When he meets with layla again near the end of the episode, he explains the situation and finally reveals his true identity. It's known that he is from the wealthiest family on Tides and that he had an isolated childhood similar to Layla's, and that he spent most of his time learning battle tricks from his security guards. It is unclear what exactly happened to him while he was searching for the Specialists, but he was somehow injured and captured by the Amazon fairies. He proposes to layla, in which she accepts. The specialists end up having to fight Duman, who blurts out Ogron's plan to capture the Earth fairies. Riven showed up shortly afterwards, and he and Nabu get into a fight due to Riven misinterpreting the situation and mistakenly believing that Nabu was trying to steal Musa from him. The Winx are forced to give Valtor the magic box he came to steal in order to save Nabu. Aisha is very happy. Nabu first appears at the end of episode 12, where he finally finds Layla/Aisha. and yeah same i lost motivation to even finish season 5 since i'm just so disappointed with the newer episodes. Despite his isolated childhood, Nabu is very social and friendly. You read that right. After freeing the specialists, Aisha and Flora go ahead to fight Valtor while Nabu and Helia stay behind with the specialists, catching up with the others later. During the mission, Nabu and layla get to know each other a little better.

Feel free to post your collection or your latest fanfic ;) No NSFW stuff; this is a children-friendly subreddit. He proposes to Aisha, in which she accepts. However, they are also pleased that destiny brought them together anyway, but decide that a marriage can wait. Flight - Briefly shown in S3 episode 18 and again in S4 episode 19. Because he had no friends to play with, he spent most of his time learning battle tricks from his security guards. Nabu manages to resist Diana's attacks, but is unable to do anything but watch as Diana and the Amazon fairies kidnap the Specialists and take them away to Diana's kingdom. nabu is alive hi i have news that nabu is still alive. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Nabu apologizes for letting the Amazon fairies take the Specialists away, and admits that he's not as powerful as a Major Fairy such as Diana. The Winx are forced to give Valtor the magic box he came to steal in order to save Nabu.

Nabu succeeds in closing the abyss, but uses up all of his energy and passes out shortly afterwards. Nabu manages to defeat Duman, and he and the other specialists go to warn the fairies, but arrive too late. Sky and Timmy break up the fight, and the misunderstanding is cleared up. He soon finds out that the cause of the illness was that Duman's magical energy had gotten unstable. Nabu doesn't want to reveal who he really is, so he tells the Winx that his name is Ophir. After talking to the Winx fandom for the past decade and watching recent seasons of Winx Club, I've realized that resurrecting Nabu just makes sense. After having obtained the water stars, the Winx invited their boyfriends to a dance club and layla asked Nabu to come along. Nabu manages to defeat Duman, and he and the other specialists go to warn the fairies, but arrive too late. Nabu is not technically one of the Specialists since he did not attend Red Fountain. A few years ago, a mom asked a couple questions on Winx Wiki about Nabu's death. But he is also daring and intelligent, seeing as he ran away from home because he disapproved of the arranged marriage and even located Aisha and spied on her to know what she was like.Nabu is a patient, kind, honest, understanding and rational person; he also does not get jealous. He later returns in episode 18, where he listens to a conversation between the Winx girls until Stella reveals his hiding spot. While Tecna, Stella, Musa, and Bloom are fighting the elements, Nabu, layla, Helia and Flora find the real specialists locked up in a prison cell. But I think she ends up in a love triangle. Riven ends up chasing down Duman, and manages to save Nabu. three total love interests (i think)? https://winxwinxclub.fandom.com/wiki/Nabu?oldid=5211. When he meets with Aisha again near the end of the episode, he explains the situation and finally reveals his true identity. Nabu decides to close the shadow abyss, despite Aisha's warnings. When he and the other Specialists show up to help the girls fight the Wizards of the Black Circle in episode 7, it is Nabu who saves Roxy from being absorbed by the black circle using his magic. After the battle is over, and everyone is celebrating at the lake, Nabu and Aisha are shown having their first kiss.

He is often seen talking with Riven, helping him to get Musa back. Share fan works. He joins the Winx as they go to the Amazons to rescue the Specialists. When The Trix later attack the group while the Winx (except Bloom) are inside the crystal labyrinth, Nabu at one point easily defeats Darcy. After the final battle with the Black Circle Morgana tells Aisha that she will watch over him, until he wakes up. After the battle is over, and everyone is celebrating at the lake, Nabu and layla are shown having their first kiss. After having obtained the water stars, the Winx invited their boyfriends to a dance club and Aisha asked Nabu to come along. And they wanted Layla/Aisha to go through a character change. However, soon after this discovery, Duman transforms into a monster and attacks the other specialists, and ends up capturing Nabu. while i was going through some pictures for winx club for the blog i found a winx club the magic is back picture with nabu in it i will show you check it out look at the pictures nabu is in all the background Nabu and the Specialists go to the Gardenia park to confront Diana, but Diana easily takes out most of the Specialists, only Nabu being able to put up a fight due to him being the only one with magical powers. When the Winx show up, he is clearly worn out from the fight against Diana, and informs them of what happened. Nabu is a wizard from Andros.

