaven, it’s all you’re going to do: sing, sing, sing, morning, noon, night – so you’d better get it right.”, Somehow the idea of five to ten billion years in choir robes under the direction of Sigrid and those chins didn’t sound like eternal bliss.3.

The facts to be revealed are already in God’s record and are now to become part of the Holy Scriptures. Proud member

Jesus will arrive in the next chapter. John F. Walvoord, long-time president of Dallas Theological Seminary, was one of the most prominent evangelical scholars of his generation. Isaiah was told, through visions, of future events to occur to the Kingdoms of Judah and Jerusalem (Isaiah 1, 22) and Babylon (chapter 21). The angels at the tomb of Christ are described as having long white garments of brilliant character without specifying that they are linen (Mk 16:5; Lk 24:4; Jn 20:12; cf. Burt Nanus wrote, “Vision is central to leadership. Let us keep the middle course: there is a better way of coming to Christ than through the gate of miracles, and that is that He should stamp His own divine sweetness and elevation upon our minds and hearts.

The true way to knowledge, and to a better vision than the uncertain vision of the eye, is faith.

They have an optimistic and realistic vision of what matters most. Zöckler comments, “Properly, ‘in a book of truth,’ i.e., in a Divine document upon which ‘the yet unrevealed (Deut. The angel again exhorts Daniel with the reassuring salutation, “O man greatly beloved,” to not be afraid, to receive peace from God, and to be strong. They can convey what will happen in the future (prophecy) or teach spiritual truth. Keil interprets the expression, “I remained there with the kings of Persia,” as meaning that a victory of major character was won against the demonic forces which had previously controlled the kingdom of Persia, and the subsequent result was that the kingdom of Persia now would become the object of divine direction through angelic ministry. Eleven Visions of God 1. There are spiritual forces at work that are far in excess of what men who disregard revelation would suppose. The context of verses 18 and 19, however, seems to link this angel as the one who addressed Daniel in verses 11-12. – Augustine of Hippo.

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