The Dominion gained a foothold in the Alpha Quadrant when Gul Dukat announced that the Cardassian Union was joining the Dominion in 2373. 6/7, p. 47), Weyoun actor Jeffrey Combs suspected that, when the Dominion formed an alliance with the Cardassian government in season five, they were "using" Cardassian leader Gul Dukat. 4/5, p. 102) Michael Piller similarly appreciated the design of the Dominion, saying, "We have a good look to some of them."

255-256), The Dominion was further developed in DS9 Season 3 finale "The Adversary".

L'absence du Capitaine Sisko et d'interventions des prophètes eu des effets bénéfiques pour le Dominion après la bataille pour Deep Space Nine de 2374[27], jusqu'à la réouverture du vortex en 2375[33]. Upon arriving at Karemma, the fleet discovered another Dominion fleet in orbit, apparently enforcing a blockade and commanded by the Female Changeling. (Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion, pp. Essentially, the two main slave races were the 'carrot' and the 'stick'.

Pour exploiter sa récente victoire dans l'amas d'Argolis, la Fédération rassemble les 2e et 5e flottes dans le but de reprendre DS9 avant que le Vortex ne soit déminé et que les renforts du Dominion ne le traverse[16]. Changelings infiltrated various powers, including the Federation, the Klingon Empire, and the Romulan Star Empire, posing as high-ranking officials. "We sort of peppered mention of the Dominion into several episodes before we actually saw them," recalled Robert Hewitt Wolfe. ", The Founders' extreme longevity (indeed, practical immortality) has provided them with a uniquely long viewpoint. (DS9: "The Jem'Hadar", "Valiant"), While some Dominion technology was in many ways more advanced than that of the Federation, the Vorta Keevan once lamented that Starfleet engineers were famed for being able to "turn rocks into replicators". They roamed the stars searching out other races, so they could add to their knowledge of the galaxy. The Dominion responded by sending a fleet of 300 Jem'Hadar and Cardassian warships from Cardassia Prime to attack the station, eventually capturing it. The Jem'Hadar claimed that the offensive was in response to incursions into their territory.
As it turned out, all three were readily accepted by viewers, and all three became major players in the later years of the show.

(Star Trek: Deep Space Nine Companion, p. 617) Ira Behr recalled, "The Dominion had to become a factor again in the series." La seconde bataille de Deep Space 9 de cette guerre commence par l'affrontement d'environ 600 vaisseaux de la Fédération contre 1 254 du Dominion bloquant la route vers la station[16]. When word of that atrocity reached the Dominion fleet engaged in a fierce battle with Alliance forces, the Cardassian ships switched sides and attacked their former Breen and Jem'Hadar escorts. Unfortunately, this led to the fall of the Hur'q civilization.

Neither can be subsequently altered. Kar'ukan pledges loyalty to the Female Changeling but she refuses, condemning him. As noted by Robert Hewitt Wolfe, big revelations about the Dominion served as the conclusions to the second, third, and fourth seasons; DS9 established the existence of the Jem'Hadar at the end of the second season and developed the prevalence of the Founders at the end of third season as well as the conclusion of fourth season.

The species seems to exist in a collective union called The Great Link for much of their life span, producing a strongly anti-individualist perspective. A mighty planetary alliance or trading consortium in the Gamma Quadrant, at first unknown to most beyond the wormhole. She then proceeded to manipulate the Tzenkethi Autarch into declaring a crusade against what were called Drantzuli.

Unbeknownst to either side, however, Odo, having realized that the Dominion would not be able to deal with the Hur'q threat by themselves this time around, had arranged for a Hur'q lure to be placed on Bajor, thus drawing the aggressive insects there when those in the Alpha Quadrant awoke and alerting the Alliance to the real threat. "I don't think anybody bites their nails over them."

The two servant races of the Founders regarded one another with barely disguised contempt, and a delicate balance existed between Jem'Hadar troops and their Vorta overseers.

Determined to prevent any more Jem'Hadar forces from entering the Alpha Quadrant, Captain Benjamin Sisko of Deep Space 9 placed thousands of self-replicating mines at the entrance of the wormhole. Il parvient à s'enfuir avec Kira Nerys et Garak et trouve refuge dans le sous-sol de la maison d'Enabran Tain[30], le défunt père de Garak; de là il organise la poursuite du combat jusqu'à la prise du QG du Dominion qui lui coûte la vie[31]. This left Odo, Laas, and a few other Changelings in charge of the Dominion.

4/5, p. 112) Wolfe continued, "We just felt it was time to give a face to the Gamma Quadrant.

They are able to play all previous Star Trek Online missions, accessible for their chosen faction, but they do so as a simulation rather than an event happening to their character.

On returning to DS9, the Female Changeling assists Weyoun and the Alliance charcter in getting Loriss to stand down. The Dominion first appeared in season 2, episode 26 "The Jem'Hadar" of the television series Star Trek: Deep Space Nine and unsuccessfully waged war on the United Federation of Planets after silently annexing Cardassia in the Alpha Quadrant.

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