Clear. Study online, around your own schedule, wherever you are in the world. We continue to develop the provision within the primary school in line with government guidance. all of our pupils to understand the full range of opportunities available to them, to learn from employers about work and the skills that are valued in the workplace and to have first-hand experience of the workplace; all pupils to get an excellent programme of advice and guidance that is delivered by individuals with the right skills and experience; all pupils to get support tailored to their circumstances, with access to face-to-face advice. If you have any queries please contact either Mr Morgan ( or Mrs Sadler ( ). Pupils can also make use of the Careers resources in the school library. Support will be provided for Year 10 pupils choosing their next steps, through an initial Assembly in the Summer Term and then small group interviews held in school with Mr Targett; these sessions will continue into Year 11. The team work to plan and deliver a careers programme, which includes advice for pupils, parents and staff as well as employer engagement and support.
The Careers Team is : Careers Leader - Mr Morgan. All website content copyright © 2020 St George's School.

The school also encourages visitors from a range of sectors to speak with pupils. The core values that underpin Berkeley remain unchanged from its early days. Currently our primary pupils have visited workplaces linked to some aspects of the curriculum. Students, parents and employers can find information about St George’s careers programme within the document. Pupils usually have the opportunity to complete a Work Experience placement during the summer term, which is arranged by Mrs Buckingham. The Enterprise Advisor Network (EAN) is supported by KCC and CEC, bringing employers and schools together. Provider Access for Independent Information, Advice and Guidance. WHO IS INVOLVED?

This will include when they need to make applications through the Area Prospectus : Kent Choices 4 U. Pupils can also make use of the careers resources in the reflection room (student support). We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Telephone: (01983) 524634. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. We also receive support from the Careers and Enterprise Company (CEC) and have an Enterprise Adviser. As our vacancies are constantly changing, please visit our website … Welcome to St George's School - A Church of England Academy’s career site. Pupils are also supported in their “Career Planning” by Mr Chris Targett. CXK Careers Advisors provide ongoing support to our Sixth Form pupils with regards preparing for their next steps after their studies, whether Apprenticeships, School Leaver Schemes, Gap Years and Higher Education (such as University and Distance Learning). The provision of careers guidance and support at St George’s Church of England Foundation School seeks to deliver on the 2018 Department for Education Careers Strategy.

Work related skills events are also visited so that pupils learn about and develop appropriate skills valued by employers. Full-Time Positions Community Development Planner II or III Close Date: Until Filled Energy Energy Resources Journeyman Power Generation Close Date: Until Filled Support …

Careers Lead: Marie Wells. St George’s Careers Strategy Encompassing Work Related Learning. All year 10 pupils have access to a BeReady online account where they can access further Careers micro-courses to improve their employability skills.

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