The Welland Canal is a ship canal in Ontario, Canada, connecting Lake Ontario and Lake Erie.

3,272 ships – mainly lakers, salties, tugs and barges – navigated the Welland Canal in 2014. Required fields are marked *, Abandoned School in Florence Ontario – SS No. You will notice a small subtle trench running along here, this was the 1st Canal.

The 1st Welland Canal and 2nd Welland Canal took mainly the same route so we only added the differences of the first canal. Welland Canal, Lock 1 is a lock with Lines provided located at N 43° 13.076', W 079° 12.789' | Waterway Guide Lock Listing Back to the Waterway Explorer View in Waterway Explorer Welland Canal, Lock 1

Filter byAll3rd Welland Canal2nd Welland Canal1st Welland Canal, Exploring An Abandoned Water Park in Ontario, Exploring the “Screaming Tunnel” near Niagara Falls, Your email address will not be published. Swing lift bridges are lifted by a huge counterbalance that swings the bridge out of the way of passing ships.

A very rare wood remnant of the very first Welland Canal, The location of Lock 6 of the First Welland Canal. How does international shipping in the Great Lakes move between Lake Erie and Lake Ontario, when it can't navigate past or through the Niagara Falls area? This is the location of Lock 1 of the 3rd Welland Canal.

Not part of the main lock system but provided boats with access to the Welland River.

Access our official maps, specially designed to help visitors plan their time in Niagara and get the most out of the Welland Canal.

The British Navy, which lost naval superiority on Lake Erie during the War of 1812, was concerned about further strategic disadvantage. The answer is the remarkable Welland Canal. Work is completed on an extension of canal from Welland to Port Colborne, adding an extra lock.

You can read more about the Abandoned Blue Ghost Tunnel by following the Link, Here is the location of lock 18 of the 3rd Welland Canal, The location of the old abandoned lock 17 of the now abandoned 3rd Welland Canal, Here is an old iron swing bridge built in 1890 that crossed the now abandoned 3rd Welland Canal.

Map Legend: Yellow– First Welland Canal. Here is the location of lock 2 of the old abandoned 3rd Welland Canal now located in Jaycee Gardens Park. on. Only a small monument marking the location remains.

The location of lock 6 of the second Welland Canal. Your email address will not be published. The first Welland canal was in use from 1829 to 1845. Along the way, visitors enjoy viewing platforms, recreational trails and waterways, cycling routes, picnic areas, historical ruins, museums, displays, beaches, restaurants and accommodations.

This is the location of lock 4 of the second Welland Canal.

The early canals made use of natural rivers and water ways as well as had dug channels and many of the old abandoned locks and routes can still be viewed today.

Urbex Ontario. You won't get any closer to a Great Lakes Ship unless you're a sailor yourself! Whatever the season… It’s all in St. Catharines!

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