A life-saving chest operation planned for two months is threatened by a lack of beds. Behind a hospital's excellent reputation lies a secret network of dangerous experiments. The Handmaid’s Tale : la servante écarlate - Saison 4. The quality of the stream is excellent, the acting in the series is excellent, there is no significantly inappropriate adult language, there is some violence and some sex that is enough to keep the series from being boring. Drama series based on the lives of hospital doctors, nurses and patients in 1907. The story of the NHS in unprecedented times. A husband relates the events surrounding the illness of his wife of 40 years. Travelling or based outside United States? Graham Cole played a junior doctor in episode one,[4] Michael Garner played PC McMorrow in episode four,[5] Alfred Molina played Fleet Street journalist Harry Horner in episode four,[6] while Vas Blackwood also appeared in episode four, as Bob. Le staff de l'hôpital Knickerbocker, des chirurgiens aux infirmières, doit repousser les limites de la médecine dans un environnement où le taux de mortalité a soudainement et inexplicablement augmenté... Catherine Banks, une célèbre neurologue à qui tout semble réussir, se bat en secret contre une maladie mentale : elle est bipolaire, comme l'était sa mère. Baz and Charlie fight for the life of a half-drowned boy, but their joy at saving him is overshadowed when one of their own is brought in by ambulance. If you were captivated, as I was, by BBC's "Call the Midwife," also set in the East End, you'll like see this series as a great companion piece. Great acting with a wonderful cast. The show was created by Jeremy Brock and Paul Unwin after the pair were both hospitalised for different reasons. Megan is brought in for treatment. Story about a woman's response to being diagnosed with an inoperable brain tumour, In Spain, a daughter is constantly seeking a remedy for her ailing mother, Alison Joseph's dramatisation of the novel describing a day in the life of a surgeon. The hospital is using a radical new technique, ultra-violet light, to treat skin disease caused by unsanitary living conditions in the East End. Saura-t-il être à la hauteur de sa mission ? It also analyzes reviews to verify trustworthiness. A law student refuses to accept a diagnosis of Epilepsy, whilst Duffy organises a protest against the planned Casualty service cuts. "[12] Unwin said that he and Brock were both 'left–wing and passionate', and that they 'knew what stories there were to tell'. Reviewed in the United States on March 22, 2014. Driven mad by cravings and nightmares, his path crosses with Ada with unexpected results. Medical drama starring Paul Rhys. There, they met Pete Salt, a charge nurse. Set in the heart of the East End amid horrific danger and poverty, when illnesses such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, measles, syphilis, diphtheria are rife, Whitechapel life tumbles through the emergency room doors daily in victims of violence, suicide, drink and drugs. There is little in the way of Christmas cheer, as the department faces the threat of imminent closure. I know this may sound strange but I am actually new to streaming video on my Kindle. Hospital — Series 5, Episode 1. If you love drama, there is much to be had and also a commentary on social medicine and the extreme poverty of the times. The hospital's overseas officer tries to recoup money from non-UK residents on the ward. The series did capture something of the atmosphere...Matron Eva Luckes was depicted much prettier thanrevealed in the many survivng pictures of the real lady and that's a good thing! More clips from Episode 1. Perhaps my personal favorite thread of the series is the one that explores the ingenuity, hard work, and personal sacrifices of the hospital's understaffed nursing departments facing not only the crises of patients out of east end London's poverty and social turmoils but severe restrictions placed on their members' own personal, but not very private, lives. A policeman is stabbed at a local football fixture, but is the situation as simple as it seems? La jeune femme s'efforce de maintenir de bonnes relations avec ses camarades internes, mais dans ce métier difficile la compétition fait rage... Atteint du syndrome d'Asperger ainsi que de celui du savant, le Dr Shaun Murphy rejoint un prestigieux hôpital. I love the BBC show 'Call the Midwife,' and period shows about the medical field in general, so I thought I would try this one out as it gets great reviews. 17-year-old Genevieve seems fine - until her mental states spirals out of control. Drama about a group of young doctors working in their first jobs at a Cardiff hospital. [11] During their time at the hospital, the pair were 'deeply concerned by what they saw'. In 1985, the dream is in tatters. It is a bit of a soap opera, a bit of a documentary, a dramatization, and quite interesting to me to see how nurses worked and were treated back at the turn of the last century (early 1900's). Home; Episodes; Clips; Main content. Watch BBC One live, find TV programme listings and schedules, plus enjoy your favourite shows on BBC iPlayer. Both the Hospital and Midwife series try to balance the pathos of heavy subject matter with any bits of humor and optimism that helped the ones the production portrays get through their days.
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