The new group of schools from Northampton, Corby, Kettering and Bedford consists of 9 Primary Schools and 2 Secondary Schools. [4][5], In 2004, students in Years 7 and 8 had to be located in temporary classrooms on the tennis courts because of the insufficient room in the main building. Most students usually take ten subjects for GCSE, alongside Entry Level Physical Education and PHSE. Telephone: 01604 493211 • Fax: 01604 497300. Thomas Becket Catholic School Q & A (Questions and Answers frequently), Reviews from teachers, students and parents. Thomas Becket Catholic School in Northampton, county of Northamptonshire, is a Voluntary aided school AGES: From 11 to 18 years old. Ready, Steady, Go is our free 8 week programme for children aged 4-11 and their families.
© Crown Copyright and database rights 2018 Ordnance Survey 100019331, Schools: School admissions information and oversubscription criteria. Mr Tony Bishop, our Strategic Executive Lead, is leading a central OLICAT Schools Trust team with regional teams in Bedford, Corby and Northampton.
Thomas Becket Catholic School reviews and contact. School vacancies (Teach Northamptonshire).
Thomas Becket Catholic School, Becket Way, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN3 6HT.
... Mrs Greally Headteacher Enter the full St Thomas a Becket website . All pupils must take English (Language and Literature), Double Science, Mathematics, Information Technology, Religious Studies and three other subjects of their choice. Welcome to the portal to our Year Group G-Suite sites . We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. This academy joined the sponsor or multi-academy trust after the start of the 2018/19 academic year. But opting out of some of these cookies may have an effect on your browsing experience. Thomas Becket Catholic School, Kettering Road North, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN3 6HT DfE number 9284703 Headteacher/Principal Mr Mark McLaughlin Denominational affiliation Roman Catholic Telephone 01604 493211 01604 493211 Email School website Category Academy Age range 11-18 Published admissions number … The school continues to be under the guidance of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Northampton. This is your brief of the month’s news headlines, current consultations and future events. Thomas Becket Catholic School. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies.
Admissions, teachers and reviews on all Northampton Secondary schools. The Bishop Konstant Catholic Academy Trust is an exempt charity regulated by the Secretary of State for Education. A-Level students not taking Religious Studies for A-Level have to take a Level 1 course in it. [6], In September 2008, Thomas Becket Catholic School became a Specialist Sports College. Telephone: 01604 493211 • Fax: 01604 497300. As a Catholic school we recognise the uniqueness and worth of each individual and that each of us has a valuable role to play in The Becket. Day to day life in our schools will show little change, for example, school names, places and uniforms remain the same.
[9] Although permission was granted for the development, the plans were withdrawn by the developer at the end of 2008, in part because of the lack of support.[10]. Your email address will not be published. is a guide with independent reviews of the all schools in the UK. To update your school's details email us detailing the changes required.
Thomas Becket Catholic School contact info, Thomas Becket Catholic School Phone number, Thomas Becket Catholic School Location map, More info about Thomas Becket Catholic School. Welcome from our Headteacher ... We will keep the school community updated on any Covid 19 information via the school website and our social media. Thomas Becket Catholic School, Becket Way, Northampton, Northamptonshire, NN3 6HT. Welcome to the Thomas Becket Catholic School parents' evening booking system. This website uses cookies to improve your experience. [7][8], Upon the completion of the refurbishment, the school revealed plans to include a bar in the proposed £2 million sports complex which would have included half-a-dozen artificial turf pitches, a full sized pitch and state-of-the art floodlights, sparking controversy among local residents.
Address: Becket Way, Northampton, NN3 6HT School type: Academy converter Open help text for Academy converter opens a popup Education phase: Secondary and 16 to 18 Academy trust or sponsor: OUR LADY IMMACULATE CATHOLIC ACADEMIES TRUST LTD …
St Thomas à Becket Catholic Secondary School A Voluntary Academy. Our new trust was formed in February 2020 with the merger of St Thomas of Canterbury Catholic Academies Trust, St Luke’s Academy Trust and the Bedford Catholic Schools. It was known as Thomas Becket RC Upper School when Northamptonshire still operated the three-tier system (13+ entry age) and was renamed to its current name when the LEA reverted to the two-tier system (11+ entry). The school continues to be under the guidance of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Northampton. RE Page Wellbeing Becket Fun and Games Eco-schools Choir Reception Year 1 Year 2. Most students usually take ten subjects for GCSE, alongside Entry Level Physical Education and PHSE. We are proud to now be a part of the Our Lady Immaculate Catholic Academies Trust (OLICAT Schools), which brings together eleven Catholic schools across the northern part of the Diocese of Northampton. It is a privilege to be the Headteacher of The Becket School and to lead an inspiring, dedicated community within the traditions of our shared Catholic faith. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Review for Thomas Becket Catholic School.
Ready, Steady, Go is our free 8 week programme for children aged 4-11 and their families. View full list of schools in Northamptonshire. Thomas Becket Catholic School reviews and contact. Fees, admissions, teachers and reviews on all Northampton Secondary schools. It is a company limited by guarantee registered in England and Wales, company number 8253770, whose registered office is at The Zucchi Suite, Nostell Business Estate, Nostell, Wakefield WF4 1AB. Our users often ask questions and request information about the term dates, uniform , ofsted, mumsnet, teachers, former pupils and classmates, teachers and experiences. Home; Our School. Thomas Becket Catholic School phone number, Thomas Becket Catholic School map location, Becket Catholic School+Becket Way+NN3 6HT+Kettering Road North++Northampton+Northamptonshire,uk, West Kent Learning Federation: Student Support Centre. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the East Sussex School Health Service are now delivering Ready, Steady, Go virtually to families. Previously a voluntary aided school administered by Northamptonshire County Council, in April 2016 Thomas Becket Catholic School was converted to academy status. Subscribe to Northamptonshire County Council's monthly e-newsletter. This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. Information and opinions of schools and colleges around the world: Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly.
Find out how Thomas Becket Catholic School rates compared to other primary schools in Northampton with our school ratings. Thomas Becket Catholic School in Northampton, county of Northamptonshire, is a Voluntary aided school. As of 2016[update] Thomas Becket Catholic School is the only Catholic secondary school in the county.[2]. As of 2016 Thomas Becket Catholic School is the only Catholic secondary school in the county. Complete information built for parents and students.
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