As the events on Pyros take place, the remaining members of the Winx Club and select members of Specialists, specifically, Timmy, Brandon, and Helia arrive at an approximate location in the Omega Dimension. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom, "Note di regia - Winx Club: Il Segreto del Regno Perduto", "TIVÙ Iginio Straffi racconta le sue Winx ambientaliste", "Global Hit Animated Series 'Winx Club' Comes To Nickelodeon, Starting June 27", "Il papà del fenomeno Winx: "Così ho sconfitto i giapponesi, "La Paramount mette sotto contratto le Winx", "Kids TV producers turn to style specialists for design innovations", "Animazione: perché l'Italia resta indietro? [13] Upon its completion, Straffi was unsatisfied with the pilot and doubted that it would succeed if aired. After an encounter with the Trix witches from the competing college of Cloud Tower, the fairies decide to form their own group: the Winx Club. ", "Gemellaggio con le Streghe" / "Twinning with the Witches", "Nel Cuore di Torrenuvola" / "In the Heart of Cloud Tower", "La spia nell'ombra" / "The Spy in the Shadows", "Il villaggio delle Pixies" / "Pixie Village", "Il potere del Charmix" / "Charmix Power", "Wildland: La grande trappola" / "Danger in the Wildland", "Il momento della verità" / "The Time for Truth", "Prigioniera di Darkar" / "Darkar's Prisoner", "Faccia a faccia con il nemico" / "Face to Face with the Enemy", "Le ceneri della Fenice" / "The Phoenix Revealed", "Il ballo della principessa" / "The Princess' Ball", "La principessa e la bestia" / "The Fairy and the Beast", "Lo specchio della verità" / "The Mirror of Truth", "La compagnia della luce" / "The Company of the Light", "Una sleale avversaria" / "A Disloyal Adversary", "Il cuore e la spada" / "The Heart and The Sword", "Alfea sotto assedio" / "Alfea Under Siege", "Trappola per fate" / "A Trap for Fairies", "Le lacrime del salice nero" / "The Black Willow's Tears", "Un ultimo battito d'ali" / "One Last Fluttering of Wings", "L'isola dei draghi" / "The Island of Dragons", "Nella tana del serpente" / "In the Snake's Lair", "All'ultimo minuto" / "At the Last Moment", "La carica delle Pixies" / "The Pixies' Charge", "Il labirinto di cristallo" / "The Crystal Labyrinth", "La sfida dei maghi" / "The Wizards' Challenge", "La rivelazione delle streghe" / "Witches' Revelation", "L'ira dello stregone" / "Wizard's Anger", "I cacciatori di fate" / "The Fairy Hunters", "L'albero della vita" / "The Tree of Life", "L'ultima fata della terra" / "The Last Fairy of Earth", "Una fata in pericolo" / "A Fairy in Danger", "Winx Club per sempre" / "Winx Club Forever", "Papà! The wings are very plain and small in comparison to Enchantix and Believix forms. Once she talks with Daphne, Bloom is able to regain her Dragon Flame and join her friends in a final battle. The word Winx has a much more significant meaning and role in the 4kids dub. Magix is the main planet from the Magical Dimension and the name of the main city located there. ", "L'anello di Stella" / "Alfea College for Fairies", "La palude di Melmamora" / "The Black-Mud Swamp", "Appuntamento al buio" / "Date with Disaster", "Missione a Torrenuvola" / "Mission at Cloudtower", "A che servono gli amici?" 21:06. From the Ashes is the sixteenth episode from Season 3. After the Trix take Bloom's powers, the three witches take over Cloudtower and take down Headmistress Griffin.
[6], The pilot episode for the series, then under the working title Magic Bloom,[12] featured the original five Winx members in attires similar to those of traditional European fairies.
", "La dama del ballo" / "The Invisible Pixies", "Battaglia sul pianeta Eraklyon" / "Battle on Planet Eraklyon", "Lo spettacolo continua" / "The Show Must Go On! [1] A feature-length film followed the third season, intended to wrap up the series' plot as the fairies graduate from Alfea College.
