lookie here its a youtube vid now! i just saw a post that was the question “what is your favourite musical style?” and the option chosen was “random out of context songs from musicals sung by a character having a nervous breakdown” and i looked in the notes to see what people said and i saw this comment and i thought it was the funniest thing ever, I posted this on my instagram like last month and i cant believe i forgot to share it here sfvgsfjh. All orders are custom made and most ship worldwide within 24 hours.
", a collection of one-shots from Be More Chill and Dear Evan Hansen. insinirate . i live for jere being tall but micha being taller, rich is just crying in a corner about his shortness, all the little details i almost killed my computer lol, i listened to the obcr so many times illustrating this, me: i shouldnt get into any more ships i dont have time, i'm sorry i was gone the last two days dhfksl;afhdsa, *insert falling ice cream truck scene from spongebob*, also michael mell is a switch but mostly a bottom Do Not fight me on this, also my style is too anime for this shit RIP, but yeah i think about this on a daily basis pls validate them, 6 months have passed since gerard was barraged with reeses cup shit on twitter huh. Michael's hoodie has 11 patches, 5 of which are shown above. 3,348 notes. // after everything rich and michael find comfort in each other, the squip is gone, it cant hurt them anymore. ""Okay, so today we're going to be taking another crack at laying out the Hollow Knight lore in a way that's understandable for people who don't just devour entire Wikis in two hour sittings [pause]... so not me. tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Choose Not To Use Archive Warnings, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (73), Dear Evan Hansen - Pasek & Paul/Levenson (13), Be More Chill - Iconis/Tracz (Two River Cast) Actor RPF (6), Heathers: The Musical - Murphy & O'Keefe (3), Percy Jackson and the Olympians - Rick Riordan (1), Percy Jackson and the Olympians & Related Fandoms - All Media Types (1), Jake Dillinger/Rich Goranski/Jeremy Heere/Michael Mell (6), Oh No I Hope I Don't Fall (in love with my best friend), Christine Canigula/The Love And Respect She Deserves, it's uhh ummm jeremy gets a squip but the squip isn't a dick, is it really fake dating if both sides were hopelessly pining already, sir that's my emotional support piece of media i project onto, It's Not Paranoia If They're Really Out To Get You, 400 Dollars? diy michael mell hoodie pt 2 - Duration: 3:35. Most of them don't really know each other, but maybe... maybe this'll be kind of nice... or: everyone is a dork and i can't take it anymore. Best friend. There are graphic depictions of self harm. See more ideas about Michael mell, Be more chill, Be more chill musical. By Shinkomi .
the title is pretty self explanatory. It's... eugh, Terrible, tasteless, an affront to humanity. How about drawing the good boy Michael Mell??? Michael didn’t handle goodbyes well.Rich didn’t handle staying well.Neither handled vulnerability well. // expensive headphones soulmate au (you see color when you meet your soulmate), Pride headcanons because it's pride month :). Be More Chill: Michael Mell Hoodie. Celebrating and congratulations to the cast and crew on the new release! Best friends can tell each other anything. I mean, love Rich to death but he can get kinda crazy, I don’t think I could sit in a car with him.”, // the one where michael and jeremy drive across country to meet michaels birth parents. 13 teens with access to phones and an app called Discord all find a link to a server a few weeks before school starts. please. “I mean, yeah,” Michael shrugged, twirling one of his hoodie strings around a finger, sprawled out on his bed. ]*slaps roof of work* this bad boy can fit so much pining in it, (Or: an AU where Jeremy's SQUIP actually helps him). See more ideas about Michael mell, Be more chill musical, Be more chill. The thought of being treated like his mom and having to grin and bear it because it was meant to be terrified him - or worse, he was terrified of becoming like his dad. The Goranski’s just weren’t made to have soulmates, he was sure of it. Yes, that's right, we're playing Untitled Goose Game. Bob Marley Original Uprising Patch (currently none left however if you message the profile, they may have more to sell) (link) 8. Thank you for the wonderful show!

and stuff. If they were good then his dad wouldn’t have acted so cruel towards her. Today I'm picking out favorite songs from every musical I'm a fan of.

What was the point of soulmates if they could still cause each other such pain.

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