Fun Fact: Several notable gangsters and mafiosos were named Salvatore, including the birth name of Italian mobster Charles "Lucky" Luciano. DEBORA: Which means “bee.” 23. Fun Fact: Saints Cosmas and Damian were brothers thought to be twins who were martyred in the fourth century. Fun Fact: Shakespeare liked the name Bianca well enough to give it to characters in both "Othello" and "Taming of the Shrew.". Irish names are intricate, beautiful sounding, and wonderfully unique. He was the author of the Gospel according to Luke and the Acts of the Apostles. She was the daughter of King Minos who fell in love with Theseus and helped him escape the labyrinth. Check them out! Fun Fact: Prince Emanuele Filiberto of Savoy, Prince of Venice and the heir to the last king of Italy Umberto II, was a contestant in the Italian version of "Dancing With the Stars.". The feast day is celebrated on May 3 in the West. Here are 200+ name ideas for twin girls to choose from. NATALE: Which means “birthday,” or in Church Latin “Christmas day.”, 78. St. Julia, Virgin and Martyr of Corsica. Two of the 12 apostles were named James. The Origin of the Italian Language. Fun Fact: The feast day for St. Samuel is August 20. •The first female is named after her paternal grandmother. Fun Fact: Elisa is a form of Elisabeth and Elizabeth, used by the Italians as well as the Spanish, Portuguese, Germans, and English. Fun Fact: Shakespeare included characters named Stephano in both "The Merchant of Venice" and "The Tempest.". She ruled France as regent from 1560 to 1574. Her sons became King Francis II, Charles IX, and Henry III.
Top Most Popular Baby Names
DELFINA: Which means “woman from Delphi.” 25. Most times, parents name their children without knowing the meaning of the name. GABRIELLA: Which means “warrior of God.”, 43. Fun Fact: Emiliano comes from the ancient Roman cognomen Aemilianus.
Fun Fact: Pietro is the Italian name for St. Peter, the apostle who is considered to be the first pope. Fun Fact: The name day (onomastico) for Alessandro is August 26 in honor of the martyr St. Alexander, patron saint of Bergamo. Fun Fact: The most famous member of the Roman family of Antonius is Mark Antony who was a lover of Cleopatra. Fun Fact: Ten Danish kings have been named Christian. Nowadays, modern parents name their kids however they like. Fun Fact: Gioia is also the name of a weekly women's fashion magazine published in Milan, Italy. Fun Fact: St. Alessio Falconieri came from a wealthy family in Florence and was one of the seven founders of the Servite Order, in which monks lived lives of poverty and penance. CALANDRA: Which means “skylark, or someone with a good singing voice.”, 18. Fun Fact: Vincentius was an ancient Roman family name. This is commemorated in the sixth station of the cross in the Catholic tradition, and identified with a marker in Jerusalem. Fun Fact: Romeo is best known as one half of the young star-crossed lovers in Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet.".
Wendy Bumgardner is a freelance writer covering walking and other health and fitness topics and has competed in more than 1,000 walking events. Fun Fact: Viola was a character in Shakespeare's "Twelfth Night.". Bernini created a memorable sculpture of her. Fun Fact: Valentinus was an ancient Roman family name. All names for 1900: Official U.S. list; Look up a name: See its popularity; Baby Names Finder: Get name ideas Previous (1899) | Next (1901) | All years All names for 1900: Official U.S. list The U.S. government draws from Social Security Administration records to provide an official list of baby names and their popularity across the country. Fun Fact: Arianna comes from Ariadne of Greek mythology. Congratulations on your baby boy or girl! Fun Fact: Valentinus is an ancient Roman cognomen, a third name which distinguished different branches of families. CALOGERA: Which means “beautiful elder.”, 23.
A middle name is just as crucial as the first. Fun Fact: Laelius was an ancient Roman family name. Many have ancient Roman roots, while others are Italian versions of names from other languages. Fun Fact: Emilia is a derivative of Aemilia, which comes from the Latin nomen Aemilius. She had two children by the god Mercury. Twins certainly share a special connection.
ORABELLA: Which means “golden beautiful.”, 82. The ultimate A-Z list of Italian girl names, complete with name meanings and origins for all Italian baby girl names. GINA: Which means “earth-worker, farmer.”, 48. If you are looking for an Islamic name for your baby girl, here is a list of over 200 cute and unique names, with both direct and indirect Qur'anic names. Top Italian names by year 1930 on page 4. VANNA: Which means “God is gracious.”, 94. CATERINA: Italian form of Greek Aikaterine, meaning “pure.”, 19. Fun Fact: The root of Pasquale, paschalis, relates to the time around Easter and Passover. Fun Fact: The Italian poet Dante Alighieri (known simply as Dante) portrays Beatrice Portinari as his guide through paradise in "Divine Comedy," which was completed in 1320—a year before his death. LUIGIA: Which means “famous warrior.”, 72.
RAVENNA: Which means “raven (the bird).”, 84. Fun Fact: This feminine name comes from Lucius, which was the most common Roman given name until the second century. Fun Fact: Mark is ascribed as the author of the second gospel and is the patron saint of Venice.
These names for boys are popular in Italy. These names include those that are popular in Italy, as well as those with Ancient Roman or Latin roots. It's a lot of fun to think up baby names when you are expecting.
DANIELA: Which means “God is my judge.”, 24. 1878;126(260):97-110. Fun Fact: Giovanni is the Italian version of John. Fun Fact: Although not depicted in the Bible, St. Veronica was said to have wiped the face of Jesus as he carried his cross to Golgotha.
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