Dale protests, suggesting that a new problem with Hershel was created in the wake of resolving the safety concern of the barn walkers. In the episode "Forget", Jessie, Pete, Ron, and Sam attend Deanna's party. Milton dodges her question, suggesting that The Governor may have went on a supply run. Family Rick also told Andrea it was alright for her to take the necklace in the display for Amy's birthday. As Andrea and the other survivors struggle to re-stabilize the rope, Glenn dangles precariously within the walker's grasp. As of the time skip it is unclear where their relationship stands. She avoids attachments and maintains a toughly pragmatic, nihilistic worldview. When she was about to shoot the Governor, Milton prevents her from doing so, saying that if she killed the Governor, the prison group won’t ever be saved. In conversing with Maggie's group, Georgie expressed a belief that the dead have brought out the best and worst in humanity, but the worst is outpacing the best at the current time. When Maggie, Enid, and Michonne arrive at the meeting point, Georgie exits her van and introduces herself and, before she can explain her intentions with the group, Rosita and Enid disarm the three women under Maggie's orders.

Andrea is in despair and says she can't go back to Woodbury. Sheriff Deputy Rick Grimes wakes up from a coma to learn the world is in ruins and must lead a group of survivors to stay alive. Michonne raids a local pharmacy, bringing Andrea aspirin.

Last Appearance Looking for some great streaming picks? Caucasian-American. Andrea was grateful towards Hershel for letting her and the group stay at his farm , and tries to help him out whenever she can. That night, Laura is among the group that arrives at the border to meet with Alpha. Daryl then said, "I never could." Though Andrea plays a minor role in this episode, she is part of the most notable scene with the survivors attempting to retrieve the 'swimmer' from the bottom of one of the five wells on Hershel's property. Laura appears alongside Negan and D.J. She tells him that she is a grown, married woman who can take care of herself. After Donnie gets shot in the arm by Carol, he begins to get emotionally uncontrollable and intends to kill Carol for shooting his arm. Later, Martinez tells her to give him her gun, for "precautions". After finding out that Andrea assisted Beth in her attempted suicide, Maggie was enraged.

Andrea says she is glad she could help. When faced with three suspicious women, Georgie immediately recognized their suspicion and did nothing but speak calmly with them.

Michonne continues to go on about how suspicious Woodbury really is, and Andrea says, "You are not making any sense." Ironically, Laura's first appearance was in the episode ". Shortly after, Rick radios Paula to ask if she's considered his proposal to trade hostages but she delays her decision and ends the transmission. Andrea and Glenn are good friends and look after each other during their stay at the Atlanta Camp. In the final episode of Season Two, they both work together to clear the farm of walkers. Blonde Andrea was sleeping next to the Governor later that night, waking up, pull out a knife, decided to do what Carol says. When I got the part, I watched all four seasons in a week and was having zombie nightmares.

At first Maggie has no intention in trading with her but after thinking it over she agrees and begins the start of them building trust.

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