The content is provided for information purposes only. When an insect passes by, the bolas spider flings the line at the prey and hauls in its catch. This was interesting because natural spider silk has been shown to undergo a similar transformation into a β-sheet rich structure as spiders spin their silk—and is understood to be what makes spider silk so strong and tough. Sometimes the spider needs a stickier silk strand, and other times it needs a stronger one. One option could be to return to return to protein-based glues, who's properties could be designed and optimized using the tools of synthetic biology.

When we think of spiders spinning silk, we usually think of them building webs. He transfers sperm from his genital opening to the special web and then picks up the sperm with his pedipalps. An interdisciplinary study has described the protein dynamics behind the strength and flexibility of spider silk. The firmer protein crystals give silk its strength, while the softer, shapeless protein provides elasticity. Neither your address nor the recipient's address will be used for any other purpose. The sticky science of underwater adhesives, Miniscope3D—A single-shot miniature three-dimensional fluorescence microscope, Study examines spontaneous symmetry breaking in twisted double bilayer graphene, Turning plastic waste into hydrogen gas and carbon nanotubes, Designing hierarchical nanoporous membranes for highly efficient adsorption and storage applications, New eclipsing double white dwarf binary discovered, Solubility of weak acid salts of aluminum and silver, Calculate the bond-dissociation energies and entropy of a molecule, Science X Daily and the Weekly Email Newsletter are free features that allow you to receive your favorite sci-tech news updates in your email inbox. The gland stores silk protein in liquid form, which isn't particularly useful for building structures like webs. History. Spiders can also use the dragline to find their way home. But they’re also discovering the offspring of CRISPR/Cas9-assisted transgenic silkworms, and subsequent generations of offspring, are retaining the spider silk protein genes. BioTechniques is powered by Future Science, part of Future Science Group. You can be assured our editors closely monitor every feedback sent and will take appropriate actions.

Have you ever watched a spider grab a fly or moth, and quickly wrap it in silk like a mummy?

This site uses cookies to assist with navigation, analyse your use of our services, and provide content from third parties. The silk consists of protein fibers that are stored in a specialized gland on the spider’s abdomen. An interdisciplinary study has described the protein dynamics behind the strength and flexibility of spider silk.

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