Mara Jill Herman Dimitri Leopoldovich [JU] An academician specialising in tactical analysis at the StPetersburg Institute of Strategic Studies, Dudley Bose [CS] Professor of Astronomy at Gralmond University and a member of the Second Chance mission, Edeard [VT] Main character of the Void Trilogy, Edmund Li [JU] Officer in Far Away freight inspectorate division, Boongate Station, Emanuelle Verbeke [PS] Second Chance crew member. Luc Jones Here you'll find all collections you've created before. But which Hamilton character would make the perfect soulmate in a real-life situation, using the zodiac system let's determine exactly that. [2] Her face is going through the unimaginable right there. This is a list of characters that appear in the Commonwealth Universe.

Ends up living next door to Mark Vernon.

Alexander Hamilton is the titular main character of the musical Hamilton.

Mouna later helps Hamilton on many occasions, particularly in matters regarding the Middle East and Palestine/Israel especially. He also protected Hamilton from being accused for murder, using his resources within the security service and convincing a persistent news reporter to abolish all work regarding the murder.

April 22, 2019, 10:47 am, by He is played by Lennart Hjulström in the most recent films. August 27, 2019, 8:20 am 5 Comments. Kailey Hansen Suleiman have also had many peaceful politicians on the West Bank assassinated, leading Mouna al Hussaini to hold a personal grudge against him.

He was a left-wing activist in his youth and a supporter of Palestine independence, causing his conservative father to cut ties with him, and at age 22 (1976) he spent five years in the United States to become a Navy SEAL as well as training for intelligence service with the CIA. August 27, 2019, 8:05 am, Nerdy 12 Aries - Thomas Jefferson.

Miller is killed by Hamilton after an intense close combat battle, getting shot in the chest multiple times. But will he top your lists? LOL Turns out, he is Aaron Burr, sir. The protagonists of the Hamilton series are those who appear in multiple novels and films to assist Hamilton. At the very least, each character who has a section in the books that are told from their own perspective should have a page. And I actually find myself relating to Angelica quite a bit.

#1 Angelica Schuyler Source. The characters from Hamilton travel forward in time and watch the musical, hijinks ensue. Disney+ Hamilton movies’ cast – who plays who and the real-life characters.

You get to choose which Hamilton characters you love best with this ranked list. by Eliza. April 10, 2019, 8:44 am. The Ultimate Girl-Power Broadway Musical Playlist, Regular Girls vs Theatre Girls on a Road Trip, 21 ‘Hamilton’ Memes That Continue To Give Us Life, 10 Things You Should Never Say To A Hamilton Fan. August 27, 2019, 7:59 am, by

Don't get mad when he calls you son, he's still a likable character. The protagonists of the Hamilton series are those who appear in multiple novels and films to assist Hamilton.. Carl Hamilton. Kailey Hansen In the end of the film, Suleiman is captured and put to trial, during which his cooperation with the British and American governments is revealed.

Probably due to the fact that she’s written kind of inaccurately. LOL [5], Suleiman Al-Obeid () is a Saudi religious leader and Jihadist who is responsible for the kidnapping of Pierre Tanguy's daughter in the movie Men Inte Om Det Gäller Din Dotter.


Facebook Twitter Subscribe. Captured by the Primes at the Watchtower, Francis Rawlins [PS] Second Chance crew member, George Parkin [PS] A resident of the Ice Citadel, Gerard Utreth [CS] Brant Family representative, Democratic Republic of New Germany, Giselle Swinsol [JU] Sheldon Dynasty starship project manager, Gore Burnelli [CS] Head of the Burnelli Grand Family, Gwyneth Russell [CS] Second Lieutenant, Navy Intelligence, Hoshe Finn [CS] Detective for the Darklake City Police working for the ice division/criminal investigation department, Jean Douvoir [CS] Pilot, Second Chance and later Captain of the Desperado, Jennife Seitz [JU] Director of the observatory that collected the Mars data, Jim Nwan [CS] Second Lieutenant, Navy Intelligence, John King [CS] Lieutenant, Navy Intelligence, Justine Burnelli [CS] Earth socialite and a Commonwealth Senator, Kaspar Murdo [JU] Head Janitor at Saffron Clinic, Kazimir McFoster [CS] A clan member in the Guardians of Selfhood, Leonard Denken [JU] A Freethinker living on Huxley's Haven Elaine Doi [CS] The Commonwealth Vice-President, later the Commonwealth President.

