I don't have much to say.

So we get these goofs walking around the house with their video camera and flashlights and the only tension in the room is from…. Um, they just told you all the doors and windows were closed and locked…perhaps that explains it? Too bad it was canned after awhile. Also kind of obvious they didn't have a budget big enough to really do much in it. More details at It's too bland to truly hate - a bowdlerized and bald-faced Blair Witch ripoff that has its eyes on the PG-13 prize so desperately that it muffles out several late-film utterances of "fuck" and [SPOILER] fails to actually have anyone die. What are some non-scary, family-friendly Halloween movies? I just chalk it up to more bad writing.

Movies Section: What is your favorite movie(s) that takes place in Washington, DC? This thing is oozing “2000” with all the pop star clothes and spikey gelled hair, the dialog is bad and the acting is way too unbelievable to create a tension.
Locking a bunch of people in a supposedly haunted mansion for them to explore and try to prove there are ghosts there. Only for the curious or those driven by madness to see every movie ever made ever! I’ve read that some people state the “actors” were real people and the producers rigged stuff they had no idea about. Why Supreme Court pick ignited controversy with phrase, Peyton Manning shows off 6-pack abs while at beach, Kristen Bell breaks her silence on Dax Shepard's drug relapse, Gates: 'Fall is going to be worse than the summer', Hudson knocks McConaughey down a notch in interview, Marine officer relieved of command after fatal accident, Research: Virus can survive on phone screens for 28 days, The 10 absolute best deals for Amazon Prime Day 2020, GOP lawmaker links MLB scandal to SCOTUS hearing, White woman in Central Park scandal made 2nd call, Hoda Kotb reveals least favorite 'Today' guest ever.

There are then a few brief interviews with the “college students” who are going to be locked in the mansion. Anyhow, after all the interviews are over the group of four – two guys & two girls – head into the mansion. Join Yahoo Answers and get 100 points today. Why were the Star Trek the Next Generation movie characters so different than their TV ones? And what was the whole point of saying the Spirit somehow knew Madison since they never elaborate on it? A list that is trying to contain every horror film made that is not lost and is found on the…, Rocky LaForge 18,800 films 2,267 59 Edit, Movies that you may want to see and are available to stream for free on Amazon, if you have a…, This has taken me some time. All the good things I love. The house has a backstory about some woman and slaves and torture.
A movie can be mind numbingly awful but…. My Review: The movie starts off with the producer introducing the “concept” of what they will be doing in the documentary, oh I mean movie. But like most ghost hunting movies that have sprouted over the last 10-15 years, there always has to be one Medium or Psychic in the bunch to ruin the movie (for me). According to local legend, the ghosts of tortured slaves still haunt New Orleans' Lalaurie House. I've waited all these years to see this, and it was just adequate, quite dull actually.

A psychic, history student, videographer, paranormal somethingorother, priest, minister, rabbi and 12-inch pianist all walk into a reportedly haunted house. From what I read on IMDB and a few other sites, the movie was really supposed to be a real documentary and somewhere along the way it became faked. I am watching it to. As for the end, if anyone saw MTV’s Fear that aired for a couple seasons back in the early 2000s you’ll see that the whole ending sequence where they all must chant something in different rooms is familiar from that show.

The Last Motel by Brett McBean (Book Review). Maybe since this premiered I've become more used to seeing such films, but really, I think it's that this just lacks that thing that BWP had: the believability factor. Here are a number of Found Footage movies that you can stream right now for free on Tubi (US). The plantation where it was shot is uber creepy and over all it’s a decent movie for a dark night. According to local legend, the ghosts of tortured slaves still haunt New Orleans' Lalaurie House. Gore/FX: There was zero gore or effects really. ), and I don't remember why. Has Political Correctness ruined the movies ? Don't you hate when you fondly remember a movie being so good only to be devasted to find out it is rather awful when you finally rewatch it? ~ Mark Deming, All Movie Guide Two minutes after entering the house she states that she feels something in the house and that its stuffy in there. For The St. Francisville Experiment, a paranormal researcher, a self-proclaimed psychic, a Louisiana historian, and a filmmaker were given digital video cameras for one night in the house to document whatever they saw. get for real. I tend to rate movies within their genre so this 3 out of 5 stars is based only on how it stacks up against other found footage. ok ya it is really freaky!!! And it was no different with this movie. im watching it on chiller right now and im wondering it reminds me of the Blair Witch Project so ya n e ways was this a real thing that they did or fake? One of the very first post-Blair Witch ripoffs. Back In the mid 2000s did you own this movie on vhs . It's alright enough to watch and is under 80 minutes so you don't have much to lose. In this one the Psychic is Madison. IMDb This ending did not seem right. When I first watched The St. Francisville Experiment in college with a couple of my friends, I was totally drawn into the film. Report this film.

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