100 E. Weatherford, Fort Worth, Texas 76196, All Tarrant State Representatives Districts Map. If future funding is not available or Channel 11 discontinues the program, other regional efforts will be considered. Burn only in unincorporated areas of Tarrant County. Goal and Date: Help create regional bookmarks by 12/15/02. Commissioner Precinct 1 - Goal and Date: Tarrant County employees with the potential to impact storm water will receive pollution prevention training during Permit Year 3. Each MCM contains thename, department, mailing address, phone number and email of staff or managerprimarily responsible for that specific MCM.Rationale Statement for Tarrant County’s SWMPDuring the development of Tarrant County’s SWMP, the County staff considered BMPsthat would protect water quality, comply with General Permit TXR040000, meet theMEP and ensure program costs that would not create undue hardship on county residentsand businesses. Counties willnot be adding new areas of responsibilities and will not have to provide services to theannexed land. maps to communities and unincorporated areas in order to help leaders and residents identify known flood risks. 7, Participants in developing/implementing Tarrant County’s SWMPTarrant County’s SWMP was developed by County staff with over 30 years of stormwater experience. Tarrant County will only add urbanized areas when population densitiesincrease in existing unincorporated county, as designated by the U.S. Census Bureau on aten year cycle. 1251 et.seq.Conveyance – Curbs, gutters, man-made channels and ditches, drains, pipes, and other constructed features designed or used for flood control or to otherwise transport storm water runoff.Discharge – When used without a qualifier, refers to the discharge of storm water runoff or certain non-storm water discharges as allowed under the authorization of this general permit.Illicit Connection – Any man-made conveyance connecting an illicit discharge directly to a municipal separate storm sewer system.Illicit Discharge – Any discharge to a municipal separate storm sewer that is not composed entirely of storm water except discharges pursuant to this general permit or a separate authorization and discharges resulting from emergency fire fighting activities.Maximum Extent Practicable (MEP) – The technology-based discharge standard for MS4s to reduce pollutants in storm water discharges that was established by CWA § 402(p). Tarrant County intends to try and satisfy this requirement by giving additional storm water information to developers in the county’s preliminary and final plat approval letters. A considerable amount of time and money will be spent by many local governments in North Central Texas to produce an innovative product, iSWM (formally Comprehensive Drainage Criteria and Design Manual). Goal and Date: Document participation in NCTCOG Storm Water groups. Status: In Progress(f) BMP, Measurable Goal and Date – Correction: Household Hazardous Waste The Tarrant County Transportation Department will continue to partner with the City of Fort Worth to offer residents of unincorporated Tarrant County the opportunity to dispose of household hazardous waste at Fort Worth’s Environmental Collection Center. 5, SECTION II - PERMIT APPLICABILITY AND COVERAGEII.1 Urbanized AreasThe TPDES Permit requirements apply only to the portions of unincorporated TarrantCounty that are identified as urbanized areas. TARRANT COUNTY . Facilities will be rated as either a low or high potential to contribute pollutants to storm water. Status: Accomplished & Ongoing(f) BMP, Measurable Goal and Date – Educational Materials and Distribution Tarrant County will distribute storm water related material at 5 or more County buildings. Status: Not Started (f) BMP, Measurable Goal and Date – Spill Plans for County Facilities Tarrant County will be reviewing our internal facilities during Permit Year 3 as stated in the County Operations Survey BMP in this section. It is named for Isaac Parker, a state legislator who introduced the bill that established the county in … Tarrant County will select the best resource(s) to use in map preparation.
Status: In Progress (g) BMP, Measurable Goal and Date – Structural Control Maintenance Tarrant County Precinct crews maintain the open vegetative lined drainage ditches beside County roads on an as needed basis (citizen complaints or minor flooding) or when maintenance is performed on the adjacent road. See previous sections for contact information. Drainageditch systems are usually less costly to install and are compatible with large lots that arerequired for On Site Sewerage Facilities (septic systems), which provides obviousincentives for their continued installation during and beyond this permit period. 100 E. Weatherford, Fort Worth, Texas 76196, Administration and Passports FAQs (Frequently Asked Questions). This site is best experienced with supported browsers: Internet Explorer 9 and above, Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, or Apple Safari. The program requires Phase 2 local governments toobtain a permit that includes “minimum control measures” that must be implemented forcoverage.
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