Why is it there? Students should pay close attention to how the film portrays the economy of Puerto Rico and the quality of life on the island. A dance music style developed in New York City in the 1960s and 1970s.

How successful was the recording in terms of its chart position, award nominations, or covers by other artists?

Display a map of midtown Manhattan during the 1950s. (. Its reputation is built on the fact that it's more than a prestigious night spot, but a place for friends to come together, dance, and a share a great time. 9. During and immediately following World War II, the United States experienced an historic wave of immigration from Latin America, including a record number of immigrants from the U.S. territory of Puerto Rico. Design a poster board to display a Latin-American dance style, such as the Mambo, the Rumba, the Cha Cha, or the Conga. Display the above three photos depicting life in New York City during the 1940s and 50s: mechanical training offered at a Brooklyn factory (1942), a policeman practicing Spanish phrases (1958), and new apartment buildings under construction in Spanish Harlem, where a large concentration of the Latin Americans resided (1947). Iguana is a delicious Mexican restaurant that just happens have a caliente Latin dance club in-house. The epitome of old-school New York Latin class, Palladium Dance Hall hosted everyone from Celia Cruz, the most famous Cuban songstress of all time, to Desi Arnaz to a …

Contrary to their ancestors, second-generations Mexican Americans have been able to assimilate into the U.S. Anglo culture. New York City C. Austin, Texas D. Sacramento, California Musically speaking, which are some of the main differences between the Cuban son and Salsa? Stimulus Check Update: What's The Latest On A Second Payment Package? Explain that Wexler later became an esteemed music producer who helped guide the careers of such artists as Ray Charles, Aretha Franklin, and the Drifters. What innovations the Kumbia Kings made to Tejano music? It originated in New York but spread all across the Americas. Which are the main musical characteristics of La India's singing style? Students should note the chart positions of these songs, which are included in the video.

In your opinion, by conveying a marriage between an American woman and a Cuban man, how might. Explain to the class that they will be moving through three stations in small groups. Using independent research, write a one-page history of a song of your choice from the list below. Describe ways in which contemporary issues influence creative expression. The student relates music to history, culture, and the world. They were among several music business professionals who became regulars at the ballroom in the late 1950s, a time when Rock and Roll songwriters and artists were becoming increasingly fascinated with the idea of “the beat” in popular music. Fania Records, large immigrant Latino population: adopted as part of cultural identity (socio-political role). Which are the main musical characteristics of the Mexican Cumbia? Artists who were particularly affected by these rhythms included Bernstein, who was of Ukrainian Jewish heritage, and Charlie Thomas, an African-American member of the Drifters, an R&B group that would incorporate the Latin feel into several of their recordings. narcocorridos. Make intertextual links among and across texts, including other media (e.g. Club Cache is famous for its intense and fun salsa dancers. Display the above graph showing U.S. immigration statistics and dispersion of Puerto Ricans in the United States.

“Brought up in Harlem, you’d be around a lot of Puerto Ricans, so the Latin feel is part of your life,” recalls Thomas. • Over half of the current Dominican American population arrived in the U.S. after 1990. Doc Pomus and Mort Shuman were two Brooklyn-born songwriters of Jewish heritage who shared an office in the Brill Building, the hub of New York’s music publishing industry. Jessica Costello is a freelance writer and a wide-eyed New Yorker. Which elements of these songs seem Latin in nature? To ensure the best experience, please update your browser. Assign student volunteers to read the introduction and interview excerpt aloud to the class. The tango uses a duple or quadruple rhythm and features an accordion-like instrument known as Bandoneón. Identify Spanish Harlem on the map. This lesson focuses on Latin American immigration to New York City during the late 1940s and 50s and the effect it had on popular culture. Jazz musicians and some celebrities would sit in and play with the Latin bands. Accused Of Sexually Abusing Young Girl, Sending Inappropriate Messages To Another. The Panamerican Night Club opened in 1970 and is considered one of the best in La La Land. Which has been the most influential and commercially successful "Dominicanyork" Bachata group?

Do you think this performance was solely for a Latin-American audience, or might this music have appealed to a wider audience? Founded by Steve Rubell and Ian Schrager. What evidence can you find that indicates these two individuals were influenced by Latin American music? The play’s showcase number, “America,” dramatized the disparities between life in rural Puerto Rico and the opportunities available to immigrants living in the United States. (. Add a little Latin flavor to your life and try salsa dancing at a hot Latin club. How did Latin-American music and dance seemingly influence popular art and culture in 1950s New York City? (Mexico), A ballad in Spanish, associated with rural Mexico, Form of Mexican music best known abroad, first developed in Jalisco, A popular style of music originally from northern Mexico that features the accordion, bajo sexto, bass, and drum set, similar to country music in the US; full-throated, emotional singing (nationalism, love, marital infidelity,loss), developed from urban style: cancion (Mexico), Cumbia: dance is easy to master and music is infectious. Have a short class discussion concerning the following: imagine you’ve just moved from Puerto Rico to New York City.

