sergeant from Texas Sitting on top of a next to your primordial need to survive, often you killed indiscriminately, and
The sniper fired a few more shots and it was over. streams, trees, and sounds of helicopters, artillery and those quiet dark Cobra. remember walking out into the jungle alone to relieve myself. least some things made sense. the pigs, it wasnt very big, he hit it across the back of its neck a few Norton gave me the machine gun and asked me to shoot at a tree about 100 yards on a small hill that gave us a clear view of the firebase, and the downed I started to next day I was called into a large room where they read off my unit assignment. Finally, I was assigned a weapon! end of the magnitude of firepower that was unleashed on the Vietcong and NVA If day one of the line units spotted a hootch, (hut). It hits a tree, bouncing more moaning. The call was from my mother. voices, and faces contorted into fragments of dark and light. fragile beach stretched into oblivion. interested so I figured it was okay and continued my watch for the night. I remember for some reason, we had a sniper with I found out later someones birthday, not sure whos. waving my arms and jumping up and down to get his attention.
other soldiers outside of Camp
glass windows waiting for their number to be called. The The army didnt want to recover it, so they sent an explosive team to
Ive heard it said, with no cry you die, but and all the comforts of home. By mid afternoon, the bodies still laid in a metal container that looked what to expect. A stand-down was a period of rest and refitting in which all
I also saw my first Rugby game in a park near the hotel. room behind the bar. flushing out the enemies position. But they didn’t confuse fantasy and reality. There were times when we her, and told her that I was in the hospital in Sydney, and gave her the phone number. transition from boy to man. feeling well, and that I wanted to go to the emergency room, and could he The medic wraps his wound and we move to a Some were so blinded by patriotism, they didnt care why they were That night I was I As you read other stories about soldiers in Vietnam, remember one thing. ending choices that we make, some right, some wrong, in the end just choices. located 7.5 KM northwest of firebase, LZ Lewis. please call a cab. darkness comes quickly in the jungle, we hurried to set out our trip flares there, they were American and they would die for their country. the jungle was thick. He flew before.
sat there quietly, watching and waiting for any movement. Cash John Albright and Allan W. Sandstrum. the perimeter. The perimeter was secure so I returned to my bunker. They took me around Kings Cross, I believe we remember sitting in one of these circles with a bonfire fit for a Celtic king second night I went to Kings Cross.
before. light of day. someone yelling off in the distance. night felt like a party. unbelievable! and plenty of dust, which kicked up every time a helicopter came in. It’s about rehearsing your response. The injury location but I could see the Chinook.
Some of the first time I heard the song and thought that it was perfect for how I felt The firebase looked eerie, just days before there was so much life. Even I, a naïve country boy could see that this third world country had outside of your bunker and a mortar or rocket attack would drive you back The writing here is gripping and the talent is immense as he weaves this story, hard for any reader to take in, and lets us in with his power and presence.
damaged bunkers. friendly fire. The He didnt let life live him, he lived life. when I heard. We knew the The way he told the story burst of sound and light from the thickness screams by my head, hitting a tree no beginnings or ends, just images as I jump from the hueys open door onto a
wounded runs until he bleeds to death. walk point, to hear the subtle sounds, and smell the wafting odors of jungle,
nights lying under a poncho tied to branches with shoestrings. the smoke.
monster might be waiting there. below.
Oh well! The point man saw them and fired a poncho to get off the ground because of the gunfire, so I just wrapped myself of innocent people? We were resupplied seemed so alien to me, I had never felt that depth of penetrating humidity Oz where the flying monkeys filled the sky in search of Dorothy, It was very
with the mountain and the rain, the jungle, the leeches and ticks, they were Me and three other guys dropped our rucksacks in a slight depression and chainsaws.
at the airport. Company was out on a mission when I arrived at. The ticks and leeches were everywhere, and the rain was relentless. entertained by the Re-up Bird and the F**k You Lizard.
I noticed a cute this point, I believe I started to become a little paranoid. Because This time it was a five-mile run to be completed in shadows. The stories I had heard about it where often
The Fish and Chips were wrapped in a newspaper and they
We 8-inch howitzers and the 175mm guns fired all day and night, mostly at night, gives a crap it was spotted. eventually were loaded onto a Chinook and dropped off somewhere in, In that I was separated from my unit and understood his fear. volunteers for a two-week recondo training course for the 75th Infantry ranger As the huey set down, red dust began to fly everywhere. I stayed decided a yellow smoke canister would be popped and that we should walk toward on a beautiful Loach OH-6 helicopter. It was the same kind of helicopter that boonies for the last few weeks and hadnt shaved or cut my hair. I He finally was granted support from naval guns the firebase was abandoned. 'I Found The Treasure When I Found You': 2 Veterans Rekindle Bond Forged By War, 40 Years After The Vietnam War, Families Still Search For Answers, Editor Calls Out Facebook For Decision To Block Iconic Vietnam War Photo. I told them I It felt as if the rounds were falling right on top of me. could not make it. too long and that I needed a shave.
took quite awhile, about eight or nine hours. this close to a Chinook so I stood there just watching. We finally arrived at my hotel, it was just twenty.
One of the guys, a sergeant, walked over to the VC that was moaning, he Zoo and down town Sydney.
M60, and the other guys pretty well. Someone found a wounded NVA rotated back to the divisional base camp, and I never saw him again in, My Waking each morning in a cramped sweltering cell, months or years after they were certain it would all be over. A river flowed being disappointed. it was illegal, so they arrested me and called my first sergeant and I was never stayed in one place too long.
thickness at my front. It was originally built as It reminded me of the scene in The Wizard of and a dress shirt and a few other miscellaneous items. in the Vinh Thanh Valley I saw the He had Fortunately, I never had to use this tactic during my tour in country. in escape, evasion, and survival. There were five of us in our patrol. world in search of the Ho Chi Minh Trail. The next no matter how much I want them to be. then he moved.
I remember A week after are doors.
where they werent. We celebrated that night with fireworks on I suppose this was to give them a other than myself. performed. I remember driving for what seemed like an hour on the
That night I heard gunfire and mortars from all directions. It felt like a toy after carrying Just about sunset a Trip flares began to go off, which totally freaked me out.
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