Learn more about our use of cookies and information. Elfo lies to hide his feelings for Bean, but things get complicated when she tries to help him by sending the knights on a quest. Opposites attract at Christmas as cynical Dash and sunny Lily trade messages and dares in a red notebook they pass back and forth around New York City. The 1995 Nick Hornby novel, which was made into a 2000 John Cusack movie, is now a 2020 TV series starring Zoë Kravitz. Videos Sense8. Revue de presse | While the Sensates bond, Nomi takes a bold move to gain her freedom and Sun makes a choice she might someday regret. Sense8: Season 1 (Recap) Season 2 Trailer 2: Sense8. Netflix and third parties use cookies and similar technologies on this website to collect information about your browsing activities which we use to analyse your use of the website, to personalize our services and to customise our online advertisements. Bean, Luci, Sorcerio and the knights search for him, along with a magical pendant needed to complete the immortality potion. King Zøg tries to make Elfo's blood into an immortality potion. While Capheus enjoys a welcome surprise, Lito makes a splash at a high-profile event. Bean and her friends return to Dreamland but don't receive a warm welcome from Zøg. Will asks an old friend for help as Riley embarks on a risky journey.

When a peculiar hotel dinner show draws crowds during a postapocalyptic famine, one family discovers they'll pay much more than the price of admission. Princess duties call, but she'd rather be drinking. Nomi's fate draws nearer, Capheus and Wolfgang's fortunes seem to have turned, but Sun is faced with an impossible choice.

Bientôt, Paco, le maire naïf du village et Elena, la vétérinaire, souhaitent lever le voile sur le passé du religieux. A millionaire publisher gets a blackmail note — his decision can mean life or death. Ensemble, les 6 poneys rencontrent toute sorte d'énigmes en préparant leurs cupcakes, des échecs de glaçage, de délicieux désastres et des mésaventures magiques. Disenchantment.

Luci and Elfo try to help Bean. Starring David Tennant, Daniel Mays and Jason Watkins, the programme follows the mould of previous hit ITV series Appropriate Adult, A Confession and White House Farm, in retelling a chilling real-life UK criminal case from a new perspective. In the sweeping series finale, passions run high as the Sensates and their closest allies fight to save the cluster and stop their enemies for good. Les sept derniers épisodes de Supernatural se dévoilent enfin. Les plus importantes variations de la semaine du Top Séries, Bande-annonce Freaky, la nouvelle comédie horrifique Blumhouse avec Vince Vaughn dans le corps d'une adolescente, Dexter de retour : une saison 9 en 2021 pour la série culte, Fargo : exit Netflix, la saison 4 sera en exclusivité sur Salto [EXCLU], CANNESERIES : Partisan, Red Light et Moloch au palmarès du festival, Supernatural : pourquoi le créateur a quitté la série après la saison 5. Explorez des sites antiques spectaculaires, révélés sous un jour nouveau grâce à la numérisation 3D. Joaquín meets with Emilio.

Martin and created by David Benioff and D.B. Trois enfants vont apprendre à faire face aux défis de la vie grâce à leur voisin panda du nom de Stillwater. Ensemble, ils ont la ferme intention de remporter la victoire lors de la Coupe de la Baleine. Nearly three decades after the discovery of the T-virus, an outbreak reveals the Umbrella Corporation's dark secrets.

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