SynthesModular Mini Fragment LCP System. About Acumed The Acumed Calcaneal Plating System is designed to deliver a new level of performance, versatility, and reliability for calcaneal fractures. All Events Copyright © 2020 Medfix International, LLC. Threaded pins are available in two diameters (4.0 mm and 5.0 mm) to match the sizing needs and bone density of the patien. DePuy Synthes solutions, in specialties including joint reconstruction, trauma, craniomaxillofacial, spinal surgery and sports medicine, are designed to advance patient care while delivering clinical and economic value to health care systems worldwide. Screw & Pin Upon his initial visit to the office he was found to have significant swelling and discoloration to the hindfoot.

Grants He had appropriate pain and was neurovascularly intact in the foot. 225 Tucson, AZ | 520-398-5467 | Desde México 55.132.838.32

093804-191203 DSUS © DePuy Synthes 2020. Videos X-rays of his lumbar spine revealed no injury to the vertebrae. Research The Calc-Jak allows for medial/lateral, anterior/posterior, and superior/inferior translation of calcaneus fractures that can be locked in place using the cam levers. The Modular Mini Fragment LCP System consists of 2.0 mm, 2.4 mm and 2.7 mm LCP instrument and implant module sets. Acumed MINI-Calc Plates are compatible with the Lower Extremity Modular System allowing surgeons to easily customize plates … Hip & Pelvis The fine tune adjustment block allows for additional calcaneal translation after the cam-levers have been locked. DePuy Synthes. 1.5mm LCP ... Locking Reconstruction & Mini Plate System. Twin ball clamps allow for M/L, A/P, and S/I translation of a calcaneus fracture, can be locked in place individually.

Foot & Ankle The Smith & Nephew EVOS MINI Plating System is indicated for fracture fixation, arthrodesis, reconstruction, replantation or reduction of small bones and small bone fragments. Apply. 125.48 - Ti Mini Fragment Instrument and Implant Set, Trauma Kirschner Wire 0.8 mm with Trocar Tip L 70 mm SS, Trauma Kirschner Wire 1.0 mm with trocar tip, L 150 mm, SS, Trauma Kirschner Wire 1.25 mm with Trocar Tip L 150 mm SS, Trauma Drill Bit 1.1 mm L 60/35 mm 2-flute Quick Coupling, Trauma Drill Bit 1.5 mm L 85/60 mm 2-flute Quick Coupling, Trauma Drill Bit 2.0 mm L 100/75 mm 2-flute Quick Coupling, Trauma Drill Bit 2.7 mm L 100/75 mm 2-flute Quick Coupling, Trauma Countersink 1.5 to 2.4 L 52mm with Mini Quick Coupling, Trauma Tap Cortex Screws 2.7mm L 100/33mm, Trauma Handle with Quick Coupling L 110 mm, Trauma Double Drill Guide 1.5/1.1 No. This site is intended for use by residents of Latin America, Europe, Middle East and Africa, Asia & … Report A Complaint The Calcaneal Plating System offers a variety of plates to accommodate different fracture types.

Synthes® Mini Fragment Instrument and Titanium Implant Set - 125.48. All Rights Reserved | Privacy Policy. He was immediately seen in the emergency room where he was splinted and told to ice and elevate the foot and ankle. The MINI-Calc Plates are 1.25 mm thick (.050"), and are designed to minimize soft tissue irritation concerns. Elbow Ethicon. SKU: 125.48 …

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