Portuguese 8.6 NZ JPN
―Percy and Thomas Mr. Walsh (cameo) On PBS Kids Sprout airings, this episode used the unrestored opening credits. Special Funnel Starring
Thomas and the Special Letter Meanwhile, Stepney has been running the Bluebell Railway smoothly. 8.10 DK
8.2 WAL Wouldn't you agree? David Mitton You Can't Win The engine is Stepney, who is far away but the Fat Controller says that he will visit the North Western Railway someday.
*Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. WAL Rusty suggests talking to his driver who agrees with Stepney and tells him that the evening that he has been invited to visit the Fat Controller's railway and Stepney heads off the following morning.
Tomaž in Gustek Stepney: Exactly. Did you know that?"
This is the third episode that Douglas gets a speaking role, but without Donald. It may be famous, but my branch is first on the line. #17 Trucks and Other Stories You're such an expert.
But my railway is so short, and I do miss a good long run. Thomas has been running his branch line like clockwork and shares his confidence to Percy, who doubtfully agrees and tells him that there is an engine with a branch line as famous as his and that the engine is proposing to visit. Douglas tells the engines that it is Stepney, who arrives through the junction where the engines whistle a big welcome.
Percy: Well there is another engine with the famous branch line too. Community content is available under. Thomas and Friends Season 1-4 (DVD) In the US dub, George Carlin mistakenly says "Stop all train!" Steam Roller is misspelt as "Steamroller" on the UK back cover and in the New Zealand title card.
The Important Passenger #08 In the US dub, George Carlin mistakenly says "Stop all train!"
Later that evening, Thomas sees Stepney and Duck but continues with his final branch line train. By now, the engines have heard the news and begin to talk about Stepney. 토마스와 스테프니 "Thomas and DuckDouglasGordon, Henry and StepneyEdwardStepney and DuckStepney and ThomasAdd a photo to this gallery Percy: Uh yes, Thomas, of course, but... Did you know that?""Huh! Passengers and Polish *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Producer(s) The area where Thomas travels in the first scene is the same set Sir Handel and George had their altercation in the fourth series episode, Steam Roller, but with standard gauge track added. SVN 8.5.1 DVD Boxsets 托马斯和斯特普尼 Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
Ο Τόμας και Ο Στέπνί IN Henry (cameo) Bluebell Valley Two members of the Railway Society (cameo)
Train Stops Play Thomas Series Three and Series Four Double Pack
", *Disclosure: Some of the links above are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, Fandom will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. While Percy is telling Thomas about Stepney, as the camera is on Thomas, Percy's right lamp iron is bent but when the camera is on Percy, it is normal. 3 DVD Boxset 2 Released Thomas: When? Slovenian Next → Thomas and Stepney and other Stories Released Percy: His name's Stepney. In the UK and international versions, Gordon, Duck and Douglas have the same whistle sound. A Day at the Station
He couldn't be cross anymore and began telling Stepney all about his branch line. Thomas and Stepney Thomas is furious when he finds out that he has to be shunted to let another train pass and is frustrated to find Stepney pulling the special. 4 Behind the Scenes Slovak
<< Series 3Series 4Series 5>> Shining Time Station episode(s) The area where Thomas travels in the first scene is the same set. I'm sure he'll understand. #10 #19
#02 In both the UK and US versions, Stepney has Duke's whistle sound when he is working with Duck. 8.20 TWN Thomas & Friends in 4-D: Bubbling Boilers, https://ttte.fandom.com/wiki/Thomas_%26_Stepney_and_other_Stories?oldid=1811305, This is the last video to use the original logo of, The original UK release features a trailer for other children's videos at the start, including, The New Zealand release was the last Thomas video released by, The front cover of the Australian release features an image from, The front cover of the New Zealand VHS features an image from. #01 “He runs a famous branch line. Paint Pots and Queens (Philippine DVD)
Wouldn't you agree?"
Everyone knows that too!" 8.16 IN #22 Episode gallery 8.12 PHL 8.18 THA Ultimate Thomas Collection
#15 THA
8.1.1 DVD Boxsets 5 Goofs
Romanian [but Percy is wrong, as the signal drops, and an unfamiliar whistle is heard]
But.."Stock footageStepney and Rusty"Everyone's been so kind. However, Thomas is a bit jealous about how Stepney's branch line is as famous as his own and leaves to fetch his coaches. Rusty: I think you should tell driver, too. #09 instead of "Stop all trains! #21 Thomas şi Stepney Best Tales on the Tracks Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
7th January 1995 (US)6th November 1995 (UK)13th May 1996 (AUS)21st March 1997 (NOR)4th February 1998 (GER)27th December 2002 (KOR; Best of Thomas Korean DVD Acadamy)14th October 2004 (KOR; 재능TV Jang Gwang)31st July 2009 (HUN)
Stepney Thomas és Stepney Douglas
In the US version, when Percy finishes talking about Stepney, his whistle sound is a higher pitched version of Thomas' whistle.
