Goal setting techniques are used by top-level athletes, successful business-people and achievers in all fields. 9Y�C��P�TjTЖ�V��VӓEQ��Uu>��N���:D+�C0�w�+*�$ёju�&ط�#�������],3�2�l�! With that said, Goal-setting is a powerful technique for helping a mentee develop a solid foundation for future planning and organization. Without goals, successes remain undefined wishes. 4 0 obj It should leave no room for misunderstanding. <>/XObject<>/Pattern<>/Font<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 780 540] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>> The Seven Steps of Goal Setting – Zig Ziglar (7 Steps to Success) 1. Why Is It Important To Set Goals. IDENTIFY THE GOAL: If you don’t identify a target you will never hit it. <>>> endstream Don’t set any nebulous targets.
endobj 2. endobj Become a master of goal setting for both yourself and others by learning coaching skills, models, and creative activities in this amazing book which includes access to 70 supplementary videos. 5 0 obj %PDF-1.5 EffEctivE Goal SEttinG Goal setting can aid individual performance in four ways: 1. 3 0 obj
*V�Y��C��c�Kv�⾅,��~�d�f��ǟb��6����A�������&W�q�泌�7��e��n�fB�w�=�eն勤����P#��Zt\�[�a�&�Tq���vK��;Zݧh��oh�]��e&E/u��as��)[W�4]��i��}�XQ>�� MPv <> %���� Before you even star on your own personal journey, it is important that you set goals you want to achieve. Goal Setting Tips for Success Clarity: A clear goal and specific goal can be measured. NLP Techniques for goal setting success NUTRIENT TOXIN Cells will always move towards positive signals Cells will always move away from negative signals Cells can not move in both directions at the same time GROWTH (and reproduction) PROTECTION ©yourdoor2success 9 x����NFQ�0�Bi��ʞA�BC/zU���i��3/�u�333333333333�w��d99Y �#�&�|>��. <> Powerful Coaching and Goal Setting Book Review. 2 0 obj endobj h���!�ةIq�K =���8[&���;+)�ۈ$Pr�e�3���d �瓛����\Φ�&B�����Ti���4�̿X�t�k���W��Y?��E�����4��&pu38��W�#���y˵:RZ�$�K(4\j(w$�zW�+�=݇��P�:J�����������/%:ݓ*aЏ�Jm���T��:��U#a0�W}�nR;z��-H���E�#���E��]%T'Fk�{�I��� ��^��i��$N:���R�I.�SB��tO��)"�"T׃*L��=����! "\�?Ą� �^�pS$}��
Goals serve as an energizer; goals stimulate people to make an extra effort to achieve them. A master of designing buildings is an architect. If you want to … Download the PDF of the three techniques here. stream Aristotle, philosopher and tutor to Alexander the Great, said some 2300 years ago: Man is a goal seeking animal.
1 0 obj
Goal-setting is the first step towards success. They give you long-term vision and short-term motivation. Goals should be explicit regarding what behavior is desired and should paint a picture of what successful completion looks like. <> Goals allow team members to be focused and committed to achieving the end result. Goals encourage team members to use their initiative to make effective decisions Visualize the desired outcome! A master of goal setting is a coach! They focus your acquisition of knowledge and help you to organize your time and your resources so that <> By knowing what he/she wants to achieve in life, a mentee may know where they want to concentrate and what to improve. As mentioned earlier, the goals will serve as your guide and will give you a sense of direction that you will need as you continue your journey. PDF: The 3 Goal-Setting Techniques.
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6 0 obj x��TMk�@��� If mentees can set well-defined goals, they When you identify a goal it means that you write it down and describe it clearly.
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