The wife isn't automatically a princess.Only the reigning king or queen can give you the title.
Selenz, I'm not Lindsay.
That is why Riven never throws any princess jokes at her (like geesh, the guy the did it to Brandon who was then Sky in season one). They expierience the up's and down's of being an item. they should get maried like nabu asked layla 2 marie her. ahhhh!!!!!!!! :DActually, Musa IS a princess in the 4kids version, which is the one I watch. Hello people i like winx and don't like winx!GET IT???
like, more like a young woman rather a young girl. yayayayayayayayayayayayayayayay i am so happy! Then do you seriously think it was necessary to rub it in my face? Saying Musa is a princess is not going to change the fact that Musa has never been referenced as a princess in the original dub. I do not know if you get boomerang where you live because I live in the Bahamas and, depending on the channels you order, in the Bahamas you can watch both versions of the show.
Musa, the Winx fairy, has just moved into a new house and she needs your help to customize her room. and most of the lines are different. I can't decide my favorite! She deserves some serious respect, You know now that I remember once Wikipedia put all the girls as princesses but then took it off and put it on again which made no sense(Princess Tecna,Princess Flora,Princess Musa. RAI isn't so bad but the dialogue is horrible and cheesy! HAHAHAHAHA VICTORY IS SWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEET... = ). !she is my most, most, most favorite fairy!I also really like Flora.Musa rocks!!!!;D. Musa is the best Im the same as her, I love music, and I always stand up myself. i like musa best her charecter is better than the other girls, musa isn't a princess but i think she is nicer for it she definitly one of my favorate charactors she rocks, Not in the RAI version, but in the 4kids version it mentions that she was of royal blood. Queen Matlin: ( holding baby Musa) Is everyone in the guest list are there? I dont have anything 2 say 2 U @ all k... ur the one being sarcastic right now excuse me 4 asking u a ? The most probable and most significant change that they will make is changing the name of the 'Frutti Music Bar' into the 'Frutti Music Cafe' but it encourages teens to work in food establishments that serve alcohol. Riven block the attack .Brina, did u guys ever notise that all the winx girls have names that end in "a" exept for bloom, the main charecter, just another reason why she is different.
The 3 went to the celebration and the company of light which is Faragonda, Griffin, and Saladin came in to give their gifts. Princesses and the kings and queens a re not POOR for gods sake!!!! Musa is a regular person in the original version. Replies. No h! The RAI version, I don't think so. Reply. i heard some people in the comments talking bout the RAI English version of Winx, I was wondering, is RAI the original version? So this is my first fanfiction ever. and who cares that she is only a princess in one version .... some people are just jealous that their fave character is not a princess :P, I can't belive what Riven did to her, he was just overeacting !!! This is my life with the Winx.
Now, musa,she is one of the emotionally strongest charaters on there. The official site is based of the Rai English version. Invite your girlfriends over for a girl games party or just play alone. And stop blaming Kiku for everything. Everyone is invited on this special day. i wonder wate will happen? Want me to email you hers too? I think that you have got 'best friend' wrong, because in the last episode of season two, Layla say to Musa that they are 'best friend forewer'.
MATURE.......SHE IS STILL YOUNG...WELL SHE IS A PRINCESS. I'm just reading the convo now. A few of our personal favorites are, © 2007-2020 - All Rights Reserved, Click here to download the Adobe Flash Player. Queen Matlin: ( stroking Musa's hair) Musa you need to look your best because you'll meet someone. EVERYONE WHO IS ANY FAN AT ALL KNOWS AISHA IS LAYLA SO QUIT IT WITH THE PARENTHESIS! I only state the reality of the other side because everyone seems to be unaware of the other plotline.
