Access to the additional seating area is via single (86cm wide), heavy doors, which open away from you (push) onto the outdoor balcony area. There is a/are clearly marked drop-off point(s). [27], The major refurbishment presented an opportunity to add to the infrastructure of the venue to make the process of ‘get-in’ and ‘get-out’ in a single day easier, and to add to the flexibility of the venue. Cooling has been introduced by reversing the airflow in the auditorium.[28].

[12], The hall originally seated 2,901. The original building had lushly planted roof terraces; the Level Two foyer café had been able to spill out onto the terraces looking out on the river, and original entrances were positioned on the sides of the building, enabling visitors to arrive directly at the stairs leading to the auditorium. An ambulant toilet with wall-mounted grab rails is not available. The nearest underground station is Waterloo. The contrast between the external door and wall is good. The cantilevered boxes are often described as looking like drawers pulled out in a hurried burglary, but none has a compromised sightline. The female toilet facilities that were surveyed are located on Level 4, to the right after you exit the JCB lift. The South Bank Centre is located off Belvedere Road. A specific problem for performers was the difficulty of hearing each other on the platform.

Thank you, your preference has been recorded. The toilet roll holder can be reached from seated on the toilet. Alternatively, there is stepped access from the JCB lift and Level 3 seating and lobby area. They will be in touch shortly to discuss your event and viewing. The dimensions of the accessible toilet are 155cm x 200cm (5ft 1in x 6ft 7in). Stairs can be used to access other floors. This was carried out in the face of opposition from conservationists, led by the Twentieth Century Society. [29] A film documenting the refurbishment, entitled This Is Tomorrow, was directed by Paul Kelly and produced by Andrew Hinton. It is perfect for performances, concerts and rehearsals. Auditorium capacity: fixed raked seating for 2500. There is a/are Blue Badge parking bay(s) available. There is not a/are not handrail(s) at the step(s). It was consequently completely removed before restoration of the Hall itself began in 2005, and after restoration and updating by Harrison & Harrison, a third of the organ was reinstalled. Also within the Royal Festival Hall building are a number of additional reception rooms and foyer spaces that can be used for breakout rooms, catering, entertaining etc when the auditorium is hired, or hired on their own for smaller events. The wooden wall panels of the Hall were relined to change their acoustic qualities and the undulating plaster ceiling panels were completely reconstructed using more robust materials to provide greater warmth of sound and support for bass frequencies. The lighting levels are moderate to good. [30] The organ remains the third largest organ in Great Britain by number of pipes, with 7,866 pipes and 103 speaking stops. By clicking any link on this page you are giving your consent for us to set cookies. Hope Bagenal and his colleagues from the Building Research Station formed an integral part of the design team. The lowered urinal does not contrast visually with the wall. The toilet roll holder is not placed higher than 100cm (3ft 3in). The Festival Hall is to your right, a mass of balconies with open space below them to your left. There is step-free access to the designated seating area(s). Headsets are available from the cloakroom, located on the raised area of Level 1. [13] The building was constructed by Holland, Hannen & Cubitts[14] at a cost of £2 million and officially opened on 3 May 1951 with a gala concert attended by King George Vl and Queen Elizabeth, conducted by Sir Malcolm Sargent and Sir Adrian Boult. The Royal Festival Hall is a 2,700-seat concert, dance and talks venue within Southbank Centre in London. There is a member of staff available for help and assistance. The facilities and services on Levels 3, 4, 5 and 6 of the Blue Side include -. We use cookies to ensure we give you the best experience of our website. There is a lowered section on the counter at a height of 74cm, with a clear knee recess. Use Door D on the Blue Side and J on the Green Side, both of which can be accessed via lifts 4 and 5 on the Blue Side and lifts 2 and 3 on the Green Side.

There is a vertical wall-mounted grab rail on the transfer side. On the advice of acoustics firm, Kirkegaard Associates, the lack of reverberation and the difficult performance conditions for musicians were corrected by changes in the fabric of the auditorium. You are now in an area of grey concrete. The dimensions of the lift are 255cm x 155cm (8ft 4in x 5ft 1in). There is step-free access to the accessible toilet. The Festival Hall project was led by London County Council’s chief architect, Robert Matthew, who gathered around him a young team of talented designers including Leslie Martin, who was eventually to lead the project with Edwin Williams[6] and Peter Moro, along with the furniture designer Robin Day and his wife, the textile designer Lucienne Day.
The height of the soap dispenser is 105cm.

