A registration of a mark hereunder shall be effective for a term of five years from the date of registration and, upon application filed within six months prior to the expiration of such term, in a manner complying with the requirements of the Commission, the registration may be renewed for a like term from the end of the expiring term.

The name and business address of the person applying for such registration; and, if a corporation, limited liability company, partnership, limited liability partnership, or any other legal entity, the state or other jurisdiction of incorporation, formation, or organization, as the case may be; 2. B. Any court of competent jurisdiction may grant such injunctions as may by the court be deemed just and reasonable to restrain such violations, and may require any defendant to pay to such owner all profits derived from and/or all damages suffered by reason of such violations. Nothing herein shall adversely affect the rights or the enforcement of common-law rights in marks.

A mark which (i) when used on or in connection with the goods or services of the applicant, is merely descriptive or deceptively misdescriptive of them; (ii) when used on or in connection with the goods or services of the applicant, is primarily geographically descriptive or deceptively misdescriptive of them; or (iii) is primarily merely a surname; however, nothing in this subdivision shall prevent the registration of a mark used by the applicant which has become distinctive in this Commonwealth of the applicant's goods or services. The applicant shall provide any additional relevant information requested by the Commission, including a description of a design mark, and may make, or authorize the Commission to make, such amendments to the application as may be reasonably requested by the Commission or deemed by the applicant to be advisable to respond to any rejection or objection. The Code of Virginia online database excludes material copyrighted by the publisher, Michie, a division of Matthew Bender. 1. This chapter shall be known as the "Virginia Trademark and Service Mark Act (1998)."

Any registration concerning which the Commission finds on its own motion, or on petition of any person who alleges that he is or will be damaged by such registration, that: a.

C. The Commission may require the applicant to disclaim any unregistrable component of a mark otherwise registrable, and an applicant may voluntarily disclaim any component of a mark sought to be registered. Derwent Innovations Index covers over 14.3 million basic inventions from 40 worldwide patent-issuing authorities. 759, 800; 2011, c. 801. C. On violation of subsection A, the United States Olympic Committee is entitled to the remedies available to a registrant on infringement of a mark registered under this chapter.

If you continue with this browser, you may see unexpected results. "Commission" means the State Corporation Commission.

Filed in September 25 (2017), the VT VIRGINIA TECH covers Flatware, namely, forks, knives, and spoons VT VIRGINIA TECH Trademark of Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University - Registration Number 5962003 - Serial Number 87621731 :: Justia Trademarks C. Any registrant effecting a change of name may file a certificate of name change with the Commission upon the payment of a fee. Branded Product Request Form Why Buy Licensed University Trademarks Become a Licensee Dept.

For the purpose of regulations and forms, the Commission may classify persons and matters within its jurisdiction and prescribe different requirements for different classes. B. You can view concise abstracts written by subject experts, then link to full-text primary records of patents from a range of full patent sources. C. Before the Commission cancels or partially cancels any registration under subdivision A 3, the Commission shall give reasonable notice and an opportunity to be heard to the registrant and to other persons known to have or claim an interest in the mark.

In addition, any person who actually used, or whose assignor actually used, any other trademark, trade name, sign, symbol, or insignia described in subdivisions A 3 and A 4 for any lawful purpose prior to September 21, 1950, shall not be prohibited by this section from continuing such lawful use for the same purpose and for the same goods or services.

Any applicant effecting a change of name may file a certificate of name change with the Commission upon the payment of a fee. The application shall be accompanied by a specimen showing the mark as actually used. of Title 19.2.


"Applicant" means any person filing an application for registration of a mark under this chapter, and the legal representatives, successors, or assigns of such person.

If the Commission issues a registration based on such applicant's request for registration, the registration shall be issued in the new name of the applicant. Order Branded Merchandise Girls with Virginia Tech hat and sweatshirt.

The Commission shall prescribe the form and content of such certificate.

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