Bloom and Stella offer to help her, leaving Flora, Musa, and Tecna to take care of a young pixie named Piff. Bloom, an ordinary girl from Gardenia, is on summer vacation when she stumbles upon a battle between the fairy Stella and an ogre named Knut. The clothing is very simple with a combination of mini skirts, shorts, tops and dresses.
"[10] The third season follows the fairies' last year at Alfea College, during which they earn their final fairy form, Enchantix. A mysterious nymph named Daphne communicates with Bloom through a dream.
[52] Its television premiere was on 20 May 2013, on Nickelodeon in the United States. In 2008, Iginio Straffi chose to continue the story for a fourth season. [54] The movie follows the events of the fifth season and was released in Italy on 4 September 2014. Magic Winx or just Winx by the fans, is the basic form that a fairy acquires by believing in herself. The word Winx has a much more significant meaning and role in the 4kids dub. Ce lo racconta Iginio Straffi", "Nickelodeon Animation Studio: What We Do - Winx Club", "Winx Club - S8E1 - La stella dei desideri; Durata: 00:25:00; Andato in onda il: 15/04/2019", "Winx Club - S8E2 - Nel regno dei Lumen; Durata: 00:25:00; Andato in onda il: 16/04/2019", "Winx Club - S8E3 - Popostar! [6] After the specials, Viacom's brand-new fifth, sixth, and seventh seasons were broadcast on Nickelodeon networks worldwide ahead of the Italian broadcasts. 4Kids Edit. When she was about to fall into the deep crevices, Maia, a sorceress living on Pyros, saves Bloom. Stella offers Bloom the opportunity to attend the Alfea College for Fairies, which Bloom and her parents agree to. In the RAI dub, it is simply the name of the Winx Club created by Bloom.By the end of season one however Miss Faragonda adds the word to the vocabulary of the Fairies and of the Magic Dimension to make it become the definition of a Modern Fairy. / "Friends in Need", "La festa della rosa" / "A Friendship Sundered", "Il regno delle ninfee" / "The Monster and The Willow", "La figlia del fuoco" / "A Great Secret Revealed", "Il segreto di Bloom" / "Bloom's Dark Secret", "Il segreto di Brandon" / "Secrets Within Secrets", "Addio Magix" / "The Font of Dragon Fire", "La scomparsa di Bloom" / "Mission to Domino", "Trappola di ghiaccio" / "The Crown of Dreams", "Il ritorno di Riven" / "Storming Cloudtower", "Il mistero del lago" / "The Witches' Siege", "Il sonno di Magix" / "The Ultimate Challenge", "Battaglia finale" / "The Witches' Downfall", "La fenice d'ombra" / "The Shadow Phoenix", "Il ritorno delle Trix" / "Up to their old Trix", "Missione di salvataggio" / "Rescue Mission", "La Principessa Amentia" / "Princess Amentia", "Il matrimonio di Brandon" / "Runaway Groom", "La pietra misteriosa" / "The Mysterious Stone", "Il segreto del professor Avalon" / "Professor Avalon's Secret", "La cripta del codice" / "The Crypt of the Codex", "Corsa contro il tempo" / "Race Against Time", "Unite per la vittoria" / "Winx Together! And it will not last forever. Winx Club is an Italian-American[a] animated television series co-produced by Rainbow SpA and Nickelodeon, which are both part of ViacomCBS. Episodes are written with two stories in mind: the longer narrative arc that lasts for tens of episodes and a subplot which concludes at the end of the 22-minute runtime. The revival began with four specials that retell the original first and second seasons. After telling her parents, Bloom realizes that the event in her dream actually happened, and that she was the baby in the fire. [1] During the production of the fourth season, the American company Viacom (owner of Nickelodeon) engaged in a "long courtship"[3] with the Rainbow studio. It is one of the trademarks of this series. Fairy students come to Alfea to learn how to cast spells, create enchanted auras and make magical potions. Meanwhile, the Shadow Phoenix breaks the Trix out of prison. Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom,, [55] The film made its television premiere on Nickelodeon Germany on 8 August 2015. The three schools attempt to avoid destruction at the hands of the elements, while the Winx Club battles the Trix and Bloom faces off against Valtor. [12], After Viacom became a co-owner of the Rainbow studio in 2011,[15] new seasons entered production at Viacom's Nickelodeon Animation Studio and Rainbow. : The Winx disband because Tecna isn't with them anymore. / "Welcome to Magix! In the Nickelodeon dub, the transformation is renamed "Magic Winx Charmix" and the transformation sequences for each fairy are reanimated.
