The wax begonia variation will thrive in zones 10 and 11 as perennial plants, but you can grow them indoors as well. This group probably originated from a cross between Begonia cucullata var Hookeri and Begonia schmidtiana. Grupa ta prawdopodobnie pochodzi z krzyżówki Begonia cucullata var hookeri i Begonia schmidtiana. They grow between six inches and two feet, and they have edible blooms that are red, pink, yellow, and white. In tropical or subtropical climates, the wax begonia is a perennial plant that can grow to the size of a small shrub. Make this begonia the focal point of your flowering containers. Nazwa zwyczajowa, wosk begonii, odnosi się do woskowym połysku liści. The best thing about these gorgeous plants is that you can easily start them directly from seeds. Begonie Wax są cenione za ich stałą rozkwicie i jednorodność wielkości i kształtu w obrębie poszczególnych zakładów variety.These rosną od sześciu do osiemnastu centymetrów z rozprzestrzenianiem od sześciu do dwunastu cali, w zależności od odmiany. Brytania - Plantae Division - okrytonasienne Klasa - Magnoliopsida Zamówienie - Dyniowce Rodzina - Begoniowate Rodzaj - Begonia Gatunki - Begonia semperflorens. Częste szczypanie wyniki w pełniejszym roślin i cięższych rozkwicie. This type of begonia grows to a height between 6 and 12 inches with a width spanning between 18 and 24 inches. You consent to our cookies if you continue to use our website. The Wax Begonia thrives equally well as a houseplant or an outdoor annual; in warm climates, it can be grown as a perennial. Większość odmian toleruje ciężki cień, a kilka odmian zostały opracowane dobrze w pełnym słońcu., 800k Begonia Dywan Rozjaśnia Bruksela, Jak usunąć Wax Ołówek z Zdjęcia, Jaki jest skład chemiczny Candle Wax, Jak korzystać z Hard Wax do usuwania włosów, Quit Smoking: Zamknij Programy niepalących Porady, Madhouse Skandal: seksistowskie Jeans Pielęgnacja Instrukcja, Zielona mieszkalna: Zielona pielęgnacyjnych i kosmetyków Porady, Zajęcia dla dzieci Boże Narodzenie, Jak zrobić podłogę laminowaną Cleaner, Jak usunąć białe Krążki z drewniane meble, Jak zrobić Seed Packet na przyjęcia, Jesteś tutaj: Zakład Logiki Stosowanej Ogród >>. Begonie wosk liści wolą pstrokaty i jasny odcień. The genus was named in honor of Michel Bégon (1638-1710), a French amateur botanist who collected begonias from while he was stationed in Santo Domingo with the French navy. To jest wielki roślin dla ogrodników w sprawie budżetu, ponieważ sadzonki zakorzenić się tak łatwo! "Ball Red" - jasne szkarłat "Bicola" - biały z czerwonym marginesów "Brandy" - jasne różowe; brązu liści "Derby" - biały z różowym krawędzi "Gin" - jasny różowy róży; brązu liści "Linda" - bogaty róża "Otello" - Scarlet-pomarańczowy; brązu liści "Rum" - biały z krawędzi różanym; brązu liści "Scarlanda" - głęboko czerwony "Scarletta" - jasne szkarlatyna "Viva" - biały "Wódka" - jasne szkarłat; brązu liści "Whisky" - biały; brązu liści. Their natural summer-long flowering season can be extended indefinitely indoors in a sunny windowsill. Begonia × semperflorens cultorum. They will tolerate cooler and warmer temperatures, but they cannot tolerate frost. How to Winter Begonia. Sometimes you can even find some species with all three colours combined. Begonia semperflorens-cultorum został nazwany na jego długi okres kwitnienia, z semperflorens, co oznacza "everblooming".
Genus Begonia jest niezwykłe dlatego, że wszystkie 1500+ gatunki mogą hybrydyzować do siebie, nawet te, które powstały na różnych kontynentach. The most compact and healthy wax begonias result from deadheading and pinching back regularly. The soil should be kept evenly moist for the best flower production, but the plants will tolerate dryness once they are established. Set plants out in spring after the last frost date. Begonie Wax są często uprawiane jako rośliny kontenerowych.
All Rights Reserved. Variegated begonias need partial exposure to the sun to maintain the color devel… They make good houseplants as well.
We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners who may combine it with other information that you’ve provided to them or that they’ve collected from your use of their services. Rodzaj został nazwany na cześć Michel Begon (1638-1710), francuski botanik, który zebrał amatorskiego begonie od kiedy stacjonował w Santo Domingo z francuskiej marynarki wojennej. Put your plants on a regular watering schedule (once or twice a week) depending on the prevailing weather conditions to … All through the season this plant keeps on blooming, displaying its white, red and pink beautiful flowers. Wax Begonias.
The genus Begonia is unusual because all 1500+ species can be hybridized with one another, even those that originated on different continents.
Posts about Wax begonia written by zojalitwin.
The foliage can be green, bronze, or red; some varieties are variegated, and a few have white leaves. Their tolerance for shade makes them suitable for use as houseplants as well as in the garden.
W chłodniejszym klimacie, jest uprawiana jako roczna. 'Ball Red' - bright scarlet 'Bicola' - white with red margins 'Brandy' - clear pink; bronze foliage 'Derby' - white with pink edge 'Gin' - bright rose-pink; bronze foliage 'Linda' - rich rose 'Othello' - scarlet-orange; bronze foliage 'Rum' - white with rose edge; bronze foliage 'Scarlanda' - deep red 'Scarletta' - bright scarlet red 'Viva' - white 'Vodka' - bright scarlet; bronze foliage 'Whiskey' - white; bronze foliage. Równomierność ich wielkości i kształtu sprawia, że są idealne do nasadzeń masowych. Weird & Wacky, Copyright © 2020 HowStuffWorks, a division of InfoSpace Holdings, LLC, a System1 Company. Opis. They grow between six inches and two feet, and they have edible blooms that are red, pink, yellow, and white. Wax begonias, or fibrous begonias, are annual plants. Most varieties can tolerate heavy shade, and a few varieties have been developed to do well in full sun.
