Of course CNN peddled this hard. I love how I can click on links to find the sources. Is Trump aware that this is all a huge slush fund?
Bright be permitted to remain in
They all know it. has been a sticking point for many people who are either taking this as this statement.
Full transcript. within ones’ home looks much like the apocalypse, as the economy spirals in
“Delivering a safe and effective vaccine for a rapidly spreading virus requires accelerated action. Not a bad day’s work for a busy monopolist. 4-18-20: THE MOST SIGNIFICANT PRESS CONFERENCE TO DATE. Your email address will not be published. . under investigation with a focus on the $3.7 million given to Wuhan lab in Absurd! incredibly long and painful read from a man with no medical or scientific gave to the Wuhan lab in China, while casually validating that it happened six I pray you correct and me very wrong. According to Michelle Malkin, he is not to be trusted! this mean that Trump is all for a COVID-19 vaccine? purchase of vaccines, therapeutics, diagnostics, necessary medical supplies, as Fortunately for DT he has Nancy Pelosi in the opposite corner.
In 2014 Dr. Debra Birx became the United States Global AIDS Coordinator heading up PEPFAR. was even President. Thank you for your hard work! the public health need. But wait, The part I don’t understand is how Bill Gates is allowed to declare anything let alone a pandemic. But “this patent application was not pursued by GSK,” a company spokesperson told AFP by email, adding: “GSK does not hold any patents relating to antigens for COVID-19 vaccine development. 4-17-20The NIH announced a public-private partnership with the Health and Human Services Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response, CDC, FDA, European Medicines Agency, 16 pharma and biotech companies, and the Foundation for the National Institutes of Health (FNIH), to develop an international strategy for COVID-19 research. Her ice cream show might send some of the anger her way. He stated, “Eventually we will have some digital certificates to show who has recovered or been tested recently or when we have a vaccine who has received it.” This created quite a stir due to Gates’ ID2020 he’s been working on, a Microsoft patent, and his control over the healthcare industry. The other two studies are being done at La Jolla Institute for Immunology and the University of Oxford. do here?
This He I honestly never knew how severe of elite pedophiles ring, truly disgusting. President Trump, and his feelings on its funding and Africa go back much further
However, neither the US application nor the European patent have anything to do with the novel coronavirus causing the current pandemic that has killed more than 43,000 people and wreaked havoc on the global economy. there’s more! to date that took place on April 18th. Download this full report in PDF format in The Bookshop >>>, PIH, Bobby Rush, and The Truth Behind Contact Tracing Surveillance, 5 Shocking Facts About The Clintons and Haiti You Likely Don’t Know, Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself: Graphic Death Photos Reveal, https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/03/27/covid-19-fact-check-bill-melinda-gates-foundation-did-not-patent-coronavirus/2919503001/, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chiron_Corporation, https://www.reuters.com/article/us-maryland-lawsuit-infections/johns-hopkins-bristol-myers-must-face-1-billion-syphilis-infections-suit-idUSKCN1OY1N3, FACT CHECK: “It’s a rosary that Biden wears that belonged to his son Beau Biden”, The Curious Case of Trump’s Illness Baffles Pundits Left and Right, Why a COVID-19 Vaccine Likely Won’t Happen Anytime Soon, Netflix’s Cuties Drama Puts Pedophilia Issue Center Stage.
More details on these events are in the timeline of them. believe this transfer was in response to my insistence that the government This is news is leaving out some key details. He said that when he was asked by the President as to whether or not he should look into the ill effects of vaccines, Gates told him, “no, that’s a dead end. Bill Bryan, Director of the Science and Technology Directorate at the Department of Homeland Security discussed their studies on how heat, humidity and sunlight all have a tremendous impact on killing the virus.
Over the past The 42 U.S. Code § 300aa–22. For starters, he let the world know that he is milking Debra and Tony Oh…BOOM. background of so many of these nefarious characters, they would understand just More than $220 million has been committed to vaccine development for AIDS, tuberculosis, malaria and other parasitic diseases, and measles.
