Ecosteel also would rely on recycling scrap steel into new products, rather than smelting steel out of iron ore the way steel mills in places like Pittsburgh came to be emblems of smoke-belching factories and widespread air pollution.
Lopez, whose biography said he owned and operated two steel mills in South America, filed for county permits in 2010 to open a "steel plant" in Medley. Profusely illustrated with dozens of photographs, Homestead Steel Mill—the Final Ten Years is labor history at its best, providing a vivid account of how ordinary workers can radicalize their unions. 0000005585 00000 n
"Just a little bit of white vapors from water, that's all.
0000011660 00000 n "There's always been rumors of a South Florida steel mill, to be honest," he said. Gimenez formally recused himself after the talks became public and after he and Trump exchanged letters about a potential management agreement. //
0000065049 00000 n Real-time updates and all local stories you want right in the palm of your hand. 0000002201 00000 n
That has environmentalists in Miami already skeptical about Ecosteel's claims of serving as "a national model for environmentally-sound manufacturing. "It's an environmentally sensitive steel mill.". in the area where Ecosteel wants to build its facility.
// ]]> ?.q���~!�r���Y�)wvK��)Z�>��WR�H���㮑N3�9�����[�&b 0000008182 00000 n See and hear author interviews, book reviews, and other news on Mike Stout's page HERE, See and hear more on Staughton Lynd's page HERE, Click here for one-page information sheet on this product, PM Press ©Copyright 2020 PM Press - Powered by SunShop "Shopping Cart Software", Continental Crucible: Big Business, Workers and Unions in the Transformation of North America, Second Edition, Labor Law for the Rank and Filer: Building Solidarity While Staying Clear of the Law (2nd Edition), Living and Dying on the Factory Floor: From the Outside In and the Inside Out, Homestead Steel Mill–the Final Ten Years: USWA Local 1397 and the Fight for Union Democracy (eBook). Spanning the famous Homestead steel strike of 1892 through the century-long fight for a union and union democracy, Homestead Steel Mill—the Final Ten Years is a case history on the vitality of organized labor. Philip Bell, the head of a trade group whose members include steel mills that would compete with Ecosteel, emphasized the challenges facing a start-up steel producer. Ecosteel's proposal to the county says the project would create about 2,000 full- and part-time jobs and would generate about $5 million a year in property taxes.
He worked for members’ rights alongside these women or stood behind them when they stepped forward.”—Martha Gruelle, former coeditor of Labor Notes and coauthor of Democracy Is Power, “The best movements have the most leaders, and Mike Stout does a great job introducing us to some of the many people who took on the steel industry and devious union bureaucrats during the last decade of U.S. Steel’s Homestead Works in Pittsburgh. Greed without end or solidarity forever? Stout writes with raw honesty and pulls no punches when recounting the many foibles and setbacks he experienced along the way. 0000139238 00000 n
%PDF-1.4 %���� The Ecosteel facility would be part of a trend in the steel industry to shift from large ore-burning steel mills into smaller factories that recycle scrap metal into raw steel.
"My system can be nearby your house and you will not hear anything, and you will not see anything coming out of the stack," he said during a phone interview. ", Still, he said small mills rely on lower transportation costs to service the regional construction industry and Miami has one of the most attractive markets available.
My participation ceased shortly after its submittal.".