The flowers come in shades red, pink, and white, and a few varieties have double flowers. Wax begonias are gorgeous plants that you can grow in your garden or your home. Sometimes you can even find some species with all three colours combined. The Wax Begonia thrives equally well as a houseplant or an outdoor annual; in warm climates, it can be grown as a perennial. Wax Begonia is a plant you would appreciate a lot in a shade garden. These are sturdy plants that will do best under these conditions: Wax begonias are almost exclusively F1 hybrids produced by large nurseries in huge quantities. They bloom in clusters of red, white, yellow, or pink flowers, and some varieties are pleasantly fragrant.
In cooler climates, it is grown as an annual. Wax begonias are heavy feeders. Robią dobre rośliny doniczkowe, jak również.
Frequent pinching results in fuller plants and heavier bloom. Liście mogą być zielone, brązowe lub czerwone; niektóre odmiany są urozmaicone, a niektóre mają białe liście. They also flourish in containers and flower pots, so they make a terrific indoor plant as well. Kwiaty są w odcieniach czerwonych, różowych i białych, a kilka odmian mają podwójne kwiaty. Wax begonias require less care compared to other common annuals. It will grow in full sun with temperatures that are at least 60 degrees Fahrenheit and humidity that is above 50%.
© 2020 | Contact us: webmaster# Te begonie są najlepiej, gdy ich temperatura w ciągu dnia wynosi od 60 do 70 stopni Celsjusza. These plants will not produce accurately from seed, but like many other begonias, they propagate easily from l… Begonia semperflorens Nazwa zwyczajowa: Wosk begonia, begonia liści wosku. They bloom in clusters of red, white, yellow, or pink flowers, and some varieties are pleasantly fragrant. It has been popular in gardens since the Victorian era, and it is one of the most common plants in commercial cultivation today. Ich odporność na odcień sprawia, że nadają się do stosowania jako roślin pokojowych, jak również w ogrodzie. Wax begonias are not merely annuals.
Begonie wosk może być uprawiana z nasion, ale najłatwiej zwiększona przez sadzonki.
Grupa odmian hybrydowych, Begonia x semperfloren-cultorum, jest najczęściej sadzone. The uniformity of their size and shape makes them perfect for mass plantings. Begonias are a large family of beautiful tropical flowers that can liven up any garden. While most people think of these exclusively as outdoor plants, in reality, they also make excellent indoor plants. About Wax Begonias. Zestaw roślin na wiosnę po ostatnim dniu mróz. Możesz zacząć roślin na słoneczny parapet jesienią i zimą. Wax begonias are wonderful bedding plants!
In tropical or subtropical climates, the wax begonia is a perennial plant that can grow to the size of a small shrub. To jest bardzo popularny w ogrodach od epoki wiktoriańskiej, a jest to jeden z najbardziej popularnych roślin w uprawie komercyjnej dzisiaj. Wax Begonia Water Requirements. Wax Begonia. From first setting them out until they are laid low by frost, they'll be packed with white, pink, rose, or red blossoms. Why wasn't this page useful? Their natural summer-long flowering season can be extended indefinitely indoors in a sunny windowsill. Water wax begonias at the base to avoid leaf spot and the possibility of fungal diseases. Regular fertilizing will encourage all-summer bloom. Kingdom - Plantae Division - Magnoliophyta Class - Magnoliopsida Order - Cucurbitales Family - Begoniaceae Genus - Begonia Species - Begonia semperflorens. Nie są wybredne pH gleby, ale oni potrzebują dobry drenaż. Begonia semperflorens Common name: Wax begonia, Wax-leaf begonia. A group of hybrid cultivars, Begonia x semperfloren-cultorum, is the most widely planted. In cooler climates, it is grown as an annual. The seeds are tiny – like particles of dust – and have a very long germination period.
Są one szczególnie dobre w zacienionych miejscach, gdzie kilka innych roślin zakwitną.
Annual begonia plants may be cut back before frost and used inside as a houseplant in winter. Begonia semperflorens-cultorum was named for its long bloom period, from semperflorens, meaning 'everblooming'. Information about the device's operating system, Information about other identifiers assigned to the device, The IP address from which the device accesses a client's website or mobile application, Information about the user's activity on that device, including web pages and mobile apps visited or used, Information about the geographic location of the device when it accesses a website or mobile application.
Wax begonias are often grown as container plants. Growing from seed also requires careful attention to lighting and temperature requirements, and use of very particular soil.
These begonias are at their best when daytime temperatures are between 60 and 70 degrees Fahrenheit. W chłodniejszym klimacie, jest It is a great method because it gives you a lot of freedom. Most variegated plants have white markings on green leaves, but the Charm variety of begonia has vivid yellow splotches on bright green leaves, giving it a psychedelic effect. This is a great plant for gardeners on a budget, because the cuttings root so easily! All through the season this plant keeps on blooming, displaying its white, red and pink beautiful flowers. Begonie Wax są wspaniałe rośliny pościel! Begonie Wax są stosunkowo niepokojony przez szkodniki i choroby. Regularne nawożenie będzie zachęcać wszystkie-letni rozkwit. In reality, they are a perennial shrub that grows to respectable size and flowers readily. Wax Begonia is a plant you would appreciate a lot in a shade garden. The common name, wax begonia, refers to the waxy sheen of the leaves. Wax begonia can be very tricky to grow from seed.
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