Tout d’abord, le TARDIS n’atteint pas sa forme de boîte de police permanente avant que le Premier Docteur ne quitte l’Angleterre. My companion immediately blurted out, “The next Doctor!” But is she really The Doctor? Is she a version of the Valeyard? Notamment le “quelque chose” dont elle dit que ses compagnons la poursuivent et dont le captain Jack, un Cyberman solitaire, l’avertit. Elle est un docteur dans le futur de Jodie Whittaker.

In the Sixth Doctor story, The Trial of a Time Lord, we are introduced to an offshoot version of the Doctor, known as the Valeyard. The Tenth Doctor, now occupying both the Tenth and Eleventh regenerations, gave up his final twelfth regeneration to the Eleventh Doctor in the End of Time Part 2, as played by Matt Smith. Jo Martin is terrific as Ruth/The Doctor. A past Doctor?

Son TARDIS a une conception similaire, elle ne reconnaît pas le tournevis sonique et le “Cerveau de Morbius” de 1976 a déjà avancé l’idée que Hartnell pourrait avoir des prédécesseurs. (For those who’d rather read the theory, see below). Work It 2 : Quelle date de sortie Netflix ? Notice at the very start of the episode we see Ruth looking at her watch, biting her lip with some level of apparent anxiety. Who is Ruth? La sentence est une régénération forcée et un exil sur Terre. There is some typical confusion about The Doctor being a woman in this life, but Captain Jack declares, “This I have to see!”. We neglected to discuss the regeneration between the Second and Third Doctors. De nombreux fans en ligne ont supposé que Ruth devait être antérieure au Premier Docteur de William Hartnell afin de s’inscrire dans la chronologie établie. We have a pretty strong grasp on the TARDIS. Il serait possible de placer un nouveau médecin entre Troughton et Pertwee. Brandissant joyeusement une arme et chassant le Treizième Docteur de son TARDIS. ruth-doctor-t-a-r-d-i-s-doctor-who-series-12-fugitive-of-the-judoon-2020.

Even if you don't post your own creations, we appreciate feedback on ours. Mais cette théorie a été démentie par Chris Chibnall, le showrunner de Doctor Who, qui insiste sur le fait que Jo joue le “vrai” Docteur, et non une version miroir. Le mystère de l’enfant éternel pourrait répondre à toutes ces questions. Anything’s possible in Doctor Who, but it’s unlikely, and confusing, and it’s not a route I think any fan wants to go down. As always, his flair and charm are on display, as he kisses Bradley Walsh, believing him to be The Doctor. Before we can break down our two prevailing theories, it’s important we discuss our initial thought. Tom Baker regenerates into Peter Davison’s Fifth Doctor in Logopolis. There is one final theory I’d like to postulate however. Considering it’s already stuck as a Police Box, and it got stuck that way during Hartnell’s run as the Doctor, it’s a safe conclusion to make that her incarnation does not occur before the First Doctor. Could she be a fake Doctor?

Introduit pour la première fois en 1986, le Valeyard est une forme maléfique du Docteur qui est apparue quelque temps après la douzième régénération du personnage. And on occasion in Doctor Who books and audiodramas the Valeyard claims to work for or have been created by the Time Lords, another reason why Ruth may be on the run.

The Ruthdoctor has to be Jenny, the doctor’s daughter but really the doctor’s clone. Cela signifie que Ruth doit s’inscrire dans la chronologie des générations du docteur telle qu’elle est. And there is no point in this really being proven, no social justice being done, simply some in-your-face daring everyone to object or be labeled as bigoted or what-not if you do. The TARDIS profile and interior fit the time period. Captain Jack finds and later returns the hand to the Doctor in Utopia. This does cause some problems, and isn’t foolproof. So if Ruth isn’t after the Thirteenth Doctor, isn’t before the First Doctor, nor is she a parallel universe Doctor, it stands to reason she fits between one of the regenerations, or in stead of a current incarnation. Join Planet Minecraft! How strange this post just popping up now of all times. Nor is she the Rani/Master in disguise, the meddling Monk, the Celestial Toymaker, a doll or any other of the myriad of other explanations being bandied about. We have 1-2, 3-4, 4-5, 5-6, 6-7, 7-8, 8-War, War-someone, 9-10, 10-10, 10-11, 11-12, and 12-13. We’ll talk more on that in a bit. Une Suite prévue ? As the Time Lords promise, the secret of the TARDIS is removed from him, and he doesn’t have access to it for much of the Third Doctor’s run. Fans have debated over this episode for years claiming that these faces were either intended to be previous iterations of the Doctor, or that they were in fact faces used by Morbius, who was also a renegade Time Lord. Mais aussi devant les propres compagnons du Docteur. Jodi Whitaker’s Doctor seems to accept that she is. This is likely while he’s still a normal Gallifreyan, before he looks upon the Untempered Schism, and goes into the Academy, becoming a Time Lord. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. L’hypothèse naturelle à faire est que Ruth est le Docteur d’un univers alternatif. He was, according to Gat, a faithful companion, and likely not the intergalactic criminal we are led to believe he is. The Ruth Doctor, as we’ll have to call her until the position is clarified, claims to be one of the 13th Doctor’s past incarnations, but considering neither Doctor remembers the other, it can’t be ruled out that she isn’t a future iteration of the Doctor. The first regeneration from William Hartnell’s First Doctor and Patrick Troughton’s Second Doctor is directly witnessed in both the final episode of The Tenth Planet, and was recreated again in Twice Upon a Time. She surmises this Doctor MUST be from her past. But it all pales to the big reveal: Ruth. Et se dirige vers l’âge préhistorique à la fin du tout premier épisode de Doctor Who en 1963.

