I also want my local bookstore to be there. (Except for Amazon owned imprints like 47North, but I don't think that's what you are talking about.) The problem is Amazon dominance in combination with Amazon algorithms and categorization. And they can cross leverage all of this. i dont fault them for trying to make money, but if that is their main goal instead of writing a good book and characters, more power to em, filters em out nicely. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. You know the evil cyberpunk megacorp? But every book I read these days, I read on one Kindle app or the other. Right. Ordered a product 9/4. We are now in a situation where Amazon can monitor so much of your life, for so many people, that they can start to make predictive models of your behavior. It's hard to compete with Amazon, when they do what they do so very well. Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. Order enough and shipping is free! If something doesn't work I mail the item back. thriftbooks is a great alternative to amazon if you don't want to give them your money. Nothing says items aren't available or backordered, all lies given to the customer. No way. Right, they are all outsourced and our stupid government give these idiots billions in tax breaks to create jobs overseas. Told rescheduled for 9/15. Yes, and they put the former head of the NSA on their board while competing for multi-billion dollar defense contracts.
Call. Contact customer service - "we can't cancel because it is in final shipping phase". Sure, you can buy just about everything under the sun from them, but the majority of that comes from other sources who'd much more benefit from your money spent without ruthlessly exploiting their employees. “Delivery Sunday by 8pm”. Before Amazon it was a constant browse of the section in the stores, wishing “SciFi” was taken more seriously by whoever orders the books, and wasn’t mixed in with fantasy. Tired of it being shoved down your throat no matter where you go or browse? Bakka Phoenix in Toronto, Borderlands in SF, Mysterious Galaxy in San Diego, Forbidden Planet in New York, etc. We’ll have it out tomorrow. Two day delivery scheduled for 9/13. The largest webhosting service (Amazon Cloud). Cookies help us deliver our Services. They have a scary amount of power and do a lot of anti-competitive things so, why should I like them? I buy shit I don't care about from Amazon.
Science Fiction, Fantasy, Alt. They make these decisions, and are actively fighting companies and individuals who attempt to remain in control of their own creative products. Even when I spend a stupid amount of money to make sure that package gets to the customer, you bastards pull a fast one on me. I'm almost 100% digital these days buying everything on my kindle, but I make the trek in to Bakka to support their release events and anything else that piques my interest. Shipped fast, right to my house!
The industry standard discounts are what they are, and we can't afford to give you a special deal. I am an amazon costumer and have never done any of that. I'm not interested in ruining that relationship, Sorry bro that sucks. I hate Amazon because their lame "self-publishing" service is drowning the world of books with millions and millions of horribly written volumes. The u/Lip242 community on Reddit. Does Amazon make you pay for the extra shipping if they don't get their product soon enough or how does that work? And then when you get into the seedier stuff like how they basically own the entire internet because it’s almost all run off of their cloud service and they are contracted by the NSA to maintain servers.
I made three orders with Amazon and they screwed all three up ! Amazon is now large enough that they can decide how you do business, how you write, how you price your books, etc. A company that can track the bathroom breaks of their warehouse employee but can’t track a package? Also fuck Indian and middle eastern amazon customers (except Israelis), i once bought a bike lock holder for my bike, it broke then i asked for a refund, but amazon didn't even want the product back, so even tho it's broke, it's still usable, so i'm still using it, but I would've gladly returned the product to buy something better and let the company investigate the reason of the malfunction.
6. and all of those places have a pretty loyal customer base that participate in store hosted events like book clubs and author readings.
Asked has it shipped yet?
History, Postmodern Lit., and more are all welcome here. 6 days later and still hasn’t made it the 15 miles to my home. Thankfully my main business is not retail and has nothing to do with amazon. Amazon should be raising self-publishing up and boosting its quality so authors can make it on their own.
