stay in contact with your classmates so you can support each other online. Students arriving in Western Australia will need to comply with whatever government requirements are in place at the time. Curtin will continue to exercise caution on campus to promote the health and wellbeing of our community. Please refer to the websites below for latest requirements and links to apply for an exemption to travel.

Curtin is aware that current COVID-19 travel restrictions may prevent students from entering Western Australia to study on campus in Semester 2. owners of the land on which the Perth campus is located, the Wadjuk people of the Nyungar Nation; and on our The Curtin Mushalla will be open for students and staff from 6am-6pm daily from 3 August. While many are working from home or have been temporarily laid off, Impark is still charging monthly parking rates for parking stalls that are sitting empty and unused. If you are studying a unit that usually requires a lot of interaction in class, or are generally concerned you will struggle to complete your studies online without your tutor or classmates alongside you, you are encouraged to: If you have a noisy or distracting home environment that makes it difficult to study, the following advice is suggested: We are aware that some students may not be able to afford to set themselves up for online study, or may be experiencing significant financial stress that threatens to disrupt their studies. Please note that an underload may result in your course being extended in duration and this may impact on your visa (length of stay in Australia), your Overseas Student Health Cover and all your related expenses. To help keep you on track with your study goals, we are now offering: Please contact Curtin Connect in the first instance and they will refer you to the service you need. The Station can be contacted on 9266 2121 or emailed via Contact your internet provider in the first instance, as they may have initiatives in place to support customers experiencing significant hardship. More information can be found here.

The information provided here relates primarily to our Western Australian campuses. If you are a continuing student and you are unable to continue your studies and are now on an approved leave of absence, your fees will be credited to next semester’s enrolment. Please switch or upgrade to a, WAIT Directors and Curtin Vice-Chancellors, Western Australian Institute of Technology, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. With the progressive relaxation of social restrictions in Western Australia, Curtin has resumed teaching on its WA campuses for Semester 2 – applying the State Government’s current two square metre rule to determine how many people can safely occupy its different sized teaching spaces. This internet browser is outdated and does not support all features of this site. If you are an international student and yet to arrive in Australia, you can amend your policy to enable your start date to align with the date you arrive in Australia. All of our teaching was moved online earlier in the year and the majority of our staff shifted to working from home. All assistance in relation to Curtin Access Plans and/or disability will be managed through normal process, and should be referred to the AccessAbility service. If you have not received the invitation email please contact Curtin Connect for support. You should have received an email inviting you to accept the Access Support Scholarship. These are … You will need to meet both Federal and State government requirements to enter Western Australia. As we all know, the COVID-19 pandemic has made 2020 a challenging year for many people all around the globe.

Contact Curtin Connect who will ensure you are referred to the most appropriate service/support and assisted as quickly as possible. All lectures will continue to be recorded and made available online only via iLecture/Blackboard. If you are feeling unwell and begin to display symptoms of COVID-19 (a fever, cough or other respiratory symptoms), you can call the Coronavirus Health Information Hotline on 1800 300 243 or your own doctor for advice. Parking. VC's Communications. Visit the Australian Government’s Services Australia website to check your eligibility for any COVID-19 related support payments. Teams delivered a creative pitch showcasing their design concept as well as a prototype allowing the audience to visualise and have a greater understanding of their concept.

Students studying in Australia For Semester 2, processes for late and further assessment will revert to normal. Yes, in light of the difficulties that the COVID-19 pandemic has created for year 12 students and others intending to study at university next year, Curtin is offering more flexible pathways into its 2021 courses.

To accept your offer, please email your acceptance document to financial hardship funds to assist with essential study costs, such as internet expenses. Safety at Curtin. If the above are not able to assist, you may be eligible for a range of support programs facilitated by Curtin. Kate Higson, Salma Jarrar & James Kang. If you are outside of Western Australia, unable to study full time due to borders closure and wish to study less units, you may complete the Enrol in Less than 100 Credits Form. The Unity team covered the basics of developing and designing gaming platforms enabling students to understand how to create an immersive, and interactive digital experience. The Curtin Malaysia campus remains closed and all remaining teaching in 2020 will be online, with the exception of Higher Degree by Research students who will be able to attend campus under restricted conditions. Advance study involving a research project. Kalgoorlie campus, the Wongutha people of the North-Eastern Goldfields. The information provided here relates primarily to our Western Australian campuses. My campus. We will work with you to determine the best time and way to transition to onshore studies and the support you may require. Curtin would like to pay respect to the indigenous members of our community by acknowledging the traditional Most library services will be available and bookings can be made for group study rooms. There are plenty of study tools, personal support and information to assist your transition to online learning. If you study fewer than four units online, you will still need to pay a semester’s fee as deposit. owners of the land on which the Perth campus is located, the Wadjuk people of the Nyungar Nation; and on our If you are yet to arrive in Australia, you may amend the start date of your policy to align with when you arrive. For all COVID-19 enquiries or to lodge a COVID-19 case, please contact us. On Day Three, students attended a UiUx (User Interface & User Experience Design) workshop to develop their ideas as well as receive feedback on their progress. “You and Me in a Tree” is a mobile app that aim to strengthen friendships when you cannot meet in person, be it quarantine, a long distance relationship or just the time pressure of everyday life. Where units require hands-on elements, we will reschedule these units until you are able to come into the country and commence face-to-face teaching. This is so that we can issue your Confirmation of Enrolment for your visa application. Please switch or upgrade to a different browser to display this site properly.

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