Unless they retcon this regeneration’s weight in the numbering, which I doubt they will, the Doctor can’t feasibly have any more hidden regenerations. Cela dit, la saison 12 de Doctor Who a introduit un certain nombre de menaces potentielles pour la vie du Docteur. A future Doctor? We know that the regeneration limit was met with the 11th Doctor, which is confusing, but we’ll explain shortly. Mais le changement ultérieur pour Jon Pertwee est plus ambigu. Interestingly we also get an in-between regeneration here called the Watcher that exists somewhat incorporeally, but I highly doubt Ruth’s Doctor has anything to do with that character, as it joined into the regeneration. Yeah, but where does she fit on the timeline? Note that it’s presumed he regenerates into the Ninth Doctor, as played by Christopher Eccleston, and the story narratively fits with the beginning of Rose, being the Ninth Doctor’s first full story, but we never truly see that full regeneration between the War Doctor and Nine. That is until we saw a mini episode produced in conjunction with the 50th anniversary of the program called the Night of the Doctor, where Paul McGann’s Eighth Doctor became the War Doctor, played by John Hurt. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. Other Map. I think you mentioned years ago that you knew how original star wars fans felt after the phantom menace when the hobbit parts 1 to infinity came out being such a poor reflection of the original rings movies so I hope you can appreciate what I am trying to articulate without intending to insult or upset modern viewers sentiments, but for me Doctor Who was all about being scared and watching exiting adventures, not the patronising sermons and pandering to “right on” themes at the expense of a ripping yarn. She’s on the run from someone or a group of someones, and Gat, a Time Lord herself, claims to receive her orders from way up. Is she something else entirely? Et n’impliquerait pas de réécrire la longue histoire du Docteur. This is said to be an amalgamation of all the evil within the Doctor and was created somewhere between the Twelfth and Final incarnations, so between the 11th and 12th regenerations. Sometimes you just have to let it go, sadly for me 7th Feb 2020 is the end. Si la théorie du docteur alternatif est retirée de la table. Well, sure.

The “police force of the galaxy”, they are on Earth hunting a fugitive.

More on that in a bit. Découvrez toutes les infos concernant le Cyberman Solitaire ! I won’t say much more as I am so so angry and upset at what has been a programme that I grew up with from 1969/70, suffice to say that if I ever met Chibnall, or Ms Whitaker or “now look Doc” Bradley really not funny Walsh or the other monotone excuses for companions or any of the other agenda driven bbc staff responsible for this abomination I would probably lose my temper an let myself down filling the air with choice anglo-saxon four letter words before threatening bodily harm…………and relax, blue skies , white fluffy clouds……….Jon Pertwee’s smoking jacket, Pyramids of Mars………etc etc etc.
If Ruth is a future Doctor, then we would have rather simply gotten her in the future to have a complete series, companion(s), and storylines. Et pourquoi le Docteur Ruth ne compte-t-elle pas dans la limite de régénération totale du Docteur ? After letting the news of a potential, err, 16th incarnation of the Doctor gestate for a bit, I can succinctly say I’m thoroughly confused and not yet on-board. Gat is killed when she fires a sabotaged weapon confiscated from Ruth. So what do we know about the Doctor? Valeyard et Ruth sont les seuls vrais Docteurs “alternatifs” de la série classique. And we see Jo Martin’s Doctor wearing something wholly different here. I don’t know what my mum was thinking plonking me in front of the telly when I was 3 and seeing the autons spring to life but I was hooked from that moment (and terrified). Villate this and you have a lackluster story that no one will sit through to see whatever message you want to deliver. Une suite prévue ? La première régénération de Hartnell à Patrick Troughton se passe non seulement sous les yeux du public. Jodi Whitaker’s Doctor also soon realizes that it is a Time Lord hunting the “fugitive” Doctor.
What if they merely changed the second Doctor’s appearance?

C’est très inhabituel, car lors de précédentes rencontres entre médecins. Against Ruth's orders, the Doctor introduces herself, and shows Gat a vision of the destroyed Gallifrey that she saw. Note that the minute hand is about to strike 12, and the seconds slow down just before that occurs. Thanks for reading.

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