I use for solid feeding (all mixed together): And for liquid, a combination of Seasol and a dilute chemical solution with nitrates, phosphoric acid and potassium salt.
I also use miracle grow all purpose liquid fertiliser every two to three weeks and seasol plant tonic in week between the fertiliser .
Seamungus from Neutrog is the ideal winter tonic for your garden, and it’s available at Bunnings, other hardware outlets, and of course all good nurseries. Is there a ratio type thing? Apply 10 litres per hectare, diluted to a minimum of 1:100. It has that base of composted chicken manure but also seaweed - both of which break down over the winter months, slowly conditioning your soil ready for spring.
Check out our range of Neutrog products online and at your local Bunnings Warehouse.
Those of you using liquid ferts regularly, do you use full strength or diluted? Find Neutrog Whoflungdung at Bunnings Warehouse. Get your questions answered at, We use cookies to offer a better browsing experience. Rooster booster (bunnings cheapo version of dynamic lifter) when planting or repotting. I use Seamungus on nearly all of my plants, whether it’s my hedges, conifers, or even my deciduous trees for winter - it’s the ideal product. Find Neutrog 15kg Seamungus Seaweed Granule Garden Fertiliser at Bunnings Warehouse.
All of the reviews read exceptionally well and it ticked all my boxes of sustainable practices. Seamungus is a soil & plant conditioner, manufactured by composting seaweed, fish, humic acid and manure. (pots)), You need to be a member in order to leave a comment. i was in a rush at the nursery so i didnt realise untill i got home that it was in pellet form.. I think that the choice of fertilizer and the way it is used is dependant on the species of cacti you are growing the soil you are using which intern effects you water schedule all of this will make a difference to the way the plant can take up the ferts and how much it will need. Cashless Payment - Use cashless payment to minimise contact.
The same microbes we put in at the start come out in products such as Seamungus. Apply monthly or as required. I remember you telling me to pee on em, do i pee into a bottle and dilute or should i just pee straight onto em? Please choose a optionACTNSWNTQLDSATASVICWAOutside Australia
Dr Uwe explains how soil microbes provide nutrient availability for your plants. About Seamungus – Seamungus is a soil and plant conditioner, combining the very best composted raw materials – seaweed, fish, humic acid and manure.
Please enable JavaScript to enhance your experience on the Bunnings site. How did you hear about the Pooh Bah Club?
i just use straight up chicken shit from a nearby chicken farm.. they sell it in bags on the side of the road for $2.. i assume by the time it's shoveled into the bags it's had plenty of time to compost nicely on the barn floor.. put it on straight, make tea, whatever you're in the mood for... also use seasol now & then too for a bit of root stimulation etc & a bit of osmocote if i have some around.. i heard once (if i remember correctly) someone saying that perhaps the 'native' osmocote is good for cacti as many cacti have similar nutrient needs as many native aussie plants.. don't quote me on it though, don't know if it's true.. i personally think most commercial ferts are vastly overated & composted chicken shit, shits all over anything in most situations.
Occasionally miracle grow if I can be bothered liquid feeding.
Any opinions on the pellet form? Rooster booster (bunnings cheapo version of dynamic lifter) when planting or repotting. cheers.
They love it, I water every 2nd day in the ground atm or everyday in the pots. BFA registered. But if you already have a nutrient disbalance, you might better use a liquid one because it works faster.
Seamungus will help your plants resist heat, drought and frost, along with pests and disease.
We have detected that JavaScript has been disabled in your browser. Seamungus (made by neutrog).
Do I just lay that over the grass..1ater it in and rake it in too, And do I just spread the seamungus in with a hand help spreader? Visit your local store for the widest range of garden products.
Seamungus undergoes a unique composting process, specifically developed to stabilise the nutrients, maximise nutrient availability and to ensure the product is … Seaweed contains naturally occurring growth stimulants along with a huge range of other essential elements – its ability to aid in the protection of plants from heat stress and frost is well documented.
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At the point of replanting an area that had been fallow for 4 years, I decided to super enrich my soil with an organic, microorganism friendly, water retaining product from Neutrog called SEAMUNGUS. We encourage retail customers to use our Click & Deliver or Drive & …
They also get a light lime dose once a year and get watered at least once every 3 days during the growing season if its really hot they will be watered every day. For best results apply in the cool of the day. We encourage retail customers to use our Click & Deliver or Drive & Collect service. Like the one i have purchased today? Neutrog Australia Pty Ltd 288 Mine Road, Kanmantoo, South Australia 5252 . BFA registered.
By some of my potted cacti have little pebbles on top that wont effect anything will it with the pellets?
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