If that doesn’t happen, trusting God will be impossible for me. Let me brutally honest: when the poo hits the fan, trusting God becomes really hard. When I’m struggling with trusting God, he invites me to run to him for sustaining grace. Yes, I am called to actively put my trust in God. But if it doesn't come to pass, you feel frustrated, disappointed, even bitter. What if my kids don’t follow the Lord? This article has brought much relief to my broken spirit. Lamentations 3:21-23 says, “But this I call to mind, and therefore I have …
It’s been a hard journey but God is still good providing medicine for me. I was one of them. The word of God says: he who the son set free is free indeed. Trusting God starts with not leaning on my own understanding and trusting God with ALL my heart. That he would help me to wait patiently for him. Weak, Weary, Faint Hearted? When I’m tempted to fear and doubt and worry, God calls me to jettison my own understanding of the situation and trust him entirely. Keep trusting God in the midst of your troubling time! He trusted God. Many Christians repeat this cycle their entire life, wondering what they're doing wrong.
May God give you your hearts desire. Rather, God’s word calls me to trust in him with all my heart and to not lean one iota on my own understanding. "The secret lies in putting this truth into practice, by making it such a dominant theme in your life that you view every event, every sorrow, every prayer with the unshakable conviction that God is totally, spotlessly trustworthy. To me, this seems to be at the heart of trusting God. The simple, yet profound truth is that I can do nothing (including trust God) apart from God.
You’re welcome Sue! I needed to hear and read this today… I was searching on how to trust God when everything or a situation is not changing… the way I would like… it WAS killing me… but after reading this just now, I can honestly say I feel so much better… I knew the truth, but believing in the midst of depression, anxiety, and turmoil is large task… my son is severely depressed and I am so anxious about this and his future and mine too with him. You touch more lives than you know. The secret lives within you: the Holy Spirit. I’m tempted to believe that if I can devise the right strategy and make smart moves, I can get through life on my own. Who is helping you make decisions and walking in life with you through the workings and outcomes of those decisions? I’m so glad that you benefit from what I write. And yet, because I know that he’s good and faithful and steadfast and ready to give me grace, I can trust him with my whole heart. You'll be directed to the free books download page. The time to start is today, right now. In order to form an assured reliance on someone, that person must prove themselves to us through experiences over time. Let us throw ourselves on his faithfulness as we do on our beds, bringing all our weariness to his dear rest, Hebrews 13:8 says, “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.”. Thank God for using you to touch and heal lives. I like to call these trying times “Red Sea Moments”. Sure, we believe in God, but to allow him to run our lives? Do you feel that way right now? I should know. Trusting God isn’t blind. I wanna keep trusting that God will heal my anxiety. And so I pray and then I obey.
God is too good to be unkind and He is too wise to be mistaken. It's just too tough to do on your own. God bless you Stephen, My wife and I became Christian’s about 4 months ago. Shouldn't we have a say over it? Because the Holy Spirit knows you better than you know yourself, he'll give you exactly what you need to make this change.
For this reason, trusting God in the midst of trials is truly possible. And, based on my research, the choice that makes the most sense is to trust God — the God who allows us to suffer, yes, for sometimes unfathomable … Awesome….God…He is truly amazing! From the moment I was born, God has been faithful to me. When His working in 10k ways is only to make your life more of a living Hell? I’ll take that as a compliment! Thank you for this work for i have been blessed. He never shifts, never changes, never fluctuates. You never finally "arrive." I just want to say Steve, this is what I needed today, please pray for me, my family and my Business. Ultimately, trusting God is only possible through the power of the Holy Spirit. He is the author of "Hope for Hurting Singles: A Christian Guide to Overcoming Life's Challenges. This article is even grounding me more…because I can do nothing in this challenging world without God. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.”. Eye opening experience. What if I can’t pay the bills? We must learn to trust when we don’t understand.
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