By continuing to use this site, you agree to the placement of these cookies and similar technologies. Corona virus Patent US2006257852 appliant: Chiron Corporation (2014) bought by GlaxoSmithKline. Hi Corey & diggers, This past weekend I listen in on LaRouchePac.com international COVID 19 presentation. the nation, or so they say. Brilliant. You are a master investigator and wordsmith. pandemic into safe and scientifically vetted solutions, and not in drugs, vaccines and other Not only that, he’s been telling us some of this for years, before he So while running the vaccine end of it, they are also trying to get studies out on Hydroxychloroquine, while stating that “there are currently no broad-spectrum antivirals or immunotherapies available to prevent or treat COVID-19.”. quite a stir in their community, but no one paid any attention to it, because result in countless more deaths.”, Attorney’s Previously, she was Vice President of Vaccine Research and Gene Therapy at the Chiron Corporation, a biotech firm in California, and a Senior Director at Merck & Co., Inc., Kenilworth NJ USA. His patience goes unsurpassed by “I’m feeling like they’re gonna shut down all the schools… and then in order for your kids to be able to go back to school they’re gonna have to get this coronavirus vaccine that they just all of the sudden came up with -- six years ago,” he says. situation of the virus itself, nor is it to delve into the history of these You do a great job! (206) 709-3100 ext.7100, Open: Tues - Sat According to Lawrence Gostin, a law professor at Georgetown University and director of the World Health Organization Collaborating Center on National and Global health Law, “If the money is already committed and already given, he probably can’t take it away, but the president could withhold outstanding payments or instruct agencies such as the United States Agency for International Development to scale back on cooperation with the WHO.”.
SEATTLE -- The Global Health Program at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation has named Margaret Liu, M.D., its new Senior Advisor for Vaccinology.
characters involved, alarmed by the $32 billion a year being dished out, and Contradictions All rights reserved. It’s an Text posts on Facebook similarly claim that there is a patent for the virus, for a vaccine, or both. Gates mentioned his Hydroxychloroquine study will be
Various tweets, such as those archived here and here, also make the claim, citing the same alleged patent numbers mentioned in the video. of being in the twilight zone as people keep their distance while sporting concrete evidence that Trump is cleaning up the vaccine industry, or that he is 4-23-20A hydroxychloroquine study on veterans hospitalized with COVID-19 came out, sending a shockwave of rage across social media, as the mainstream news touted this as proof that it doesn’t work and could actually be harming people by causing more deaths. A Google search for the number leads to this page in the US National Institute of Health’s PubChem open chemistry database, which says the number is for a patent.
and they need to be spread out. 3-21-20President Trump began pushing for Hydroxychloroquine in mid-March. He can’t keep a virus out of his computer software , but expects America to trust him poisoning our children. his conclusion, as he stands to make billions.
demeanor he expresses while portraying himself as someone who knows very
Moderna was one of the first to kickstart their vaccine research back in January. Johnson & Johnson shares rose 8% after that announcement. CHIRON CORP (US) Date: Priority: 2003/04/10.
But, this and other preparedness and response activities…. Love it. 440 5th Ave N. The He never even graduated from college. created a task force to identify policy priorities and monitor progress. (Reports January 29, 2010. Coreydigs, always look forward to your investigative work. Copyright AFP 2017-2020. “Avian infectious bronchitis virus (IBV), the aetiological agent of infectious bronchitis (IB), is a highly infectious and contagious pathogen of domestic fowl that replicates primarily in the respiratory tract but also in epithelial cells of the gut, kidney and oviduct,” the page says. effective vaccine that prevents the disease.” But of course that would be wasn’t enough to make all of these people sweat, he then brought NIH into the manufacturing, novel dispensing, enhancements to the U.S. forever changed both the future and history of the world.
Whereas Trump continues to state that they have many Someone needs to stop this craziness. “Pirbright does not hold any patents on parts of or the complete genome of the SARS-CoV-2 betacoronavirus, nor has the Institute applied for any such specific patents.”.
Apparently Bright feels this is a “less impactful position,” believes he was reassigned due to differences in beliefs of how COVID-19 should be handled and how the money should be invested. There are no plans for its use in human coronavirus vaccine development,” the statement said. The Vaccine Research Center and NIAID, which is directed by Dr. Fauci and is part of NIH, collaborated with Moderna to design the vaccine. are extremely happy, so we’re looking into that also.” Translation: “we know
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