We're pretty concerned.". �P��)n������"�vN�t��\I��.Y 8������Cj����c�����>��&$fN�l�Fm%I���g���m�lx�7 ��kR Developing its own “inside-outside” approach to unionism, the Rank and File Caucus drastically expanded their sphere of influence so that, in addition to fighting for their own rights as workers, they fought to prevent the closures of other steel plants, opposed U.S. imperialism in Central America, fought for civil rights, and built strategic coalitions with local environmental groups. H�|�K��0D�>�O`H�I:O�i���C�hYƤgE�.�/*'Q���zr�S�=�EedN������F��!�b�U���k��>���,g�y�9�?�rY����Y[��a�z?㧋�4����%�%�A��e�ܔ�`Ȯ�m��:x�Ao��s�wŠ{^o���!�?JF�$��[��=j�(ݠ��v*�#�=,�8ĞT��_�n���%�=. Homestead steel is part of the Empire State Building, the Verrazano-Narrows Bridge, the Sears Tower in Chicago. [CDATA[ endstream endobj 244 0 obj<>stream
Mike Stout’s firsthand account of rank-and-file militancy and creativity in the face of deindustrialization and capital flight contains many relevant lessons for union members today. Written by fellow worker and musician Mike Stout, the book is an insider’s portrait of the union at the U.S. Steel’s Homestead Works, specifically the workers, activists, and insurgents that made up the radically democratic Rank and File Caucus from 1977 to 1987. "In addition to polluting our air," reads the proposal, "the voyage causes daily damage to an overly-burdened infrastructure system.". 0000004871 00000 n x�b```a``�a`c`�ebd@ AV�(���Ykt�0 ���UC�'N�wx̥3O4�L�A���ĥ��AI)4���QP,-��������] �� bK�)R��\��h}`qa�`��0���A�����&w698/�� z�$����9�hC�C�#珘 @������ (�z�y�.��U�u |�K���������"��}# t� ����;. Staughton Lynd received a BA from Harvard, an MA and PhD from Columbia, and a JD from the University of Chicago. I'll go to another state.". Sign up for the Afternoon Update and get the day’s biggest stories in your inbox. 0000154470 00000 n 0000201925 00000 n If every local union had the fighting spirit of 1397 in its heyday, the U.S. labor movement would be in far better shape.”—Steve Early, former International Representative, Communications Workers of America and author of Refinery Town: Big Oil, Big Money, and the Remaking of an American City, “I can see this book finding a privileged place on the shelves of American radicals. xref Metal Buildings; Rolling Mills (Plates) Steel Industry; Rights & Access . 0000065118 00000 n JoAnn Wypijewski is a writer and editor based in New York. 0000002808 00000 n
"It's not one of the steels mills where you have the stacks and smoke," said Moss, the commissioner who is part of the Gimenez administration's negotiations with Ecosteel. The mayor has had to declare certain projects officially off-limits in the past due to the participation of his two sons.
0000140159 00000 n
The Gimenez administration continued the talks with Ecosteel. 0000047802 00000 n Connect to local news for just $4.99 a month for 12 months. It's the second potential county project under way involving Julio Gimenez. These steel rods from China could have homegrown competition in Miami if a planned “micro” steel mill gets built near Homestead.
0000007200 00000 n
0000070602 00000 n
Traditional production also is a significant generator of carbon emissions, which contributes to global warming. This is a wood framed unit with steel only in places where wood just would not fit the bill, such as the sieves and the blower housing. It is a story of skilled workers who proudly got their hands dirty—an industrial world of crane men, machinists, mechanics, millwrights, laborers, and electricians that once dominated a region—but who also combined working-class culture as writers, poets musicians, cartoonists, and even lawyers.
The memo suggests there is enough acreage for all three projects. 0000152264 00000 n The Ecosteel proposal claims "only one new steel mill has been developed in the United States in the past four decades," but Bell and another industry expert said smaller regional mills using the kind of electric furnace Ecosteel proposes have been opening fairly steadily over the last two decades.
0000001526 00000 n 0000008318 00000 n "It's not easy.". He is currently president of the Allegheny Chapter of the Izaak Walton League, the oldest environmental conservation organization in the United States. The proposal submitted to the county says most South Florida building projects have their steel rebar, beams and other supplies shipped in from Jacksonville and Alabama.
That included Trump's pursuit in 2014 and 2015 of the county's Crandon golf course at a time when Gimenez's other son, lobbyist and lawyer C.J. 0000201959 00000 n
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