Suddenly, she could detect everything in the forest around her—the sound of a tree frog moving on a branch thirty feet behind her, the reedy buzz of a lonely timberdoodle in the distance, and the glimpse of a bat swishing through the starlit sky above the broken canopy of the trees.

Book Review: Serafina and the Twisted Staff by Robert Beatty | Writers Critique | Story & Craft. Receive your daily dose of Book Smuggler goodness directly to your inbox: © 2018 The Book Smugglers.

I adored Serafina and the Black Cloak, the first book in this historical dark fantasy Middle Grade series, so it was with great delight that I tore into this second novel from Robert Beatty.

And now that it was well past too late, he started squirming, biting, and scratching, his furry little body becoming a wriggling snake, his tiny heart racing at a terrifi c pace. Her muscles buzzed, ready to pounce. Or she’d run. At the same time, Serafina may be a catamount by birth, but she cannot change form, try as she might to do so with her mother. Thea James is half of the maniacal book review duo behind The Book Smugglers. Robert Beatty does a wonderful job of capturing Serafina’s frustration and fear–now that she has so much to lose, and her fear grows and grows–and he also tempers this fear with Serafina’s resolve not to conform or sacrifice her uniqueness, but to embrace her differences and hope her friends and family will do the same. By night, she watches an abundance of horror movies, stays up too late, and voraciously devours ALL THE SFF. Now, however, her night adventures are even more exciting as she begins to explore the dark Appalachian woods that surround the estate, always knowing that her mother and half-siblings are out there waiting for her. Having grown up in the human world, raised by a surrogate father and having no knowledge of her origins, Serafina is heartbroken to learn from her mother that she may always be locked in her human form–and worries that she will never truly belong anywhere. We’re all human, right?). Just a few feet in front of her, a large wood rat gnawed on a beetle he’d dug up. In this second novel, Serafina’s friendship with Braeden Vanderbilt comes under strain when circumstances turn dire at the Biltmore–but the strength of their belief and faith in each other is unshakable as ever.

Serafina knows one thing is certain: the man with the silver eyes and twisted staff has a dark and nefarious purpose, and all that Serafina cares about lies in his path of destruction. Heartbroken, she flees. She was terror! There it is, she thought, feeling the thumpty-thumpty of his heartbeat in her bare hand. Make sure to check back later today for a chance to win a Serafina and the Twisted Staff prize pack! Someone is wreaking havoc at the estate. (Even if she runs away at first. For Serafina to defeat this new evil before it engulfs her beloved home, she must search deep inside herself and embrace the destiny that has always awaited her. By day, she does digital operations things over at Penguin Random House. (Especially with the events at the end of this second book!) 3 : 2020 Hugo Award winner for Best Fanzine A mysterious series of attacks test Serafina’s role as Biltmore’s protector, culminating in a tragedy that tears Serafina’s best friend and only ally, Braeden Vanderbilt, from her side. There’s a feral boy, Waysa, who is more like Serafina than she knows; and there’s a well-dressed and rather snobbish young aristocrat named Lady Rowena, who… well, I’ll let you, dear reader, make your own discoveries so far as Lady Rowena is concerned. While there are many good things about Serafina and the Twisted Staff, ther are some things didn’t quite work for me as well in this book–the reveal of the old man and his twisted staff makes a lot of sense, however I bristle at the implication that, once again, a pretty girl who is obsessed with frilly dresses is predictably evil, or at the end how Braeden repays Serafina’s heroics with… a creamy satin gown for a dinner party. Plot Summary. Swiveling her shoulders back and forth to fine-tune the angle of her attack, she waited for just the right moment. 4 : a duo of awesomely badass book nerds. Hardcover: 384 Pages. She was death! (These don’t come off so crassly in the book, but yet, it still grates.)

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