Luke does not identify the eunuch as either a proselyte, a Gentile convert to Judaism, or a God-fearer, a Gentile adherent to the Jewish monotheism, ethic and piety (compare Acts 2:11; 6:5; 10:2; 13:26, 43; Levinskaya 1990).
The stories show that the reach of the gospel is comprehensive; it saves those who are hardened (Saul) as well as those who are open (Ethiopian).
What is the hink-pink for blue green moray? And like Philip, they should obey immediately and unquestioningly.
. The Ethiopian Eunuch A. Though the wording reflects "a gravely deviant translation" (Archer and Chirichigno 1983:123) at this point, the basic intention of Isaiah is not completely lost (Williams 1985:147). What is the time signature of the song Atin Cu Pung Singsing?
Along a lonely road in the African bush, a man suddenly appears and asks a missionary traveler, "Can you tell me who Jesus is?" Does Philip simply expound Isaiah 53 and then show the fulfillment in Jesus' life, vicarious death and victorious resurrection/exaltation (see E. F. Harrison 1986:152)?
all of which symbolizes from the beginning the African involvement in the new faith that spread throughout the world" (C. E. Lincoln 1984:24). The conversion of the Ethiopian eunuch graphically demonstrates the inclusiveness of the gospel.
Christ is the salvific key to the Old Testament. The chariot is probably a four-wheeled covered vehicle, like an oxcart, large enough to accommodate the eunuch, his driver, Philip and possibly another servant (who would be reading the manuscript aloud if the official is not doing so himself).
The Ethiopian states humbly that he cannot understand unless he has a guide – the purpose Philip has been brought to the place.
Do you long for a deeper experience with the Lord? Luke is very interested in the content of this quote, introducing it with a phrase meaning the "content or wording of the passage" (compare v. 35; not passage of Scripture as the NIV). Pagkakaiba ng pagsulat ng ulat at sulating pananaliksik? Where are those of teachable spirit?Jesus Is Preached from the Scriptures (8:32-35). Samaria Responds to the Gospel. After Philip baptized the Ethiopian how did he get to Azotus where he went to preach? What is hindering me from being baptized?"
God's goal is not only "quantity" but also "quality," in the sense of an ethnically diverse body of Christ (Rev 5:9). Philip was sent by God to the Ethiopian who was studying the
After completing the story concerning Philip and Simon the sorcerer, the narrative in Acts continues to follow Philip. 26 Then an angel of the Lord said to Philip, ‘Get up and go towards the south * to the road that goes down from Jerusalem to Gaza.’ (This is a wilderness road.)
The act's theological significance is cleansing for sin and incorporation into the fellowship of those who have experienced Christ's salvation blessings (Lk 24:47/Acts 2:38-39; 10:47-48; 16:31-33). * What happened after Philip baptized the Ethiopian? Does he continue a connected exposition through succeeding chapters of Isaiah, dealing with baptism at Isaiah 54:9-10 (compare 1 Pet 3:21) and the new day of salvation at 55:1, to 56:4-8, where a eunuch participates without hindrance in the people of God (Porter 1988)? For Luke and us, joy is a manifestation of a person's salvation (8:8; Lk 6:23; 10:20), particularly of reception of the Holy Spirit (Acts 13:52). For persons of black African lineage, the eunuch's conversion means the "inclusion of black Africans among the charter members of the faith . The eunuch admits his need. Wiki User Answered .
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