1 Screencaptures 2 Characters
Thomas, Annie and ClarabelThomas and Percy"My branch line is the pride of the line.
Gordon (cameo) Adventure On the Tracks
8.8 ITA
It may be famous but my branch is the first on the line. Thomas the Tank Engine Wikia is a FANDOM TV Community. Series 4 DVD Boxsets In the UK and international versions, when the special is ordered, music is heard. On the UK back cover, the description of Rusty to the Rescue said that. Korean
There's no train yet.
It is usually thought that the Australian release was released 6 months before the actual date due to a incorrect copyright date of 1995 on the back cover. 8.14 SVN Try to Get Along
My passengers are being delayed," a black box is attached to his cab. Tomek i Stefcio #18 Peter Sam and the Refreshment Lady and Other Adventures
It is based on the stories Bluebells of England and Stepney's Special from The Railway Series book, Stepney the "Bluebell" Engine. "Huh! In addition, Clarabel appears to be facing forwards. Stepney's Controller (mentioned) But then, the two tank engines hear shouting at the station and a sound of a ringing alarm.
Henry and the Elephant The Inspector with the Bowler Hat (cameo)
Thomas and Friends Volume 10 (Thai DVD)
Stepney then goes off to work with Duck to shunt coaches in the yard all afternoon.
Percy Rusty to the Rescue Towards the end of the episode, the background shunting noise is cut off and some whistle sounds are also missing in the US version. Stepneys Fahrt Peter Sam and the Refreshment Lady MYS Thomas: Shunted, and on my own branch too! ""Uh, yes, Thomas, of course.
Thomas and Stepney and other Stories Release Details Percy looks at the passengers at Knapford on track 5 and claims they are stranded with no train, but he is wrong; the signal drops and before long, an engine's whistle is heard from a distance. Polish Towards the end of the episode, the background shunting noise is cut off and some whistle sounds are also missing in the US version. In the Railway Series, Stepney lives on the mainland and works on the Bluebell Railway. 8.11 NL #05 Stepney then goes off to work with Duck to shunt coaches in the yard all afternoon. Stepney: I'm sorry I was a special.
However, he is disappointed that it is not very long. Previous
My branch is the pride of the line. I'm sure he'll understand. It's a disgrace! Percy: He runs a famous branch line. Thomas is furious when he finds out that he has to be shunted to let another train pass and is frustrated to find Stepney pulling the special. The Complete Series 4 Locations UK You Can't Win - Holidaymakers to the Island like riding in Duke's Danish Promotional Images Complete Series 1-10 ITA In the close-up of Thomas' driver, Annie is facing the wrong way. This is absent in the US version.
Runtime Welsh
However, he is disappointed that it is not very long. CHN Producer Stepney tells Rusty that he is bored with the railway and is longing for a long journey. Rock 'n' Roll
8.13.1 DVD Boxsets A Train Thomas and Friends Thomas: [jealous] Huh! 8.13 GR
Train Stops Play While Percy is telling Thomas about Stepney, as the camera is on Thomas, Percy's right lamp iron is bent but when the camera is on Percy, it is normal.
In the US version, when Percy finishes talking about Stepney, his whistle sound is a higher pitched version of Thomas' whistle. instead of "Stop all trains!"
DK DVD Boxsets View content By now, the engines have heard the news and begin to talk about Stepney. #03 AUS #11 Rusty to the Rescue
Thomas and Stepney Tidmouth Sheds We had a splendid run, but...
Trucks Plot New Thomas the Tank Engine Vol.5 Thomas e Stepney
Thomas och Stepney Thomas e Stepney A deleted scene from the previous episode is used. The Complete Series 4
Bulldog In Other Languages Thomas and Stepney and other Stories (also known as Volume 12 in New Zealand) is a UK/AUS/NZ/Norwegian VHS featuring nine fourth series episodes. Stock footage Thomas, Annie and Clarabel Thomas and Percy "My branch line is the pride of the line.
Thomas has been running his branch line like clockwork and shares his confidence to Percy, who doubtfully agrees and tells him that there is an engine with a branch line as famous as his and that the engine is proposing to visit. Britt AllcroftDavid Mitton Sleeping Beauty UK 6 Quotes The Best of Thomas and Friends - Volume 1 Thomas continues to grumble about it next morning, but Stepney explains the situation; he took an important passenger who chartered a special train which Duck let him take. Mind that Bike
Callandale He later sees Rusty, who saved him from scrap. Thomas the Tank Engine: Bumper Special 2
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