Jeremy Scott Blaustein Hot [6],, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, This page was last edited on 20 February 2020, at 00:39. He is a former member of the French Foreign Legion and a skilled soldier, fiercely participating in raiding a terrorist camp that holds his daughter Natalie captive.

TheatreNerds However, it is later revealed that Sectragon is in fact supported by the United States government and that their primary purpose is to support American interests with lethal force, such as starting conflicts that the United States can intervene in for a chance to increase regional influence or export weapons. According to the musical, Hamilton's father left him and his mother, who died from a fever when he was 12. Upon returning home he became a key asset to the Swedish intelligence service and committed many dangerous missions in secrecy such as infiltration, sabotage, espionage, and assassinations. Kailey Hansen Let's find out. OMG

[4], Hart Miller () is the leader of Sectragon, an American private army allegedly in the service of terrorist organizations around the globe. Language: English Words: 15,766 Chapters: 19/? Nerdy

Angry He is portrayed by Said Legue. During an argument, Hamilton claims that it is Pierre's own fault that his wife left him due to his alcoholic tendencies, but he loved his daughter enough to risk his own life for her safe return. Comments: 205 Kudos: 387 Bookmarks: 60 Hits: 6087; Hamilton Watches Hamilton (aka, Hamilton Watches Himself) by Number_Twelve Fandoms: Hamilton - Miranda Teen And Up Audiences; Major Character Death; F/M; Work in Progress; … August 27, 2019, 8:12 am, by

All characters are listed alphabetically and each will have an indication of where they most prominently feature, [PS] for Pandora's Star, [JU] for Judas Unchained and [CS] for those characters that feature in both books of the Commonwealth Saga; Similarly [DV], [TV], [EV] and [VT] for the Void Trilogy and [AB], [NW] and [CF] for the Chronicle of the Fallers.

Isabelle Zuniga 23. She'll never be satisfied, but I hope you are with her.

These "Hamilton" Characters Need To Be Sorted Into A Hogwarts House, And It's Up To You To Decide Where They Belong. 147 points Upvote Downvote.

This post was created with our nice and easy submission form. Hamilton study guide contains a biography of Lin-Manuel Miranda, literature essays, quiz questions, major themes, characters, and a full summary and analysis. OMG

August 13, 2019, 8:05 am, by

LOL Kailey Hansen Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.

October 18, 2019, 9:58 am, by In The Democratic Terrorist, Mouna and Hamilton meet for the first time when the former captures the latter. Carl Gustaf Gilbert Hamilton () is a vice admiral in the Swedish Royal Navy, nobleman, intelligence officer, SÄPO agent, attack diver and former U.S. Navy SEAL. Although he is described to have leftist views, his most common target of operations is the Soviet Union (but also the United States and Israel).

Liz Vernon [CS] Biogenetic Engineer, Mark's wife, Matthew Oldfield [CS] Second Lieutenant, Navy Intelligence, McClain Gilbert (Mac) [CS] Forward crew chief at the CST exploratory division on Merredin , member of the Second Chance mission and later a Navy captain of the starship Moscow, Mellanie Rescorai [CS] Unisphere Personality and an SI Agent, Mel Rees [PS] Deputy Director at the Intersolar Serious Crimes Directorate, Morton [CS] Tara Jennifer Shaheef’s husband and murderer. TheatreNerds

This is a list of characters that appear in the Commonwealth Universe. He then moved in with a cousin who committed suicide, which left him to fend for himself as he had no one else.

Community Contributor 1. She orders Hamilton to execute two members of the Red Army Faction (which he had infiltrated), who were captured alongside him before asking for his identity. Hannah Crider


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