Police on our music is worse than COVID. But it powers up and sometimes it can break you. What's the origin of the word 'Abracadabra'? They used the incantation 'Abracadabra' to ward off such bewitchment and as a remedy for poor health. It’s an unexpected touch and the effect is pensive and sincere, as Bandokay and Double Lz do what they do best: delivering carefully-crafted verses on issues such as police brutality, legal injustice, racial stereotyping and mental health.

I’m just trying to give back to the community and the song has got a big message behind it. Over time the belief in the power of 'abracadabra' receded and in the 19th century it came to mean 'fake magic'. Looking back, how effective do you think the Black Lives Matter movement was?Abra: Obviously, everything takes time. It’s a song of precise, lived detail that zooms out on the bigger picture. Why do you think it’s so difficult for men, especially Black men to discuss mental health?Bando: Cos of the crime and jail, they’re not really getting the help they need.Abra: Do you know what I think as well, men look at mental health as just running around and screaming and that. Some stories are sad, some stories sound lively, I might amp it up but it’s still a sound story if you look at the background of it. We are all one. Since we started it’s been good, it’s nothing that will stop us.Abra: It feels cold still. How has COVID affected you guys this year music-wise?Bando: It’s stopped us doing bare shows, going abroad.Abra: Do you know what’s mad though? Black Lives Matter witnessed a second uprising this year in the wake of George Floyd's death. How do you think the popularity of UK drill has changed people's perception of the genre over the past few years?Lz: Obviously, I reckon since we started making music there's a lot more people making music. OFB members Bandokay and Double Lz spoke on this issue on their latest track, "BLM" ft. Abra Cadabra. What were you trying to convey with that?Abra: The message is very blatant innit. Touching on drill videos getting taken down, shows being cancelled and drill injunctions… How do want the essence of “BLM” to be applied to the music industry?Abra: Just allow the music. 320.9k Followers, 420 Following, 14 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Abra Cadabra (@abznoproblem17) Lz you have a bar in the “BLM” track where you say “lil bros listen when I'm talking”. Poltrona com Puff Costela – Preto R$ 2.398,88 R$ 1.799,88 12x de R$ 149,99. ou no boleto Comprar. Some of them got their influence from us or someone before us. Frete gratis -moveis. There are no earlier uses of the word that are supported by any evidence. UK residents of a certain age will always prefer the 'magic' spiel of Sooty and Sweep's mentor Harry Corbett - 'Izzy, Wizzy, let's get busy'. Nevertheless, there are several theories that place the derivation earlier, including: - Roman sages, notably Serenus Sammonicus, coined the word and devised the repeated word formula in the 2nd century AD. In our information age, in which it is possible to look up how virtually any stunt is staged, we don't take the claims of magical powers too seriously. It’s extremely potent. Stage conjurers then adopted it into their inventory of the 'magic' words they used to punctuate their acts and the first known usage of it in that context dates from 1819. Friday signalled another symbolic moment in the UK drill scene, as OFB members Bandokay and Double Lz unveiled a mesmerising collab with fellow UK rapper Abra Cadabra.

VICE: What do you hope the new track achieves?Abra Cadabra: Whatever it can do. What do you lot think?Bando: Same type of thing still.Lz: It’s a brotherly thing still.

Don’t think I'm just dropping music, jumping up and down and thinking I just love this stuff. Bando and Lz, on the track you touch on SJ’s imprisonment. I’m not putting out music instructing people what to do, I'm just telling you how my life goes. The belief in the power of the word lasted well into the 18th century. An exclamation used by conjurers when performing tricks. 1 Via TIDAL BLM. The music is not the reason the crime rate is high. Why do you think police have been targeting drill rappers specifically even though there were thousands of people in the streets?Bando: Maybe it's because of the things we rap about.Double Lz: At the same time, we’re just rapping about our reality.Bando: They’re just trying to control the masses.Abra: Police always do that stuff.Bando: Whether we like it or not. All the way in the UK, protests took place in the streets demanding justice and an end to systemic oppression. Like you see people talking about gang violence and … Things would be way worse without the music. An exclamation used by conjurers when performing tricks. The “BLM” cover art is a tribute to Duggan, featuring a young Bandokay embracing his father. Abra Cadabra, is an up and coming artist from North London, Tottenham. Instead of the warped, 808 bass line of quintessential UK drill, each verse is brushed with the piano keys from Coldplay’s smash hit “Trouble”. Natal Abra Cadabra. Abra Cadabra: Whatever it can do. Coldplay later tweeted the single out, saying that all proceeds from the single will be donated to Broadwater Farm Community Centre and Juvenis. If it was man now running around doing that, it would be heavily promoted in the media. It’s a cold job to have still [laughs]. It might sound like a lively beat but the real meaning behind it is very gloomy and gruesome- that's where we come from. Like you see people talking about gang violence and police brutality but you can’t put them in the same category, it just doesn’t make sense. 817 Views 1 3. Really, why did it get taken down?Lz: Police.Bando: Police.Abra: Police are ten times worse than COVID. Desenhos Exclusivos - Novo. The fact that someone from over there can chat like that. Basically, everyone on the [Broadwater Farm] block is a rapper – well not everyone, but the majority of the people. It's a way out. Everyone has their own ways of expressing themselves. Medieval people believed in magic as everyday fact and any unusual event that they couldn't explain was considered to be the result of some form of enchantment. Trust me. How was it like getting success in the music industry at such a young age?Bando: Obviously we’re just getting to understand the game more and more as we go along. Abracadabra What's the meaning of the word 'Abracadabra'?