Portions of the pilot were presented at the Lucca Comics & Games convention in 2018. The group locates the transmitter used by Tecna but is ambushed and captured by prisoners before they find her.[1]. I'm a Fairy", "L'attacco degli stregoni" / "The Wizards' Attack", "7: Il numero perfetto" / "7: The Perfect Number", "L'isola incantata" / "The Enchanted Island", "La furia della natura" / "The Nature Rage", "Nel regno di Diana" / "In Diana's Kingdom", "I doni del destino" / "The Gifts of Destiny", "La caverna di Sibylla" / "Sibylla's Cave", "Il giorno della giustizia" / "The Day of Justice", "Il segreto di Morgana" / "Morgana's Secret". A fairy draws their Winx from their magical source of power, e.g. The show was created by Iginio Straffi. Meanwhile, the Trix devise a plan to steal Bloom's Dragon Flame powers. From the Ashes: On Pyros, Bloom focuses her energy and strength to defeat the Trix and earns her Enchantix. ; Durata: 00:25:00; Andato in onda il: 17/04/2019", "Winx Club - S8E4 - La ragazza che guardava l'infinito; Durata: 00:25:00; Andato in onda il: 18/04/2019", "Winx Club - S8E5 - Il tesoro di Orion; Durata: 00:25:00; Andato in onda il: 19/04/2019", "Winx Club; St 8 Ep 6 La fortezza del buio", "Winx Club - S8E7 - Le guardiane dell'arcobaleno; Durata: 00:25:00; Andato in onda il: 22/04/2019", "Winx Club - S8E8 - Lo spettacolo deve continuare; Durata: 00:25:00; Andato in onda il: 23/04/2019", "Winx Club - S8E9 - Alicanto; Durata: 00:25:00; Andato in onda il: 24/04/2019", "Winx Club - S8E10 - La musica delle stelle; Durata: 00:25:00; Andato in onda il: 25/04/2019", "Winx Club - S8E11 - Durata: 00:25:00; Andato in onda il: 26/04/2019", "Winx Club - S8E14 - Durata: 00:25:00; Andato in onda il: 29/07/2019", "Winx Club - S8E15 - Durata: 00:25:00; Andato in onda il: 30/07/2019", "Winx Club - S8E16 - Durata: 00:25:00; Andato in onda il: 31/07/2019", "Winx Club - S8E17 - Durata: 00:25:00; Andato in onda il: 01/08/2019", "Winx Club - S8E18 - Durata: 00:25:00; Andato in onda il: 02/08/2019", "Winx Club - S8E19 - Durata: 00:25:00; Andato in onda il: 03/08/2019", "Winx Club - S8E20 - Durata: 00:25:00; Andato in onda il: 11/09/2019", "Winx Club - S8E21 - Durata: 00:25:00; Andato in onda il: 12/09/2019", "Winx Club - S8E22 - Durata: 00:25:00; Andato in onda il: 13/09/2019", "Winx Club - S8E23 - Durata: 00:25:00; Andato in onda il: 14/09/2019", "Winx Club - S8E24 - Durata: 00:25:00; Andato in onda il: 15/09/2019", "Winx Club - S8E25 - Durata: 00:25:00; Andato in onda il: 16/09/2019", "Winx Club - S8E26 - Durata: 00:25:00; Andato in onda il: 17/09/2019", "Nickelodeon commercial: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom", "Winx Club - Il Segreto del Regno Perduto: Le protagoniste", "Production notes: Winx Club 3D - Magical Adventure", "Straffi, le mie 'Winx' stavolta volano in 3D", "Il Mercato e l'Industria del Cinema in Italia 2010", "Iginio Straffi: 'Presto una webserie delle Winx, "Winx, fatine italiane coprodotte negli Usa (Winx, Italian fairies co-produced in the USA)",, Lists of Italian animated television series episodes, Lists of American children's animated television series episodes, Lists of Nickelodeon television series episodes, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, "Una fata a Gardenia" / "An Unexpected Event", "Benvenuti a Magix!"
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