That finding was expected.

However, expecting a physician, who has minimal to zero training in psychiatry, to treat and actually diagnose psychiatric disorders is not fair to the patient or the doctor. If you are looking to give feedback on our new site, please send it along to, To view this site properly, enable cookies in your browser. The large-scale study, published Monday in the CMAJ, highlights a chronic problem in the country's mental-health care system: The people most in need don't get access to the specialists best trained to heal them – even in times of crisis. At the crisis clinic at CAMH for instance, he says, high-need patients typically see a psychiatrist within five days and are followed for six weeks. Often the reason for this is that Psychiatrists do not charge a fee in Ontario and they have professional credentials which lead patients to want to see a Psychiatrist. My doctor put me on a medication that had no tapering down when it was to strong, I suffered for a few years not knowing how to get off this horrible medication and I did go to emerg but the psychiatrists wouldn’t do anything. So, when they get a request to see a new patient, they may feel compelled to adjust their schedules to meet the demand, he adds. They need to be adequately trained in psych medications. The researchers used Ontario data to look at the regional distribution of psychiatrists, how many patients they treated, and how often.
E-mail:, Hours: Monday to Friday 9:00 am – 4:30 pm, CMHA Certified Psychological Health & Safety, The (sadly now-disbanded) Wait Time Alliance’s, on Canada’s long wait times listed contributing factors such as inadequate or minimal resources and staff, and a lack of system coordination.

Wait times are a perennial flash point for health systems. There is no informed consent. If the Canadian health-care system was organized in a similar fashion, we might not be facing such a bottleneck in the delivery of mental-health services. Her response to that was to double the dose and I then ended up in hospital.

There have been no advances in psychiatry since the 1950’s. Now it’s time to act. But he sees some patients over and over again because they can't get access to talk therapy otherwise. While your in hospital the psychiatrist should be giving updates to the patients doctor. Psychiatrists practicing in Toronto saw an average of 181 patients (including 105 new patients) over the course of a year. My walk-in does treat my GAD but with the Price Baker report coming and forced rostering, which I will refuse to go to, I need to find a psychiatrist for essentially the same care as the walk-in clinic guy has given me for the last 10 years. Mental Health is failing in B.C. The major problem appears to be the way psychiatrists choose to run their practices and not a shortage in their numbers. This is a space where subscribers can engage with each other and Globe staff. Clearly, our net was cast too wide and captured many “patients” who might have been far better off never entering the mental health system.”—Allen Frances, MD on DSM 5 goes too far in creating new mental disorders. It’s some psychiatrists that won’t see there patient long term. Tweaking the fee scale for psychiatrists – paying more for consultations and less for continuing therapy – is one option. And I’m just one of thousands in this country in this situation. Intrupte your life,block your work ,destroy your family and marriage, is it really definition of health and long term care and safety? The only party to benefit from such a dynamic would be the drug companies who just want to sell drugs.

Dr. Kurdyak would like to do a follow-up study along those lines.

Dr. Kurdyak says family doctors are going to “give up” on psychiatrists if they have to contact dozens of offices in order to find treatment for a single patient. take on more patients would likely result in fewer visits per patient (i.e. The wait times to see a specialist of any kind were even longer.

It needs to be revamped and major changes the government needs to look into this further. Problem in canada is that as a psychiatrist we try to diagnose and send treatment recommendations but patients don’t want to seek psychotherapy outside of psychiatry as it may require them having to pay.

That could mean seeing some of their existing patients less frequently in order to squeeze in new patients.

I see how people look at me with pity because they know how I once was and it hurts to know that I may never feel ok again. And people who have a ton of need, dropping off the cliff," says Paul Kurdyak, the medical director for performance improvement at the Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, one of the co-authors of the new paper, who has been studying how psychiatrists practise for years.

But one thing he could do is seek the help of his family physician, until a psychiatrist can see him on a more regular basis.