The female and male toilet facilities that were surveyed are located on Level 6, to the right after you exit the JCB lift. Use our interactive seating plan to view 0 seat reviews and 0 photos of views from seat.
Visit our Access page for full access information. [2], The hall was built as part of the Festival of Britain for London County Council, and was officially opened on 3 May 1951. It was switched off in 1998, which returned the acoustics to their poor state, so bad that they make performers who play in it "lose the will to live", according to Sir Simon Rattle.[25]. [9], A 1948 sketch by Martin shows the design of the concert hall as the egg in a box. Host events with fantastic riverside views in the Rooftop Pavilions - bright, dynamic spaces perfect for corporate event, meetings, parties and weddings. The information below describes access to the Stalls. Lift doors do contrast visually with lift lobby walls. [15] The first general manager was T. E. Bean, who had previously managed the Hallé Orchestra. [7] Martin was 39 at the time, and very taken with the Nordic activities of Alvar Aalto and Gunnar Asplund. There is a bus stop within 150 metres of the venue. A key is not required for the accessible toilet. The lowered urinal does contrast visually with the wall. See all 11 photos. The hand dryer cannot be reached from seated on the toilet. The contrast between the wall-mounted grab rail(s) and wall is fair. The height of the service counter is high (110cm+). The width of the rows of seating is 47cm. [1] The London Philharmonic Orchestra, the Philharmonia Orchestra and the Orchestra of the Age of Enlightenment are resident in the hall. Venue Plan. The Blue Badge bay(s) is/are clearly marked. Browse example views from seats for the majority of concerts and events . Go to the right hand side of it. Seating is split into middle and two side blocks by aisles. There is a/are female sanitary and general domestic waste disposal units. There is a/are female sanitary and non-infectious waste disposal units. There is step-free access, via lift, to the bar. The doors is/are permanently held open before and after performances. Handrails do extend horizontally beyond the first and last steps.

The type of flooring in this area is carpet. Resident at the Southbank Centre and Glyndebourne Festival Opera, Principal Conductor and Artistic Advisor: Vladimir Jurowski, Principal Conductor Designate: Edward Gardner, Principal Guest Conductor: Karina Canellakis, London Philharmonic Orchestra Ltd. 89 Albert Embankment, London SE1 7TP (Office address - note that this is not a performance venue) Registered charity no.238045. The row(s) with step free access is/are row(s) XX. The type of food served here is hot and cold meals and snacks. All rights reserved. The height of the step(s) is/are between 15cm and 18cm. Surfaces that had previously absorbed sound were transformed to support and sustain that sound. The alternative formats documents can be provided in include; large print and audio., Monument classé de Grade I dans le borough londonien de Lambeth, Page avec coordonnées similaires sur Wikidata, Article avec une section vide ou incomplète, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. The depth of the step(s) is/are not between the 30cm and 45cm. There is a/are step(s) located between Level 5 and Upper Level 5. There is stepped access to the majority of seating. The Royal Festival Hall is a stunning auditorium which can seat up to 2,500 guests in fixed raked seating.

The floors which are accessible by stairs are 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. The floors which are accessible by this lift are 2, 3, 4 and 5. This accessible toilet is located on Level 6, to the right after you exit the JCB lift. The soap dispenser cannot be reached from seated on the toilet. The height of the lowered urinal is 38cm. The colour contrast between the external lift control plate and the wall is poor.

The Festival Hall was one of the first concert halls in the world to be built using the application of scientific principles, both theoretical and experimental. Use Door C on the Blue Side (accessed by the JCB Glass Lift), and Doors K and L on the Green Side (accessed by lift 1). There is a mixture of seating with and without armrests. Introductory Offer : Become a Friend today for £45.00 per year. There is step-free access throughout the seating area. The compressors were driven by two Rolls-Royce Merlin engines, adapted to run on town gas. The going of the step(s) is/are between the recommended 30cm and 45cm. There is clear signage for the room(s) (on or near the door). The lighting levels in the lift are good. The height of the lowered section at the counter is 78cm. The nearest table is approximately 2m from the till/counter. [17], However, the design of the organ in its housing made maintenance difficult, and by 2000 it had become unusable. The acoustic behaviour of the seats was measured and tested in a laboratory to enable more exacting design. There is/are 6 designated space(s) for wheelchair users. There are 2 clearly marked steps to the reference books. There is step-free access to the toilets from only the Skylon Restaurant. There is a/are female sanitary disposal units. There is designated seating available in this area. All parking spaces are provided on a first come first served basis. There is a mirror to aid reversing out of the lift. There is not a member of staff trained in British Sign Language. The entrances to the rear of the Front Stalls and Side Stalls are located on Level 4. Water bowls for assistance dogs are available. There are no vertical wall-mounted grab rails at the lowered urinal.

The lateral transfer space is 87cm (2ft 10in). The designated seating area(s) is/are not clearly marked/signed. The Royal Festival Hall is a stunning auditorium which can seat up to 2,500 guests in fixed raked seating. Just beyond the doors there are security barriers which restrict the access width to 140cm. There is a flashing fire alarm beacon within the toilet. Cette section est vide, insuffisamment détaillée ou incomplète. The nearest accessible toilet is located on level 4, by lift JCB. There is not a 120cm hatched zone around the Blue Badge parking bay(s). This was partially attributable to the fact that some of the original specifications for room surfaces determined by the acoustic consultants were ignored in the building process. The first orchestral and organ concert was on 26 March 2014 and was recorded for the London Philharmonic Orchestra's own live label. There are seats with armrests on both sides.

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