Why the hate then? Tons of book, ALL the books! Join PRIME NOTING WILL BE FINE ! I want them to write good books. Fuck You Jeff and the horse you sucked off! Really makes me appreciate competent companies like FedEx and UPS and USPS. Amazon has very little oversight on who self publishes what. Amazon does. Amazon has their own facial recognition technology. What shows you might be interested in. And I’d rather have a used book than use resources to print a new one. Live video streaming (twitch.tv). I don't want their model for success to be "how can I get the most page reads from Kindle Unlimited subscribers". Anyway, bookshop.org is viable alternative that definitely isn't building surveillance weapons into the world's biggest cloud computing platform. You could build all sorts of profiles with that information. What wasn’t there to like? Can you afford that [publisher of any size, big or small]? No. You don't understand my pain, I'm losing a shit ton of money from particular customers who are theiving scumbags, "Also fuck Indian and middle eastern amazon customers". **The key is that it be speculative, not that it fit some arbitrary genre guidelines**. I use amazon almost exclusively for everything non-food related. Amazon buyers also like to click buy without even reading your condition notes sometimes (hasn't happened to me, but you probably already know the horror stories). Then post it! (Still nothing new? I hope someday a huge retailer sues amazon for tens of billions of dollars for defrauding every single major retailer for every dollar they steal and throw back at customers. Their delivery sucks now. I do price compare between Half Price Books and Amazon quite a bit. On another thread I was surprised at some hate for Amazon over brick and mortar bookstores. my subreddits. Publisher A: We'd like to sell our book on your platform please. Amazon. Then came Amazon – nothing but books back then. The one that controls everything, and uses that power nefariously? Publisher A: Uh, no? Damn you, Amazon! I could go on and on, but those are just a couple of examples of what it's like for a publisher to work with Amazon. popular-all-random-users | AskReddit-pics-news-worldnews-funny-tifu-videos -gaming-aww-todayilearned-gifs-Art-explainlikeimfive-movies-Jokes-TwoXChromosomes-mildlyinteresting-LifeProTips-askscience-IAmA-dataisbeautiful-books-science … They're just not that hateable.
It used to be solid.
Never shopping here again. But books are where I draw a hard line. I suggest you contact Mr. Clark if you really need help with your order. I want to be able to walk in, pick up books, discover something. Bow to their desires, undersell your product, or be excluded. What causes you might support. Rant about it here! Amazon customers act like highschool students expecting fast shipping when they don't pay for the label that pays for the air plane. Then a good 20% lie about not getting the package and amazon every single fucking time gives you your money back while stealing my products. Tired of the worst company in the world? card classic compact. Order 1 went to an office address and despite the delivery instructions to deliver between 9-5 they showed up at 7.53 at night ! I use Amazon’s service weekly, at least. They have a monopoly on e-commerce pretty much, especially with books. Because I love books, writers, and bookstores. We don't want to give you money for ads, we just want to list our book on your platform. Pick up the latest from my favorite author on release day? When Amazon wants to build a new facility, they have governments competing to meet or exceed Amazon's terms. - sure, pay full price and takes weeks. I made three orders with Amazon and they screwed all three … As if they aren’t scanned at every instance. As a SciFi lover, this surprised me a little. Order 2 was screwed up.
They terribly mistreat employees, aggressively drive competitors out of business with borderline monopolistic policies, are complicit in increased policing and surveillance with their Ring doorbells, and Jeff Bezos is the richest man in the world by a wide margin. Their own camera feeds. Camera data hosted on their cloud services. Pre-apocalypse, I loved browsing the big library branch with the huge science-fi section. Sure, sell me a $5 knife sharpener; I'm in the market for junk. Source: I work in book publishing, and this PBS documentary: https://youtu.be/RVVfJVj5z8s. edit subscriptions. As a business owner, I hate amazon and amazon customers. They have meal delivery. Sure, we got this one with the big sword & dragon on the cover, that counts right?).
I use Amazon regularly because they obliterated their competition: Small, cheap used bookstores. HPB charges shipping and Amazon has Prime. Give me a break. How you might vote. FUCK YOU AMAZON. Personally, I don't like any of the above and I'm increasingly concerned about the effect that a one-service-does-all site like Amazon has on entire industries - when it comes to books, from small bookstores all the way up to giant publishers that need to play by Amazon's rules and cede a cut off the profits just so folks can get their next day Prime deliveries.
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