Michonne agrees and instructs her people to put them in holding. Rosita draws her gun along with the crowd as the Saviors start accusing Daryl and Anne of being the culprits. When Tara, Maggie and Glenn tells them that they're going with them if they just wait 12 hours. When everyone leaves she stays behind whilst Eugene spits on the walker. She always voiced her opinion on a subject and detested being thought of as inferior because of her gender or low position in Victorian society. In the season premiere, "The Day Will Come When You Won't Be", Rosita is forced to watch Abraham get beaten to death with Negan's bat. Upon arriving at the infirmary to find it full of sick people, Rosita sits on a bed and calms down Siddiq when he berates Dante for letting things get out of hand. That night, Rosita approaches Gabriel as he burns Dante's body and puts her head on his shoulder. Rosita emphasizes, "It's a one way ticket for both of us.

Rosita and Gunter's performance is met with applause, and Rosita's children run up onstage to congratulate her.

Negan realises that Abraham was dating Rosita. Proposed new name: Rosita FarisiHave links been moved? After watching Abraham and Glenn get beaten to death by Negan, Rosita became consumed by vengeance.

She watches as the three leave in disgust before returning to her meal. In "Twice As Fire" Rosita and Denise interact the most together in all of the episode. With the gates down, the herd begins to pour into the Hilltop, while the survivors desperately try to hold them off. In the episode "Claimed", Abraham reveals to Glenn and Tara that Eugene knows what caused the apocalypse, and they are on their way to Washington, D.C. to put an end to the walkers. When he leaves to confront Dante, Rosita carries her daughter to a window and tells her she will grow strong and loved. As Abraham tries to quietly sit without waking Eugene, Rosita deliberately drops some pots to wake him and the two men ultimately reconcile. Despite opposition by Father Gabriel, Rosita loses her patience and shoots at Negan when Spencer is murdered in front of her and the community. Just then a voice from the Savior's walkie-talkie can be heard, telling Rick to lower his gun and they got Carol and Maggie as hostages. Afterwords, Rosita follows Tara chasing Dwight, where she witness Dwight leading the Saviors away from their positions. Later when they see the large herd of walkers she argues with Abraham that they need to go around the herd, disagreeing with him in front of the others for the first time. Rosita is seen watching Rick and his people leaving to Sanctuary from the porch recovering from her bullet wound. Rosita is a very popular first name for females (#1116 out of 4276, Top 26%) but a rare surname for both adults and children. This causes Daryl to strike Negan who decides to kill someone else as punishment. Eugene makes it clear that it was Rosita's words to him that got Eugene to do the right thing. He tells them to lower their guns or he will kill Eugene and then them. Rosita replies that she does not trust Arat, especially after she held a knife to her face. Later that day, Rosita attends Siddiq's funeral and listens as Gabriel delivers a moving eulogy. Montesquieu’s father also had a bakery in her home town of Ecuador called Rosita’s. He starts taunting Rosita with a bloodied Lucille, forcing her to look at it. She becomes upset and saddened over Siddiq's death and brutally beats up Dante for it. After hours of fighting, she is seen with the others standing outside the infirmary. He says that feeling will pass and his main concern at the moment is to deal with Dante. Rosita and Arat have a spiteful relationship. Rosita then kisses Gabriel and he tells her she's amazing. Rosita and the others reluctantly agree. Rosita drives the car while Eugene navigates and they end up at the end of the tunnel where Glenn and Tara should have ended up. Rosita reassures Daryl that his actions were not responsible for the Saviors' escape, and even if they were, it was just a mistake, just like when she made a mistake going after Negan the first time, that lead Sasha's capture and sacrifice. When she refuses, Rosita and the group are attacked but gain the upper hand until Gabriel defuses the situation by taking Tamiel hostage. In the season finale "Conquer", Rosita is tending to Tara when Abraham walks in with some flowers and tries to leave when he sees Eugene asleep in a chair next to her, but Rosita convinces him to stay. Rosita cries, demanding an explanation. They open up to each other about how things have changed since coming to Alexandria, while travelling to find Sasha. Rosita is seen with the group outside the Sanctuary. The two try to track her by themselves. Spencer begins to question Rick's leadership, unaware that Rosita was heading into the woods as Spencer loads the motorcycle into their van. 21 Savage And Metro Boomin’s ‘Savage Mode II’ Surpasses Its Predecessor, Wild Pink Breaks Down One Of Our Favorite Album Of 2021 (So Far), YG Shows Consistency And Growth On The Concise ‘My Life 4Hunnid’, Walton Goggins On ‘John Bronco,’ His Life And Career, And Running Through The House With A Pickle In Your Mouth, The ‘SNL’ You Remember Isn’t Coming Back Anytime Soon, The Greatest Food Porn Scenes In Cinema History — From Timpani To Big Kahuna Burgers — And What We Can Learn From Them, Voter Registration Deadlines Are A Week Away In 19 States, Here’s How To Register Now, Photographer Julian Ali Shares The Vision Behind His #BlackKings Photo Series, Sexologist Shan Boodram On Intimacy And Pleasure In The COVID Era. Negan is furious at this attempt on his life and has Olivia executed as punishment. She also confesses that she didn't ever hate Sasha so much as the situation. Before he can kill her, Gamma tells him to stop or she'll kill herself, saying she knows Alpha wants her alive. Rosita continued Abraham's mission to get Eugene to DC with Tara, Glenn and his wife Maggie Greene, but when Eugene revealed he lied, they rejoin Rick's group once more and she becomes a medical aid in the Alexandria Safe-Zone. Rosita is later seen at night, standing on the lookout perch overlooking hundreds of walkers outside the walls. She uses a stick to take out a walker and saves Abraham from one. The name was actually selected with the help of Christian Serratos, who plays Rosita. Rosita accompanies the group as they reunite with the others at the Hilltop. In "The King, the Widow, and Rick" Rosita is first seen at the car with Michonne, she asks if she can go with her; she goes along down the road and stops the car when they hear a woman singing.

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