Let Fairbanks be your playground as you explore everything from the Chena River running through the heart of downtown to the landscape that surrounds it.

The Trans-Alaska pipeline, an amazing feat of engineering constructed during the 1970s, runs from the oil fields of Prudhoe Bay to Valdez, Alaska, transporting thousands of gallons of raw oil across the state each year. Don't miss the chance to learn more about the northern lights by taking in "Dynamic Aurora," one of several films shown in the museum's Arnold Espe Auditorium.

Later, you'll learn about the harvest, preparation, smoking, and storage of salmon at an Athabaskan fish camp. Along with the Palace Theater, Pioneer Park is also home to a zoo, a midway with amusement rides, the Tanana Valley Railroad Museum, and the Alaska Centennial Center for the Arts as well as a number of historical artifacts like the Queen of the Yukon Riverboat and several pieces of authentic mining equipment. Whether you're exploring the Museum of the North or celebrating the culture of Alaska at an annual festival, there's plenty to do in Fairbanks throughout the year.

To avoid crowds while still experiencing mild weather during your trip, visit Denali in June, late August, or early September before the cold sets in for the long fall and winter seasons. Part of the 105-acre Wedgewood Resort and wildlife sanctuary, the Fountainhead Antique Auto Museum showcases over eight historic cars—including the last-remaining 1920 Argonne and the 1905 Sheldon Roundabout, the first car built in the state. Look out for vacation packages that include transportation to the lights, accommodations under the bright sky, or tours and hotel deals that will help you see the lights in style.

Video screens and speakers assure that no matter where you are seated on the stern-wheeler riverboat, you'll see and hear each presentation. Fairbanks is located smack dab in the middle of nowhere and takes the full brunt of Alaska winter. What are the top attractions to visit in Fairbanks? Fairbanks-based businesses can help get you into remote areas, guide you through town, help you plan your adventure, or provide the equipment you need to accomplish all of the above. Highly suggest this for all visitors :) - Marian and Jonel The best day trips from Fairbanks according to Tripadvisor travellers are: What are the most popular things to do in Fairbanks with kids? Take a reindeer-led tour through the beautiful boreal forests of this private Fairbanks ranch as you listen to tour guides talk about the region's natural history and the lives of the reindeer on the property and across the state. IceTrek, for example, offers ski expeditions, treks, tours, and flights to not only the North Pole and Arctic Circle but the South Pole and Antarctica as well. Much more than a scenic cruise, the Riverboat Discovery provides a 3.5-hour experience where you'll learn about the contemporary and traditional ways of life in Alaska as it runs down the Chena River to the Tanana River (and back).

Also be sure to check out the calendar of special events and activities happening at HooDoo each month, which range from weekly yoga classes at the taproom to the annual Gold Stream to HooDoo Half-Marathon. Its First Friday at the Farm events offer demonstrations of wool spinning, blacksmithing and other traditional and pioneer activities. 8 National Historic District, View a Stretch of the Trans-Alaska Pipeline, Take a Pit Stop at the Fountainhead Antique Auto Museum, Take a Walk With Reindeer at Running Reindeer Ranch, Grab a Pint at the HooDoo Brewing Company. You can view an above-ground portion of this pipeline, where it passes by Fairbanks, at an interpretive site located near milepost 8 on the Steese Highway. Visitor Guide Request: 1-800-327-5774 Located on the University of Alaska Fairbanks campus, the Museum of the North is filled with fascinating exhibits that illuminate Alaska's human and natural history.

Pan for gold. Angela has been writing about life, travel, and recreation in the Northwest, where she grew up, since 2000.

Visit top-rated & must-see attractions. The best outdoor activities in Fairbanks according to Tripadvisor travellers are: What are the best day trips from Fairbanks? Get to know musk ox, caribou, and reindeer. Calypso Farm and Ecology Center . Combine sightseeing and thrills on this all-terrain-vehicle adventure ideal for everyone from first-time riders to enthusiasts. Along with a variety of other indoor and outdoor exhibits and experiences, this fabulous museum has a gift and book shop and a small cafe.

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