In episode 25, Nabu only has a short cameo appearance at the end. In Episode 24 he makes an attempt to cure Duman's illness after Sibylla's fairies had failed. However, during the fight, Nabu's magic is useless against Ogron. and apparently season 6 gets worse- yikes. Nabu decides to close the shadow abyss, despite layla's warnings. The Winx let him come along on the mission, even though they are not sure if they can trust him. Because he had no friends to play with, he spent most of his time learning battle tricks from his security guards. The Winx let him come along on the mission, even though they are not sure if they can trust him. I wish it took more episodes to talk her into reason I felt that was to quick. Thanks for the advice though!

When I looked up from my paperwork I saw a very happy Sky looking at us. In addition, he has studied many different magic spells on Andros, thus his prodigious skills in spellcating. He is a wizard from Andros. In episode 26, he joins the Winx and Helia on their mission to Andros to save the other specialists from Valtor. Riven showed up shortly afterwards, and he and Nabu get into a fight due to Riven misinterpreting the situation and mistakenly believing that Nabu was trying to steal Musa from him. He shares these traits with Helia and both … I’m dreading the episode of Nabu’s death because I remember being devastated for years as a kid. Flight - Briefly shown in S3 episode 18 and again in S4 episode 19. When they get there, the group decides to split up in order to save the specialists. 'Who is Nabu?' Diana simply chains Nabu and the other Specialists to the wall, and orders the jungle itself to help capture Bloom, Stella and Tecna who had gone off to search for the source of Diana's power. Creating illusion copies of himself - Shown in S3 episode 21 when he used it to counter Darcy's illusion trick and again in S4 episode 20 to distract. Nabu is not specialist. The Winx and the Specialists thought that he was a spy for Valtor.

Sky and Timmy break up the fight, and the misunderstanding is cleared up. He saves the team on multiple occasions and helped defeat Valtor. Nabu is not considered to be dead. Nabu first appears at the end of episode 12, where he finally finds layla. Aisha attempts to use the last gift of destiny to revive him, but Ogron takes it from her and wastes it on a flower. Short range teleportation - Shown in S3 episode 22 and again in S4 episode 4. When the Winx show up, he is clearly worn out from the fight against Diana, and informs them of what happened. His known powers include: Winx club 4kids Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. Don't be shy! "NABU IS ALIVE!" After they have been captured, and Bloom awakens Sky expresses concern for Nabu as he was the only one who had not yet regained consciousness at that point.

He is often seen talking with Riven, helping him to get Musa back. When a marriage was arranged between him and Aisha, he initially didn't want to marry her and r… He realized that the reason they were unable to do anything, was because they didn't know what the cause was. {C Bloom and the other fairies quickly combine their Sophix powers to break the chains, and Bloom uses her powers to heal Nabu. Aisha discovered him, and since the group were not sure if they could trust him or not due to their previous encounter, they put shackles on him. Aisha and Nabu meet each others' parents, who have realized that they shouldn't have tried to make their kids follow a tradition that went against their wishes. When the Ethereal fairies appear in the next episode, Nabu seems to recognize their powerful magic and comments on how awesome it is. When The Trix later attack the group while the Winx (except Bloom) are inside the crystal labyrinth, Nabu at one point easily defeats Darcy. In the movie he is, for a split second, seen dancing with layla at the celebration party on Domino. It is unclear what exactly happened to him while he was searching for the Specialists, but he was somehow injured and captured by the Amazon fairies. When the Amazon fairies show up, Nabu asks the Winx to distract them while he goes off to Diana's castle to save the Specialists. When the Amazon fairies return, Nabu uses an illusion spell to distract them while the Winx knock out the Amazon fairies, allowing them all to escape the castle. I got a call from Bloom and she told us the news. I wasn’t sad at the the thought of death, I was sad cuz my favorite character died. However, when Valtor threatens Aisha, Nabu gets in the way and is captured by Valtor. He was Layla's love interest, until he lost all of his energy in season 4, while closing the Black Circle. In Episode 24 he makes an attempt to cure Duman's illness after Sibylla's fairies had failed. Nabu is first mentioned at the end of episode 9, when Aisha sadly reports to her friends that her parents have set up a marriage for her. Later, he decided he wanted to find out what layla was really like, and so began to secretly keep an eye on the Winx girls for a while. the new writers really fucked up aisha's love life. He helps the specialists and the Winx fight the Trix and the Ancestral Witches. Nabu helped the Winx fight off the guards of the Red tower, and was the only one who didn't get knocked out.

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