Ludicrous misunderstandings and bizarre situations ensue leaving Price and Cunningham with a whole new take on religion. C’est donc le moment pour vous aussi de tomber sous le charme d’une œuvre sublime. Buy and sell your The Book of Mormon Tickets today. Pas ici ! Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Kaarten zijn nu te koop, zelfs als ze aan de kassa zijn uitverkocht. Passez une nuit enchanteresse au théâtre en achetant vos billets pour The Book of Mormon Cincinnati sur StubHub. Certain that this is his path to success, Price takes on the challenge of converting the village with his less studious sidekick at his heels. Customer service all the way to your seat, © 2000-2020 StubHub. Lançada em … The Book of Mormon has eight weekly performances on six days, including matinee performances on Saturdays and Sundays. Um musical da Broadway, The Book of Mormon, em português O Livro de Mórmon, narra as experiências de dois missionários que vão a uma aldeia em Uganda com o objetivo de compartilhar as escrituras Mórmon. StubHub - La plateforme d'achat/vente de billets entre fans. They hit gold with The Book of Mormon. You can purchase tickets to The Book of Mormon Cincinnati at StubHub. Verkopen .

Their naiveté gets them into all sorts of trouble, making them the butt of the … Tickets for upcoming performances of The Book of Mormon can be purchased at StubHub, along with tickets to other currently running Broadway shows.

The Book of Mormon follows two young Mormons as they travel into the wiles of Africa to fulfill their obligations to the church.

The Book of Mormon opened on Broadway in 2011, becoming an almost instant hit. See why the world is so enamored with “the most hilarious show in Broadway history.”. Quand on pense New-York, on ne peut pas passer à côté de Broadway ! If you’re looking to catch a showing of the The Book of Mormon tour, then you can easily find your tickets at StubHub, the largest ticket sales platform in the world. Menu. Meeting esteemed playwright Robert Lopez sealed the deal and the three began working on the idea straight away, meeting up between schedules for nearly eight years until its premiere in March 2011. Sportwedstrijden. Formerly starring Andrew Rannells (Hairspray, Hedwig and the Angry Inch) as Elder Kevin Price, Josh Gad (Frozen, Beauty and the Beast) as Elder Arnold Cunningham, Nikki James (Les Misérables, All Shook Up) as Nabulungi and Rory O’Malley (Dreamgirls) as Elder McKinley, The Book of Mormon took Broadway by storm. Tous droits réservés L'utilisation de ce site Web vaut acceptation de ses, Conditions d'utilisation, Données Personnelles et Politique de cookies, Notifications de changement des Conditions d'utilisation. Epic events and incredible deals straight to your inbox. Et cela n’est pas vraiment étonnant lorsque l’on sait que les textes sont signés de main de maître par les auteurs les plus trash que l’Amérique ait connus : Trey Parker et Matt Stone, créateurs de la série télévisée "South Park" connue pour son impertinence et son humour gras. Esgotaram? With the likes of Sandra Bullock and British rocker Sting already purchasing Book of Mormon tickets you can't afford to miss out on this Grammy award winning piece of theatre.

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