When we work through his power, his power at work within us makes us selfless, humble and full of grace.”. So, as you listen to “Lover” on repeat for the next several days, weeks, or years — or as you go back and forth between some of Taylor’s other albums (“1989” may be my all-time fave and on repeat most days) — remember that our desire for love is a good desire, but it will only be fulfilled by the love of our even better God. Taking a look back at and listen to her discography — full disclosure, many T Swift songs were listened to during the writing of this blog — it is obvious that Taylor Swift simply loves love. YummyJustin Bieber; Dance MonkeyTones and I; BoyfriendSelena Gomez; HIGHEST IN THE ROOMTravis Scott; GodzillaEminem; More Top Songs; Videos. There is a difference between the type of love that Taylor Swift sings about and the type of love that will ultimately fulfill our desire. There are a lot of stubbed toes and skinned knees as God walks his people through his salvation story. Covecrest is more than a retreat center and summer camp. And even when I say it doesn't, I lie. Thank you for reading Word Slingers! DHD: Happiest people; Music & dementia; IMB; Carol series; Electoral College; Christmas outreach, REVIEW: ‘Dark Waters’ challenges our beliefs on business, the environment, Ben Sasse’s Book ‘Them’ Offers Help in Lonely, Hateful Times, Millennial Monday: When family falls through the cracks, Millennial Monday: What makes Millennials tick in the business world, My Mother Went to Prison and She Took Me with Her. We were made for the unconditional, unrelenting love of God, and it is only when we experience the authentic love of the Father that the innate desire of our hearts is satisfied. Share the story of Jesus and watch how God orchestrates the most beautiful of symphonies. Vision - A Virtual Life Teen Retreat on Seeing Jesus, Tweets from https://twitter.com/LifeTeen/lists/life-teen-staff. Copyright © Life Teen, Inc. All rights reserved. There is a history and a sadness of a one-foot-in-front-of-the-other daily struggle to find hope. Never Grow Up By Taylor Swift “Never Grow Up” By Taylor Swift is a song worth considering for your list of mother-daughter songs. But it all comes down to sinners saved by grace through Jesus Christ. What has made this interesting is not only the cast of characters and gutsy musicianship, nor even the final product itself. “The gospel that calls us out of the woods of sin and brokenness rewrites those final lines from Taylor Swift’s music video,” states Wax. The Baptist Messenger (Official Music Video) What's … Lover: The Gospel According to Taylor Swift. We were made for authentic love, the love of God. Privacy Policy, A Digital Celebration of the Senior Class, Fiat: A Life Night on Life Teen’s Annual Theme, A Call to Shine in Holiness, Not Greatness. Balarie continues, “It is solely by the power of Christ that we do anything. These two worldviews--the gospel of knowing yourself and the Gospel of knowing Christ, are, to state it bluntly, very antitheses of each other. In fact, it is, like Paul said, “another Gospel” (Galatians 1:6-8) which is not consistent with the Scriptures. This is a struggle, even for Christians. An online publication dedicated to writing about news and events from a Christian perspective. A bombshell was dropped on the music industry last week, though you may not have heard it. This is your one stop shop for great Catholic books, community, gifts, events, music, and resources. I have a slight obsession with carrots, dogs, and frozen yogurt. Ryan Smith has blogged 121 posts at wordslingersok.com. "She lost herself. Article Images Copyright ©, The Gospel vs. Taylor Swift's 'Out of the Woods', Dying to My Selfie and Coming Alive to Christ, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Life Teen strengthens our teens' Catholic identity, while rooting them firmly in Christ and in His Church. The way Taylor is able to tell the lyrics, it seems like the song was meant for you. Covecrest is a community of Catholics committed to transforming teens, transforming parishes, and transforming culture. Posted by Ryan Smith on Oct 1, 2015 in Culture | 0 comments. Our temptation as Christians is to want to only share the Taylor Swift gospel. Same story. He is the author of Not That God. Wax says that hopefully Swift will learn to look up instead of looking in. While there’s nothing wrong with wanting the Gospel to be attractive per se, we must remember the Gospel as a story contains a lot of grit.

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