Unfortunately, the answers to these two critical questions can’t be gleaned from Dr. Kurdyak’s latest study. Psychiatrists, he explains, provide patients with psychotherapy and they are paid on an hourly rate. We also wait the longest for specialists: About 56 per cent of Canadians said it took longer than four weeks to see a specialist. Access to psychiatrist after referral by family physician: First episode psychosis: Within 24 … He believes many psychiatrists are not compelled to see more patients, in part, because of the way they are paid under the provincial health-care plans. Follow Paul on Twitter @epaultaylor.

Then there’s even a bigger problem by the time you see your actual psychiatrist. “They are incentivized to constantly see new patients because the payment for a consultation is so much higher than for a follow-up.”, Dr. Kurdyak notes that Ontario’s Ministry of Health has tried to entice psychiatrists into seeing more new patients by ‘sweetening’ some fees. I’ve lost my job and will lose my home when the money runs out. I don’t go to the doctor for common colds and only went when I broke a bone that only required a cast to fix in my 29 years of life. I finally got an appointment with one on Sept, then he prescribed me pills that had extreme side effects. You suffer, not all family phsychians can you get into right away, and sometimes they don’t know what to do either. The wait times to see a specialist of any kind were even longer. As Dr. Kurdyak puts it: “People should be really annoyed about the poor access to mental health services. Don’t worry, it’s that person, and their history with society. Despite these advantages that we have, however, we still suffer when it comes to scheduling those important appointments.

In Regina, where we had a public incident recently. He already has some theories about what’s influencing the psychiatrists to either take on more patients or turn them away. I know some people have managed to connect with a great psychologist but it seems to take time and money to accomplish as starting over is monetarily and mentally draining. Contact us via email:, or click the “contact us” link above. During relapse, we need help right away instead of ruining months of our lives. i am currently faced with a situation i had a psychiateriest in a hospital and he resigned.

“If you produce more psychiatrists and most of them end up practicing in Toronto, that is a problem in and of itself,” says Dr. Kurdyak. In central Toronto, which has the highest supply in the province, there are roughly 63 psychiatrists for every 100,000 residents. We hope to have this fixed soon. Can’t take you off the med your on cause there’s no lower dose for tapering so they give you something on top of the med your already taking that is no good for you. I get that Psychiatrists don’t have incentives to new patients but what is their work ethic? Many patients suffering from various forms of mental illness have to wait many months before they can see a health-care professional trained to treat their particular condition. His blog, Personal Health Navigator, is reprinted on Healthy Debate with the kind permission of Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre. Canadian Mental Health Association, National

One could increase the pool of Psychiatrists available for therapy by limiting psychotherapy sessions to … They use to years ago, not sure if it’s because in our town we have a new hospital and it’s partly privatized not sure if that has anything to do with it but our health care since the new hospital has gone down the drain. While there are some concerns regarding access to care for new or acute psychiatric cases, modeling Canadas care after another nation or culture may not be the best way to meet these needs and may instead wreak havoc with the stellar level of care that Canada is able to provide under many circumstances. You don’t want to see a psychiatrist. My next follow up was on 2017 Jan. My GP almost killed me a few years back by prescribing an antidepressant which put me into full blown mania, which I’d never experienced before.

They don’t know your case or know you, very uncomfortable for the person going through the hoops. I believe only a small percentage of physicians are actually very competent I have been part of the Psychiatry on call group since 2007 and have been involved in outpatient and inpatient care as well as consultation liaison. This kind of system performance wouldn’t be tolerated for cancer or cardiovascular care, and is not fair to people who suffer from mental illnesses.”. If you would like to write a letter to the editor, please forward it to

imagine all the time and money that will be saved…. © Copyright 2020 The Globe and Mail Inc. All rights reserved. His doctor says he will have to wait six to nine months to see a psychiatrist. Why they can just spend more time on every patient so treatment can be started right the way

Maybe the bonus wasn't enough, the authors theorized, or psychiatrists didn't know about it. And 40 per cent of the Toronto psychiatrists treated fewer than 100. All that psychiatry has to offer is uppers and downers (amphetamines or tranquilizers) all with very serious side-effects.

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