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0 Neutrog As one of Australias leading manufacturers of premium organic and organic based garden products, Neutrog's endorsements by many professional growers and societies throughout the country, makes Neutrog Fertilisers "The Experts Choice".
endstream endobj 94 0 obj <>stream Sudden Impact for Lawns is an excellent combination of an organic base that provides a full range of plant nutrients in a slow release form while the carefully selected water-soluble nutrients that have been added to maximise the performance of each application. 49 0 obj <> endobj %PDF-1.4 %���� K�u]?��s�,Uk �)f�����`@D��
Be the first to review this product . x�+��2г4616Q0 A(��@��\!9��K�31)�D�%��+������$�f ��� Sudden Impact for Lawns 0215 Neutrog Australia Pty Ltd 288 Mine Road, Kanmantoo South Australia 5252 T (08) 8538 3500 F (08) 8538 3522 E info@neutrog.com.au W www.neutrog.com.au Sudden Impact for Lawns is an organic based, chemically boosted fertiliser specifically developed for new and established lawns along with other While we can’t guarantee availability, submit your order and we’ll be in touch with alternatives if needed. �����(� " Neutrog Australia Pty Ltd 288 Mine Road, Kanmantoo, South Australia 5252 .
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View store locations. �Dƙ$ό��.˳�#�}*(VYwDc��^�8 D^���"���̌u��Q^�u$��A�J���E�����7�}��w9=�x�y�*��b��O,��j�X�*Ԗa���0'������0���L�9��%�)�DŽ1a,����Y1�*%��Hu���z;h,�/� :5�� IHG SKU. %%EOF h�bbd```b``:"���`�,� "��j���$�\ &����`���� �+Drt�ȸə$YO����A��Z8��V4�%@"@;������0 =R? Neutrog Sudden Impact Fertiliser for Lawns 10kg. 77 0 obj <>stream With regular use, your lawn will stay healthy giving you a green and thick lawn.
Network & system difficulties are affecting our online orders, email & phone systems. Please set your store before adding product to cart. Shopping in-store is unaffected. T (08) 8538 3500 F (08) 8538 3522 E [email protected] W neutrog.com.au %PDF-1.6 %���� For the best experience on our site, be sure to turn on Javascript in your browser. 102 0 obj <>stream
Neutrog Sudden Impact For Lawns We now support online order requests with home delivery to support customers staying at home. Neutrog Australia Pty Ltd 288 Mine Road, Kanmantoo, South Australia 5252 . The Neutrog name, and what it stands for, can be seen across a wide range of commercial applications – from the vineyards at Petaluma to the lavender crops of Jurlique, from the strawberry patches at Beerenberg to the orange orchards of Nippy’s, and from the gardens at Carrick Hill to the countless hectares of cereal crops and pastures of broadacre farmers. If you plan on shopping in-store, please call ahead to check it’s available to avoid disappointment. Visit your local store page to check Landscape Centre hours. Skip to the beginning of the images gallery . '�h����� ��a�
Neutrog Australia Chemwatch Hazard Alert Code: 1 Neutrog Sudden Impact For Lawns Chemwatch: 28-3469 Version No: Safety Data Sheet according to WHS and ADG requirements Issue Date: 27/06/2017 Print Date: 27/12/2017 L.GHS.AUS.EN SECTION 1 IDENTIFICATION OF THE SUBSTANCE / MIXTURE AND OF THE COMPANY / UNDERTAKING Product Identifier 88 0 obj <> endobj
Apply Neutrog’s Blade Runner in winter.
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