Fairway Scholarship of $2,000 for residents experiencing financial hardship who display academic potential and an undergraduate recipient of the UWA Alumni Fairway (for one year). Faculty Specific scholarships of up to $2,500 for residents studying Medicine, Engineering or Law (for one year).

1963 to 1987: Campus in the Community: the University of Western Australia, 1963-1987, University of Western Australia Press, 1988. A number of Woodside Scholarships ranging in size and duration.

Title Hackett Postgraduate Research Scholarships [F51306] Description. Applicants must not have been enrolled in the proposed HDR prior to the commencement of the scholarship.

Shirley McLeod Bachelor of Philosophy Scholarship of $10,000 for a female resident who displays exceptional academic potential (for three or four years). We’ve extended this support to Semester 2, 2020 and you can apply for a discretionary bursary if this applies to you. Hackett Postgraduate Research Scholarships are prestigious scholarships available to students enrolled for higher degrees by research at The University of Western Australia.

GradReady are offering one St Catherine’s resident wishing to study Medicine, the opportunity to undertake the GAMSAT® Preparation Course free of charge upon successful application. 1963 to 1987: Campus in the Community: the University of Western Australia, 1963-1987, University of Western Australia Press, 1988. Various Scholarship of $4,000- $10,000 for residents experiencing financial hardship who display academic potential (for one year). Hackett Scholarships matched - Students awarded a St Catherine’s Hackett Scholarship by UWA will receive a further $5,000 reduction in fees representing a saving of $10,000. Faculty of Arts, Business, Law & Education (FABLE) Scholarships. Online anytime for current students, future students, community and UWA staff.

Last updated:Wednesday, 29 August, 2018 1:55 PM, S. R. Davis (also received award in 1941), S. R. Davis (also received award in 1946).

The UWA Winthrop Scholarship is automatically awarded to eligible high-achieving Year 12 students to encourage and assist them to commence and undertake undergraduate studies at The University of Western Australia (‘the University’).

Residential Bachelor of Philosophy (Honours) program Scholarships of up to $10,000 for residents enrolled at UWA and accepted into the UWA BPhil (Hons) program (for one year). The University of Western Australia (‘the University’) provides this scholarship to encourage high-achieving students to undertake the Engineering Science major or Automation and Robotics double major, and subsequently the Master of Professional Engineering (MPE), at the University by accepting the offer of an Engineering Direct Pathway into the MPE. Undergraduate - Cheng Tim Leck First in the Family Scholarship . Hackett Scholarships matched - Students awarded a St Catherine’s Hackett Scholarship by UWA will receive a further $5,000 reduction in fees representing a saving of $10,000. Joyce Riley Scholarship of $5,000 for a resident experiencing financial hardship who displays academic potential enrolled at any WA University (for one year). Regional Schools Scholarship of $1,000 for residents accepted at any WA University with an ATAR of 90 and above (for one year). College Residential Art or Sport Scholarship of up to $2,000 for residents who display the potential for high sport or artistic achievement at any WA university (for one year).

College Residential Art or Sport Scholarship of $2,000 for residents who display the potential for high sport or artistic achievement at any WA university (for one year). ... Honours - Hackett Foundation Alumni Honours Scholarship Open Now for 2021. Since the earliest stages of COVID-19, the College has been supporting its residents with additional financial aid largely to address financial hardship due to lack of income. St Catherine’s College Access Scholarship of up to $10,000 for residents experiencing financial hardship who display academic potential (for one year). GradReady has helped over 6000 students prepare for the GAMSAT® exam since 2010. St Catherine's College High Achiever First Year Scholarships of up to $10,000 for students with a 97.00 or higher ATAR (for one year). Graduate Women Scholarship of $4,000 for female residents who display academic potential (for one year).

Leah Cohen Scholarship of up to $5,000 (for one year). Hackett Postgraduate Research Scholarships are prestigious scholarships available to students enrolled for higher degrees by research at The University of Western Australia. Privacy statement, copyright notice and disclaimer. Residential Fogarty Scholarships of $10,000 for residents enrolled at UWA and recipient of UWA Fogarty Scholarship (for three or four years). St Catherine's College is a leading independent and secular residential college within The University of Western Australia. ME Wood Postgraduate Scholarship of $5,000 for a resident enrolled in postgraduate coursework at UWA and accepted at St Catherine’s College (for one year). Online anytime for current students, future students, community and UWA staff. Applications open for Semester 2, 2020 on Tuesday, 2nd June and close Sunday 2 August, 2020..

Last updated:Thursday, 24 September, 2020 1:28 PM, https://www.scholarships.uwa.edu.au/879046. St Catherine’s College Postgraduate Scholarship of up to $5,000 for residents accepted at any WA University with a minimum GPA of 6.5 (for one year. St Catherine’s College Postgraduate Scholarship of up to $5,000 for residents accepted at any WA University with a minimum GPA of 6.5 (for one year). UWA Hackett Scholarship About the scholarship Application status: automatically awarded (no application required) for commencement in 2021 Applicable study: … Undergraduate - UWA Hackett Scholarship Open Now for 2021.

GradReady is an education technology company aimed at making learning more effective and engaging. Find answers to your questions about the University of Western Australia. Residential College Winthrop Scholarships of up to $10,000 subject to course structure and ongoing academic achievement (for three or four years). St Catherine’s College Exchange Scholarships value of up to $5,000 for the duration of one year of exchange studies. Their students have improved by an average of 24 percentile points and 90%+ have achieved medical school admissions. Hackett Postgraduate Research Scholarships are prestigious scholarships funded from the Hackett Bequest, established by Sir John Winthrop Hackett, the first Chancellor and a generous benefactor to the University of Western Australia. St Catherine's College High Achiever First Year Scholarships of up to $10,000 for students with a 97.00 or higher ATAR (for one year). UWA Scholarships have been categorized below.

Nye Polson Scholarship of $10,000 for a resident experiencing financial hardship who displays academic potential enrolled at any WA University (for the duration of their studies). St Catherine’s College Beazley Medallist Scholarship is a full fee scholarship for the duration of your studies. Available in the 2021 Round for Domestic applicants and UWA international graduates only, See conditions under the Further Information Links. Dr Brian de Garis .

Undergraduate - Netball WA Sports Excellence Scholarship in Netball Open Now for 2021. Please be sure to include evidence of the loss of income and/or a dramatic change in circumstances. Privacy statement, copyright notice and disclaimer. Please note that these scholarships are available for commencing Higher Degree by Research (HDR) students only.

Find answers to your questions about the University of Western Australia.

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