Many GMO supporters believe that bioengineered foods are a godsend to developing countries: that farmers using transgenic seeds use less synthetic pesticides that are harmful to the environment and have higher crop yields and more nutritious foods. There are concerns that GM-type foods cater to resistance to antibiotics, to an increase in allergies, and to cancer. The world population has topped 6 billion people and is predicted to double in the next 50 years. They are a very effective means of providing the food for the people.
I totally agree, we are taking y too many risks nowadays with our foods! Why are people so afraid of it?
Some GM crops are created so they can grow better in harsh environments. And how about the disadvantages of GMO? Here are the disadvantages of GMO foods and why you should be concerned. I keep on reading and tell my friends who are engaged in farming that is their livelihood.
What are the Advantages and the Disadvantages of Being a Teacher. If you’ve consumed anything at all as of yet today, there’s a reasonable chance that you’ve already eaten some kind of GMO – genetically modified organism. 1.
What this means, at least in the U.S., unless you make a conscious effort to avoid them, there’s every chance that “GM” finds it’s way into your meals and your snacks. Just like people never knew about the dangers of smoking until they were demonstrated, the same can be attributed to genetically modified food.
Cindy Lawson from Guernsey (Channel Islands) on March 14, 2012: I loved the topic and what you wrote, very good and important subject, but I just suggest you might want to change the photo used for this hub. Although I am still sitting on the fence about this subject. I honestly believe the reason there are so many diseases and cancer cases out there is because of the chemicals pumped into some of the most popular food products on the market. According to GMO experts, it is important to focus on the functionality of a transgene with regards to physiological and ecological relations. To keep these new weeds under control, scientists then invented new herbicides that were not necessary for non-GMO weeds. This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and does not substitute for diagnosis, prognosis, treatment, prescription, and/or dietary advice from a licensed health professional. The thing I really like to tell people is that there is a difference between natural genetic modification (the kind that mother nature decides makes sense) and the kind where humans are playing with DNA.
All USDA certified organic foods are entirely free of genetic modification. The debate over genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is fierce and ongoing. Or, GM foods could be “manufactured” in such a way that they no longer have any seeds, such as in the case of many grape and watermelon varieties these days. The chance that a single genetically modified crop strain could pollinate an already existing non-GM crop is unlikely and unpredictable, and there are many conditions that must be met for cross pollination to occur. I am writing a paper on GM foods; very good starting point. pramodgokhale from Pune( India) on November 09, 2012: In India we grow BT cotton and fetching high price and government is promoting these seeds.There is no forum to discuss and media is hired by companies ,then whom we trust? Agricultural regulators were alerted by research that strains from GM crops would remain in the soil for years after the crops were removed. Most nations do not recognize such organisms because they say that they tend to hurt people. More troublingly, pests and weeds have evolved and adapted to GM crops so that now they are stronger than ever, requiring farmers to use harsher and harsher pesticides—the very problem that GM crops were supposed to solve! However, when a large scale plantation releases a GM strain during pollination, this risk increases, where the cross pollination to non-GM plants could create a hybrid strain. Scientist must create their own seed and not to utter the seeds nature has given. This uses whole-cell bioreporters to determine toxicity or other damaging conditions in the environment.
These super-organisms cannot be controlled easily, which will create problems in managing their numbers and for crop production in future. It has trade issues. 2. One other thing to keep in mind: Prior to 2010, scientists were unable to conduct independent research on GM plants or seeds because of restrictive licensing practices.
it was very useful in my inquiry project, THES IS SOVERY GOOD TO HELP ME IN MY WORK, Gud points but what about advantages? I would hate people to be put off from buying, eating or growing such coloured vegetables because they 'assume' the odd colour means they must be genetically modified. none of these tou posted has scientific concensus to suppost it.
3. Since 1994, they have been produced in much the same way as genetic engineering. In conclusion, genetically modified organisms or GMOs are undeniably an excellent solution in case you want to find methods and ways to saving on your food. They many have …
Genetically modified foods promise to meet this need in a number of ways: Pest resistance It’s not a joke: modified genes in engineered crops that resist pesticides can transfer to insects and pests, making them pesticide resistant. You are using discredited information for GM foods to cause cancer. It is known to decrease food prices. This article will go over some of the common points of debate and discuss the claims that both sides make. In the U.S., there’s zero federal mandate for the labeling of GM foods.
Imagine someone with a peanut allergy going into anaphylactic shock after eating an apple that contained peanut genes in it! Plants can be engineered to resist temperature or produce higher yields, which is good for regions where climate limits productivity. GMOs are believed to be dangerous to some insects because new crop genes can be deadly to them. But before you apply this agricultural method, it is important to study its advantages and disadvantages. people must think positive stop being greedy. Thank you for posting this! Consuming nutritious food is the best option for a healthy lifestyle that can even reverse the adverse effects of GM food. After all, genetic engineering of crops is fairly new and there’s limited supply of research and results in terms of long-term health effects. What a great article!
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