What can fans expect?Bando: A mixture of everything in one. You guys are the second artists ever to be cleared for a Coldplay sample, how did that come about?Abra: That was down to the producer N2theA.Bando: It means a lot. Some of these words, like 'hocus-pocus' (1634), 'abraxas' (1569) and 'hey presto' (1732), have a long history and a link to supernatural beliefs. That wasn't the case when the word 'abracadabra' was first in common use. In his Journal of the Plague Year, 1722, Daniel Defoe was saddened by the continuing superstition of the populace when faced with the threat of plague: People deceiv'd; and this was in wearing Charms, Philters, Exorcisms,  Amulets, and I know not what Preparations, to fortify the Body with them against the Plague; as if the Plague was but a kind of a Possession of an evil Spirit; and that it was to be kept off with Crossings, Signs of the Zodiac, Papers tied up with so many Knots; and certain Words, or Figures written on them, as particularly the Word Abracadabra, form'd in Triangle, or Pyramid... How the poor People found the Insufficiency of those things, and how many of them were afterwards carried away in the Dead-Carts. Find more ways to say abracadabra, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at Thesaurus.com, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. This site uses cookies. Younger readers may be familiar with the 'killing curse' from the Harry Potter books - 'avada kedavra', which Rowling adapted from the Aramaic. I always see mad videos, but if it’s not a Black person I only see it on Snapchat or something, but if it’s a Black person you see it everywhere, really and truly. Abra Cadabra Lyrics "On Deck" Sure, sure, sure, you know AB in the building 7 shit, O way or no way Get right, get left or get stretched Free the drillers ten times, you know Add a K to the O, get blam (Bap, gang) Ayy, spin this coupe (Skrr skrr), I just seen somethin' (Rrr) Beginning with a mellow hook in Abra Cadabra’s smooth baritone before referencing officers putting knees on necks, the track then zeroes in on each artist’s experience within an unjust system. It is known to have been in use in 4th century Latin. Sadly, none of these theories stands up to close examination and actual documentary evidence is as insubstantial as those fragments of medieval paper. Another word for abracadabra. Bandokay & Double Lz Feat. Desenhos Exclusivos. Then there’s the video – monochromatic visuals shot by Nathan James Tettey (better known for Dave’s “Black” and “18Hunna” by Headie One) that brings in footage from this summer’s Black Lives Matter protests in London. Positive things always happen from a movement. There was an article that resurfaced recently from UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock saying that he is a grime fan and understands the importance of the UK urban scene. Abra Cadabra, on the track you use the visceral metaphor of a “knee on the neck”. There are mad people [out there] that are cutting off heads – that’s a whole other level of gang violence but you don’t see them bringing that up in the media.Bando: Probably because they're not Black.Abra: That’s the thing. Bando and Lz you dropped your debut tape Frontstreet last year and ever since then fans have been eagerly anticipating a new project. For us, it’s a release. Do you feel any pressure being a role model?Lz: Yeah, I do, bear in mind that I’m young myself so you don’t really realise it as much. They even took down that “On Deck” tune.

- The word is of Hebrew or Aramaic origin, being derived either from the Hebrew words 'ab' (father), 'ben' (son), and 'ruach hakodesh' (holy spirit), or from the Aramaic 'avra kadavra', meaning 'it will be created in my words'.

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