Petrovsky Theater of Maddox stood for 25 years, in 1805 the building burned down (by the way, later it was repeatedly burned and then rebuilt). Bolshoi Theatre Management Building Box Office. [3], The main building of the theatre, rebuilt and renovated several times during its history, is a landmark of Moscow and Russia (its iconic neoclassical façade is depicted on the Russian 100-ruble banknote). [5][6] The renovation included restoring acoustics to the original quality (which had been lost during the Soviet Era), as well as restoring the original Imperial decor of the Bolshoi.[4]. Over three and a half thousand specialists worked at the Theatre each day, of which numbers upwards of a thousand were restorers. It was at this time that the foundations under the semi-circular auditorium walls were reinforced, the cloakrooms overhauled, the staircases replanned, new rehearsal rooms and dressing-rooms created. Opera enjoyed special attention, this is why "Petrovsky Theatre" was often called "Opera house". New Bolshoi Theatre was built in 16 months and opened to the coronation of Alexander II on August 20th, 1856. The lettered boxes closest to the stage on both sides of the auditorium were reserved for the Tsar's family, court ministries and Theatre management. Ivan Rerberg directed further reconstruction of the theatre between 1921 and 1923. [6] The rebuilding and renovation was funded entirely by the federal government.[15]. Each reproduced or restored element of interior decoration was made the object of a special project for which separate documentation was collected based on numerous archival and on-site researches. During the 1812 war against Napoleon this wooden building also went up in flames.In 1819 a competition for designs for a new theatre was announced. Missing phone.

Urusov and his partner Michael Maddox established the first permanent troupe in Moscow. After the death of Joseph Stalin, the company toured internationally and became an important source of cultural prestige, as well as foreign currency earnings. In the two years that followed, record volumes of work were achieved in the renovation and reconstruction of the Theatre. Lebedev Studio At the completion of the work, however, it was announced that only 21 billion rubles ($688 mil) had been spent. As a result, prices can be much higher than in other Russian theatres. But in 1804, when the Theatre was transferred back to the Government Loan Office, Volkonsky was in effect appointed its salaried director.In 1805 it was decided to set up a theatre directorate in Moscow "along the lines" of the Directorate of Imperial Theatres in Petersburg. In 1938 a major reconstruction of the stage was carried out. This is also where the poet Mikhail Lermontov bid farewell to Moscow’s literary figures before his exile to the Caucasus in 1840. But this theater suffered the fate of its predecessor: the theater caught fire for an unknown reason on March 11th, 1853. The Bolshoi Ballet and Bolshoi Opera are amongst the oldest and most renowned ballet and opera companies in the world. And by autumn 1943, the Bolshoi Theatre had again opened its doors to the public with a production of Glinka's opera A Life for the Tsar from which the monarchical stigma had been erased and its patriotic and popular appeal acknowledged though, true, in order to achieve this, the libretto had to be revised and the opera given a new politically correct title – Ivan Susanin. Chef-d’œuvres of Russian 19th-20th century music theatre occupy a leading place in its repertoire. As with the majority of the buildings in Theatre Square, the Bolshoi Theatre was built on piles. All of the platforms can be raised to foyer level to create a space for holding formal, receptions. The crimson-gold magnificence of the auditorium impressed all those who entered it – both in the first years of the Bolshoi Theatre's existence and in later decades. Tchaikovsky's ballet Swan Lake premiered at the theatre on 4 March 1877. A prologue in verse (M. Dmitriev) specially written for the occasion was performed The Triumph of the Muses, with choruses and dances to music by Alexander Alyabiev, Alexei Verstovsky and F. Scholtz, and also a ballet Cendrillon produced by a guest ballerina and ballet-master from France Félicité Hullen-Sor, to music by the latter’s husband, Fernando Sor.
In 1821-1824 Mikhailov and Bove constructed the monumental building for the Bolshoi Theater, the one we admire today. In recognition of the importance of the moment and as a conciliatory gesture towards those who had failed to gain admittance, the production was repeated in full the next day. Beauvais’ three- dimensional structure of the building was kept, but the height of the building was increased, the proportions were changed and decor was re-processed. Special attention was paid to the restoration of the legendary acoustics.
Cutting edge rigs have been installed for the deployment of lanterns, special effects apparatus and acoustics. In April 1941, the Bolshoi Theatre closed for renovation. [4] The building's foundation and brickwork were thoroughly reset. The director at the time was A. Gedeonov, while the famous composer Alexei Verstovsky was appointed manager of the Moscow Theatre office. Muses triumphed over the blaze which destroyed the old theatre building and, led by the Genius of Russia, a role danced by the twenty-five-year-old Pavel Mochalov, raised from the ashes a new temple to art. Contact our experts, and they will help you to plan your best trip to Russia, with attention to every detail! It was won by Andrei Mikhailov, a professor at the Academy of Arts.