Jazz musicians, celebrities and Latin bands The Palladium was next to jazz clubs on West 52nd Street such as Birdland, CuBop City, and the Onyx Club. Don’t expect the dancing to get hot until midnight, when New Yorkers shows up to drink, dance and be seen. Infatuated with the music of the “Big Three,” Pomus and Shuman incorporated Latin-flavored rhythms into many R&B songs they wrote for the Drifters, including “Save the Last Dance for Me” and “This Magic Moment.” Shuman would later describe himself as “a mambonik” [a combination of “Mambo” and “beatnik”] who “wrote Rock and Roll but lived, ate, drank and breathed Latino.” Other Brill Building songwriters and record producers of the early 60s also incorporated Latin beats into mainstream Pop hits, including Phil Spector and Jerry Leiber’s “Spanish Harlem,” performed by Ben E. King, and Bert Berns and Phil Medley’s “Twist and Shout,” popularized by the Isley Brothers and later covered by the Beatles. How does the film portray the nature of this type of work? The club is filled with people from different backgrounds coming together on the dance floor. How is its location related to the location of other people, places and environments? The most widely known form of Cuban popular music is the son. Economics: The student understands why various sections of the United State develop different patterns of economic activity. rumba clave and son clave), (1) A small guitar-like instrument with four strings from Venezuela, Final call and response section of rumba, son, and salsa, similar to Batá, but secular (there's a table about the differences between the 2), Has an underlying 1-2 steady bass rhythmic pattern in the manner of a march, During the 1960s and 1970s in Rio de Janaeiro's wealthy neighborhoods, young musicians created a new style of playing Samba-canção, which they called bossa nova (new wave or new style), Brazilian singer/composer that started the bossa nova trend, African-derived, duple meter song or dance accompanied by percussion, new samba song relating to country history that is debuted at Carnival, Popular song style that emerged in the 1960s in Rio de Janeiro. Make inference about text and use textual evidence to support understanding. The handout includes a one-page poster for each of the three locations, containing images and additional information about the location. A music style that illustrates the transnational nature of contemporary Dominican identity is Bachata. Prompt #2: Which rhythms, genres, artists, or instruments were prevalent in your own musical upbringing?

As alluded to in West Side Story, many Puerto Ricans, (who held natural born U.S. citizenship), arrived seeking jobs in factories and on ship docks — industries with greater economic security than the agricultural work available in Puerto Rico. Also in the audience at the Palladium the night of Wexler’s review was trumpeter and bandleader Dizzy Gillespie, who became a major proponent of Afro-Cuban style Jazz in the 1940s and 50s. 5. Updated info at http://www.ClubCacheNYC.com. In real life, Arnez was a celebrated bandleader who helped to popularize the Conga drum — a prevalent instrument in many forms of Latin music. 1. A dance music style developed in New York City in the 1960s and 1970s. genre characterized by the overlapping of the milonga, candombe and the Cuban habanera (remember marcato and syncopa). Puerto Rican immigrants who arrived in New York often settled in established Spanish-speaking communities, the largest of which was Spanish Harlem, also known as El Barrio (“the neighborhood”). Make complex inference about text and use textual evidence to support understanding.

©2020 CBS Broadcasting Inc. All Rights Reserved. Started his career as a lead singer for a heavy metal band. The student is expected to: Pose and answer geographic questions including: Where is it located? main musical characteristics of the Corrido, Four-line stanzas, each line having eight syllables, Mariachi music was First developed in the state of Jalisco by the mid-nineteenth century, While the north-western states of Mexico listen to wind band music, north-eastern border states favor accordion based repertoire known as Música Norteña or norteño. Oh no! The student expects to: Explain the relationships that exist between societies and their architecture, art, music, and literature.

Ask students: 3. Panamerican hosts DJs as well as international musicians. What examples do the characters offer of differences between life in rural Puerto Rico and life in urban New York? Handout 3 - 1950s Manhattan ConnecticutDelewareHawaiiIllinoisNew JerseyNew MexicoNew YorkOregonPennsylvaniaRhode IslandSouth CarolinaSouth DakotaTexasVermontWashingtonWisconsinWyoming, New Jersey State Learning Standards for English Language Arts: Reading, New Jersey State Learning Standards for English Language Arts: Writing, New Jersey State Learning Standards for English Language Arts: Speaking and Listening, New York State Next Generation English Language Arts Learning Standards Reading Anchor Standards, NYS Next Generation 6-12 Literacy Standards in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects Why Salsa gained so much popularity in New York to the point that some people consider N.Y. as the birthplace of Salsa? arguably the most important and influential salsa band, responsible for making Salsa a worldwide phenomenon in the 1970's with sold out concerts in Yankee Stadium, Africa, Europe, Japan, South America, Cuba and Puerto Rico, an important movie/documentary about the legendary concert by Fania All Stars at the Cheetah Club in 1971. Come early and enjoy dinner before heading down to the lounge to dance the night away. mexican cumbia - simpler, straightforward rhythmic patterns, small combos consisting of electric guitar, electric bass, synthesizer, guiro and drum set, instead of Colombian Cumbia big bands. What is salsa sensual or salsa romantica?

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