Additional warrants are issued on 23 October for the other members of the Chénier cell: Jacques Rose, Bernard Lortie and Francis Simard. The readings lists available on this site deal with a range of topics from human rights to biographies and specific events. The FLQ's Chénier cell then announces it is indefinitely postponing Laporte's execution. After being informed of the bombs, Prime Minister John Diefenbaker reportedly asks, “Is this Ireland?”. and Jacques Rose, Bernard Lortie and Francis Simard) strikes a more militant tone in its communiqué than the Liberation cell; it threatens to kill Laporte unless all seven FLQ demands are met by 10 p.m. In addition to kidnapping charges in the case of James Cross, he is also charged with conspiracy to kidnap Israeli trade commissioner Moshe Golem. Trudeau responds, “Well, just watch me.” Robert Demers, a senior official within the Quebec Liberal Party, begins negotiating with FLQ lawyer Robert Lemieux. Meanwhile, soldiers are deployed in Ottawa to protect high-profile people and locations. Jean Corbo, a 16-year-old felquiste, is killed in Saint-Henri when his bomb explodes as he tries to arm it. Wilfrid O’Neil, a nighttime security guard at the Canadian Armed Forces recruiting centre on Sherbrooke St. West in Montreal, is killed when a bomb explodes at the centre. He asked me whether I knew that a new communique had been issued by the FLQ. Ransom notes received by Mitchell Sharp, the federal minister of external affairs, describes the FLQ’s demands as “wholly unreasonable” but allows for further negotiations. In November 1967, the FLQ publishes the first issue of its new journal, La Victoire. One bomb explodes at the Eaton’s department store in downtown Montreal. They plead guilty to all but the latter charge on 31 May; are sentenced to two years in prison on 7 August 1979; and are released on parole in April 1980. CBC reporter Tim Ralphe questions Prime Minister Trudeau at the front entrance of the Parliament Buildings. A chronology of The October Crisis, from the kidnapping of James Cross on Oct. 5, 1970 to the arrests of FLQ members that Dec. Social Sharing October 1970: the FLQ… They had blown up post offices and armouries that they regarded as unwelcome symbols of the federal presence in Quebec. Robert Lemieux, a lawyer representing the FLQ, is arrested. and Jacques Rose, Bernard Lortie and Francis Simard) strikes a more militant tone in its communiqué than the Liberation cell; it threatens to kill Laporte unless all seven FLQ demands are met by 10 p.m. Trudeau states that “the government had no responsible choice but to act as it did,” and that “the fate of the two kidnapped hostages weighs very heavily in my mind.” Progressive Conservative leader Robert Stanfield, former prime minister John Diefenbaker and NDP leader Tommy Douglas all voice dissenting opinions in the House of Commons. A third bomb explodes in front of the National Revenue building in Montreal, while a fourth bomb explodes in a mailbox in Ottawa. They are arrested and charged with conspiracy to kidnap, kidnapping, forcible detention and Political violence was gaining greater visibility: incidents of terrorist violence appeared frequently in newspapers and on television. But at 10:50 18 FLQ Members Arrested after Military Faction Formed. The first issue of La Cognée (“The Hatchet”), the official publication of the FLQ, is published. The targets now included American-owned businesses; the homes and offices of elected and non-elected civic officials (including the City of Montreal Mayor Jean Drapeau, 1916-99); a traditionalist nationalist organization (the Sherbrooke Société Saint-Jean-Baptiste); and businesses engaged in labour disputes. The crisis was the culmination of a long series of terrorist attacks perpetrated by the Front de libération du Québec (FLQ), a militant Quebec independence movement. Nov. 3: George McIlraith, the federal solicitor general, admits that police had been following Paul Rose, now the top suspect in Laporte's death, ever since the kidnapping but lost track of him. An appeal from Barbara Cross, James Cross’s wife, to the FLQ iss broadcast on radio station CKLM. His party sweeps all 52 council seats. “page title or document title.”. The looks on their faces were priceless.
However, the other members of the Chénier cell hide behind a false wall in a closet and slip away the next day. The most high-profile prisoner — Pierre-Paul Geoffroy, who was responsible for 31 bombings between 1968 and 1969 including at the Montreal Stock Exchange — had been denied parole three times. Having fled from Canada to the United States, FLQ members Jean-Pierre Charette and Alain Allard hijack a National Airlines Boeing 727 out of New York City and order it to fly them to Cuba. It includes bomb-making instructions. The Parti Québécois, in its first election, wins 23 per cent of the vote but only 7 seats in the 108-seat National Assembly. History, politics, arts, science & more: the Canadian Encyclopedia is your reference on Canada. Dec. 23: Prime Minister Trudeau announces that Canadian Forces soldiers will be withdrawn from Quebec on Jan. 4, while the War Measures Act will stay in force until April 30. It was the latest communique from one of the FLQ cells. Kidnapping of James Cross — October Crisis Begins. However, one of the people at the meeting denounces the group and informs the police of the FLQ’s plans. The last of more than 60 issues of La Cognée, the official publication of the FLQ, is published. My reverie was interrupted by one of the communications technicians, who brought me a message that had just come in over the wires. Oct. 10, 6:18 p.m.: Pierre Laporte, Quebec's labour minister and deputy premier, is kidnapped from outside his home in Saint-Lambert, on Montreal's South Shore, by the FLQ's Chénier cell.
A second bomb at the store is removed and deactivated. Ralphe expresses concern about the heavy military presence in the city. On 22 November 1971, he is sentenced He is sentenced to 12 months in jail on 21 May 1981. At 9:45 p.m., Bourassa takes to the radio waves to say he's open to negotiations. Prime Minister Trudeau makes it clear that any decision will be made jointly by the federal and Quebec governments. Lortie is sentenced to five months for refusing to testify. It is signed by more than 50,000 people, including two PQ members of the National Assembly and numerous high-profile individuals.
On 30 November 1971, he receives a life sentence for kidnapping Laporte. The Chénier cell (Paul
Some crises have long-term benefits. CKAC reads the FLQ manifesto on air. Articles, timelines & resources for teachers, students & public. The narrative of the FLQ ( Front de Liberation du Quebec ) and the October Crisis has taught us non to take the first marks of terrorist act lightly. The federal authorities and the authorities of Quebec acted suitably given the state of affairs presented by the FLQ? It’s in French.” That the RCMP had assigned a unilingual anglophone officer to deal with a situation involving francophone terrorists told me a lot about the competence and linguistic capabilities of the force at that time. Shortly before 10 p.m., Bourassa announces on the radio In the following weeks, reports surface that Yves Langlois, Jacques Cossette-Trudel and Louise Lanctôt are also residing in Paris. For the second time in Canadian history – and only twenty-five years after the Gouzenko Affair – the powers of the War Measures Act were employed to suspend Canadian civil liberties in peacetime. Faced with 129 charges, he receives 124 life sentences plus 25 years — the longest prison sentence ever levied in the British Commonwealth. The Parti Québécois, in its first election, wins 23 per cent of the vote but only 7 seats in the 108-seat National Assembly. extortion. A murder charge against George Schoeters is dropped due to a lack of evidence. Nov. 6: One of Laporte's kidnappers, Bernard Lortie, is found in an apartment in Montreal's Côte des Neiges neighbourhood.
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