The new building is on a natural hill which it shared, until recently, blocks of old houses with communal apartments.[12]. Cavos, who specialized in building theatres, had an excellent grasp of theatre technology and of designing multi-tiered theatres with box-stage and Italian and French-type boxes. Please correct and try again. By this time, it had already 'adapted' the building to its own needs with a vengeance. On 6 January 1825 the solemn opening ceremony for the new Petrovsky Theatre took place – as it was much bigger than its predecessor it was known as the Big (Bolshoi) Petrovsky Theatre. The Petrovsky Theatre, which was built in record quick time – less than six months, was the first public Theatre building of such size and beauty to be erected in Moscow. Kavos changed the shape and size of the main auditorium, which was built for up to three thousand spectators. The All-Russian Congresses of Soviets, the All-Russian Central Executive Committee sessions, the Comitern Congresses – were all taking place at the Bolshoi Theatre. Kavos invited the famous Russian sculptor Peter Klodt , author of the famous equestrian groups at Anichkov bridge across the Fontanka River in Saint Petersburg to create a new sculpture group. Outside, on the top of the façade, the double-headed eagle of the original Russian coat of arms was installed in the place where the Soviet hammer and sickle had been mounted for decades. The 19th-century wooden fixtures, silver stage curtain and French-made red velvet banquettes were removed for repair in specialist workshops. "I tried to decorate the auditorium as extravagantly but at the same time as lightly as possible, in Renaissance taste mixed with Byzantine style.

Trading house of merchant Dmitry Alexandrovich Luhmanov was in this building in the middle of the nineteenth century. Pyotr Tchaikovsky. His design, however, was declared to be too expensive. The new Theatre, which was bigger even than Petersburg's Big (Bolshoi) Stone Theatre was distinguished by its monumental grandeur, its perfect proportions, the harmony of its architectural forms and the richness of its interior decoration. Together with auxiliary buildings — a restored 17th-century building, two rehearsal halls, and artists' recreation rooms — it forms a single theatre complex, the Bolshoi Theatre of Russia. Part of the Bolshoi Theatre Company went into evacuation in Kuibyshev, part remained in Moscow and continued to give performances at the Bolshoi Filial, its 2nd stage. The installation of state of the art stage equipment was a unique world-scale project. Therefore, the Governor of Moscow Dmitry Golitsyn commissioned architect Joseph Bové to alter it, which the latter did, considerably improving it in the process. The Tsar's box, opposite the stage and protruding a little into the auditorium became the latter's central feature. If we will not heard back that you received the e-mail with the tours' selection, we will contact you by phone.And you will not miss the best tour for you. [8] Ouroussoff set up the theatre in collaboration with English tightrope walker Michael Maddox. The auditorium walls were lined with acoustically resonant pinewood panels, the iron ceiling was replaced by a wooden one, the painted plafond being constructed out of wooden panels – everything in the auditorium – even the decoration of the boxes made out of papier-mache - was geared to the acoustics.

During the long period of reconstruction, the company continued to mount productions, with performances held on the New Stage and on the stage of the Great Kremlin Palace. The bright crimson, scattered with gold, draping of the interiors of the boxes, the different on each level stucco arabesques, the Apollo and the Muses plafond — all this contributes to the auditorium’s breath-taking impact. It gives occasional concerts of symphonic music in the theatre and elsewhere, and has made recordings. Fire destroyed the Petrovka Theatre on 8 October 1805, and the New Arbat Imperial Theatre replaced it on 13 April 1808, however it also succumbed to fire during the French invasion of Moscow in 1812. A new stage for the Bolshoi Theatre, called the New Stage, went into service on 29 November 2002, constructed to the left of the theatre's historic main stage. Added to which, the authorities' opinion – which to begin with had been very positive - of the quality of his entrepreneurial activities underwent radical change.

It has a branch at the Bolshoi Theater School in Joinville, Brazil. [2] The theatre is the parent company of The Bolshoi Ballet Academy, a world-famous leading school of ballet. It includes part of the walls of the burnt Petrovsky Theater. In 2010 the auditorium suite of halls were renovated: the Lobby, the Main or the White Foyer, the Choral, Exhibition, Round and Beethoven halls. The building of the Bolshoi Petrovsky Theatre stood for almost 30 years. There was a considerable increase in the space occupied by the auditorium which made it possible to provide the boxes with anterooms – small drawing-rooms done up to entertain visitors from the stalls or from neighboring boxes. State of the art machinery has been installed in the stagehouse. +7 (495) 455-5555, Map. The shock wave passed obliquely between the portico columns, went through the facade wall and did considerable damage to the Lobby. It is by far the world's biggest ballet company, with more than 200 dancers. The opera company specializes in the classics of Russian opera such as Mussorgsky's Boris Godunov, Glinka's A Life for the Tsar, and Rimsky-Korsakov's The Tsar's Bride, as well as the operas of Tchaikovsky.

And on the resulting empty space it was planned to put up the auxiliary buildings the Theatre so badly needed. $850 million). The building burned down in 1805 and performances were staged at various venues again up until 1825. Full info, Sorry, no events are scheduled for these dates at this venue. Participating in the project were uniquely qualified specialists whose great feat of labor will earn them the undying gratitude of present-day Bolshoi Theatre audiences. [4] The first staged opera, Ruslan and Lyudmila, followed soon after. Bolshoi theatre - Historic Stage (Moscow), and are registered trademarks. It was clear to everyone, however that, in the interests of keeping the Company together, it simply had to go on working. However, in 1922, the Bolshevik government decided that to close the Theatre was not economically feasible. Please make sure that you receive this message (sometimes e-mail messages may go to the spam/junk mail).If you did not get this message, it means you will not get message with the tours' selection as well. The first museum building, built specifically for this purpose, and place of action of the "The Fatal Eggs " by Bulgakov.

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