Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. ... (hollering) Okay, now I've noticed that you wear glasses like myself. Although some of the contestants said they didn't know their prescriptions, some research had been done, because one lady said that she was long-sighted in one eye and short-sighted in the other, and Michael McIntyre knew this, and had an eye patch ready for her to put over her long-sighted eye. The girl was squinting with all her might and she also was squinting hard to see a hamper.
I believe that Michael said his prescription was minus point three seven five, but I imagine he did mean -3.75.
Thankfully she said Yes when she got on the stage and her boyfriend proposed! The whole "game" was a set up so the shortsighted woman from the audience wasn't suspicious when she was asked to identify things on the stage the same way as the other audience members. Hi. Michael McIntyre. Dec 09, 2019 #1 If you are from the UK, A variety type show the Michael Mcintyre show had Michael ask various members of the audience who wore glasses, to take them off and try to guess what the items were on the stage. 19:08.
I found this interesting and wondered if anyone else saw it. Also a girl tried to see her boyfriend proposing to her without her glasses, which was funny as she was so far away she thought her boyfriend was a dog! A tribute to Eyescene - a forum about glasses. I found this interesting and wondered if anyone else saw it.
Unfortunately most of them couldn't see due to their bad eyesight. I saw this show. Lou, Carrie, I think you're right it was staged, This website uses cookies for functionality, analytics and advertising purposes as described in our, AdamMac244 received 5 Gold Points from Tapatalk, 1 person sent a silver award to this post, My collection of sighting images since 1990, Michael McIntyre show - no glasses challenge. I saw it as well. I suppose they had to do some research in advance, to prevent them asking people with low prescriptions, who would likely have been able to identify the objects on stage, without their glasses.
September 30.
All the best. I am a minus .325 prescription, I'm short-sighted, do you know your prescription?
Unfortunately most of them couldn't see due to their bad eyesight. If you are from the UK, A variety type show the Michael Mcintyre show had Michael ask various members of the audience who wore glasses, to take them off and try to guess what the items were on the stage. This Will Make You Laugh And Cry.
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