In season 2 the LAST episode while darkar is about to zapped musa . she and riven are perfect togther personally in my opinonn. Well it doesn't, but its nice to know, my opinion... umm well it is nice to know who is what and such... Kiku,no offence but sometimes you act like you're smarter than everybody. R&R. Start by adding some furniture which can be a pink desk, a blue office space with polka dots or some yellow wardrobes. Why would Riven see so much pain loosing Musa if he was only making Sky jealous?He have feelings for Musa, not because of making Sky, that's ridiculous! MusaxRiven StellaxBrandon FloraxHelia BloomxSky. it makes her look so much more mature. Plus why would her motto be 'Royalty Rocks' if she wasn't a princess? ^.^, I so totally love Musa!!!!!!!!!! but other than that, she is beuatiful :), I think she looks better than the rest of the Winx Club in season 4, but that's just me, everyone has their own opinion :), lol yea she kinda does to me but they all look waay better in season 4 :D GO MUSA!! King Jerome and Queen Karina with their 7 year old son Riven came to the planet Melody so Musa and Riven will get introduce to each other. She is Tecna's roommate. i thought the only princess is stella , bloom , layla , tecna .... Musa is only a princess in the 4kids continuity of the show. awesome ! he just wants to be like, oh, i got a girlfriend too! Second of all, STOP SPELLING TECNA LIKE TECHNA.
Whoa...... whoa....... wow, umm FloraRocks its not like,.......... whoa ok Im gonna go now okay, bye, peace and <3 to all, <3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3<3,3,3<3<#3<3. However, on the RAI version, she isn't a princess. Annonymous: Ur not stupid why would u say that?????
haha i'm a musa fan :D even tho im mostly like stella haha i made a quiz (i thought i was gonna b more like musa but i ended up like stella :P) whoah hang on (:P) aaaaaahhh it's a smiley face with a face :D:D:D:D. musa is awesome. There is no evidence that Riven is with Musa BECAUSE OF MAKING SKY JEALOUS.
Then you can choose a big bed for her to sleep in and a night stand next to it. They'll do everything to make them fall in love with each other. It's only in the 4kids version that she's a princess.
@ Lindsay- U dont absolutely HAVE to be so hostile alright N if I DO Sound hostile I don care cuz wat ur wattchin is jus DUPLICATE alright. I Love Flora, But I love Tecna more, So I'm happy with Tecna as the princess of Zenith.But sometimes I think they ALL should Be royalty. Also they begin to join a glee club that'll give them fame and glory at their school's. No I guess not... ^_^. still cant belive riven did that to her! I'm on neither dub's side. linds i am a huge musa fan too.what a coincidence!musa is a nice and pretty girl only...... she can be very sensitive sometimes . But I'm not as big a Musa fan than Lindsay is Musa's #1 Fan. according to me she is the princessof just a kingdom in it, hey since last 2 months no 1 has commented. I was just saying that the Winxs imposters annoy me very much. I think Musa's catch phrase is weird I mean like she doesn't really talk much about being a princess...shouldn't it be something more with music? I like the interview thingy, and no princess stuff mentioned, = ), Its very nice... Yeah, she's not a princess in that version :), Its very sad, but Im ok with her at least being a princess in one of the versions... = ).
(3rd season especially) Layla is friends with all the girls, but is quite close to Flora. Okay, I admit that she's a princess in the 4kids version but she is still not a princess in the original series. Bloom is more intune with the Dragon part of the Dragon Fire than anyone knows, especially the nesting and motherly instincts of dragons after a run in with a lost little girl when she was younger awakens them. IT'S T-E-C-N-A. would STILL be yes u r not (no offence but face it its the truth) and Riven din have feelings for Musa until the last few episodes when Darcy dumped him and yes he DOES love Musa especially in season4 when SHE dumps him for being so insupportive but until season4 it seems as if he loves her only in the last few episodes of every season- when they go to Darkars fort, when he thinks Nabu likes Musa and EVEN in season4 he starts to ACTUALLY love her AFTER she leaves him!!!!
The princess of her relm is the girl who Musa saved when she earned her enchantix.
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