
March 22, 2004 Stella voices her worries about Bloom and the others start to worry again when Riven and Timmy call out to them and tell them that Faragonda wants to see them all. Winx Club - Episode 124 Sky is able to comfort her and rejuvenate her sense of belonging – to be herself, regardless of absences or presences of magical powers. Stella tells Brandon that she is scared then Brandon assures her that he is here.

Outside, Brandon and Stella are sitting together and talking. Everyone gathers at the quad, with another attacking coming, Griffin and Faragonda hatches a plan - to unite their powers. 124 1 Synopsis 2 Plot 3 Major Events 4 Debuts 5 Characters 6 Spells Used 7 Songs 7.1 4Kids 7.2 Cinélume 8 Scripts 9 Trivia 10 Mistakes 11 Quotes The witches destroy Alfea. The witches destroy Alfea. My parents are the King and Queen of Solaria, it hasn't done them much good has it?”, “First, I've gotta go to Lake Roccaluce! Production Code They go their separate ways.

I've had it! Battle for Alfea The Witches' Siege is the twenty-fourth episode of the first season of Winx Club.

Next → Italian Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom, Icy, Darcy, and Stormy decide to take matters into their own hands. Faragonda and Griffin combining powers to stop the monsters.

At Alfea, Faragonda, Codatorta and Saladin think about the outcome of this war, fearing the worst when Flora, Tecna and Musa alert Faragonda of a temporal distortion near the well. The Winx are also battling the monsters, but their best efforts are foiled as the creatures continue to regenerate without fatigue. The Trix are viewing their other Arachni Cam and see that Griffin and her students managed to escape to Alfea, but Bloom is not with them. One It was preceded by The Search for the Flame and followed by The Great Witch Invasion. At Alfea, it has been almost an hour since the army's last attack.

Stella joins her friends; Flora and Musa ask Stella what happened to Bloom, Stella relates to them that they do not know about Sky and Bloom's whereabouts. Bloom has also arrived at Lake Roccaluce and removes her biker's attire. She feels that she no longer belongs to Earth or the magical community because Mike and Vanessa are actually her adopted parents and her powers were stripped from her.

The monsters continue to swarm Alfea and another battle begins. The next morning, Bloom and Sky resume their hike, but a voice calls out to Bloom, stopping her in her tracks.

The wicked trio are close to entirely controlling Magix. Let's focus on the task at hand: we must find a way to respond more quickly and efficiently to their assaults!”, “But it is thanks to your students that we were able to escape from the clutches of those three power crazed witches!”, “I think the time has come to really focus on the conquest of Alfea.”, “There's nothing wrong with having no magical powers.”, “That's it! English Faragonda and Griffin then put up a dome around the area and tells the fairies and witches to combine their powers. Plot Edit. These flying stingrays are making me dizzy!”, “Stella, I wanna ask you to forgive me for...”, “Don't worry about it Brandon. Another battle at Alfea begins. The Witches' Siege

In the forest, Bloom and Sky settle down for the night, but Bloom's anxiety and self-doubt continue gnawing at her.

Fairies here learn how to control their power, fight evil, learn new spells as well as be guardians of their planets, or in many cases, learn how to be their realms' queens. Faragonda is relieved to see that it is actually Griffin and her students, alongside Brandon, Riven, Knut and Stella.

4Kids Italian Power Play Episode Guide “Now is not the time to ask these kinds of questions.

Nighttime is upon them, and at Alfea, the heads of the school including Codatorta are in a meeting, they discuss the war and Trix's ferocious ambition. The Witches' Siege is the twenty-fourth episode of the first season of Winx Club. Alfea is an ancient school for fairies, and apparently the only one dedicated to fairy education only. The Alfea students are mostly in training ages 16-18 (unless they have been held back a grade like Stella, so in her case, 19). ...I've got to do it, something to do with Daphne and me, my birth parents, my past... And my powers.”. In Season 4, it is here that the Winx, after gr… Air Date This time, their unity prevails and the creatures desist. The mass number of monsters is viewable in the forest, Bloom and Sky take note of it and fear the worst.

After the bike is totaled by a lightning strike, Sky and Bloom head for Magix City to find some help. Battle for Alfea is the 24th episode of Season 1 of Winx Club.

However, the Trix saw this and decide that it is their turn to exterminate Alfea by their own hands. The Ultimate Challenge. I don't care if you're a prince or not! Faragonda and Griffin decide to join forces to try and end the war. Then a swarm of monsters heads toward Alfea. She tells him that nobility cannot solve relationship issues – her best example is her parents. Then, Musa, Flora and Tecna join them. Brandon and Riven head toward their fellow Specialists, but it seems that their fellow classmates had only noticed Brandon's return, much to Riven's dismay.

She rekindles the little Dragon Fire power still within her, and is ready for the final to save Magix! Titles They all cheer for their first successful attempt at winning the war. Il mistero del lago Bloom is guided to the bottom of a lake from Daphne's voice. At Alfea, the battle rages on with no chance of victory for the good. Episode Tecna's wings are in their neutral state, which is not the case when she is flying. Seeing that and without fear, the Trix decide to completely conquer Alfea once and for all by summoning a powerful swarm of monsters. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Bloom and Sky continue their way to Magix City through a shortcut at Black Mud Swamp. They continue their hike when Bloom stops Sky because she hears something in woods. She steps into the lake and calls out to Daphne. November 27, 2004November 13, 2017 (KidsClick) Brandon then asks Stella for her forgiveness and Stella tells him not to worry about it. Bloom is guided to the bottom of a lake from Daphne's voice. Sky reassures her that nothing is there, unknown to them that the Arachni Cam is once again spying them.

In Faragonda's office, the staff come up with a new battle strategy – confront the Trix, the source of the army's power. Twenty-Four

Sky arrives at Magix City and sees that the city is deserted. When the girls are teasing Stella and Brandon, they are flying but. Flora and Musa tease the two lovebirds causing Stella to throw a pillow at Musa. Sky reassures her and they both fall asleep. Bloom continues to wonder what they will find and eventually confide in Sky about her fears, anxiety and self-worth.

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