With the girls, they still wondered about following the signals of their wands, but then get confronted by three men, who transform into werewolves. A coach of ice pulled by ice reindeer flies by, with Helia, who was turned into a living ice sculpture, as the unwilling driver. Episode We have sent instructions to the email address you provided during signup. Musa tries to reassure her that Helia is one of a kind and that Flora is lucky to have such a guy, as compared to herself and her own relationship with Riven. They soon find themselves surrounded and quickly transform as well.
Season 6, Episode 17 | Aired on. Italian Topic is a specific subject of discussion. I'm coming, Helia! Eldora was feeling the chill and quickly spells herself in something warmer so she could think straight. your comment and it will be Stella notices some werewolf memorabilia outside a building, then was taken by surprise when a middle-aged man sneaks up behind her, warning her and the others about the curse on their town: that at night, some people turn into werewolves. She tells them that the real totem and spear is hidden somewhere in the Legendarium World before vanishing. Winx Club - Episode 617 To add a video paste video url directly into your comment. Sky and Helia get annoyed, telling Riven to quit playing around. Nickelodeon Winx Club season 6 episode 17 Winx Club is an Italian animated TV show. She summons the werewolves to Fearwood. Next → Tame. Eldora then teleports in, and to everyone's shock, wearing something meant for summer heat. The third season follows the fairies' last year at Alfea College, during which they earn their final fairy form, Enchantix. The Winx go to Lynphea College for special training with the Specialists and Paladins, skilled warriors. You can paste URL of the image inside Flora flies after her, while vowing to get Helia back no matter what and promises that she will not let anything happen to him.
August 1, 2014 (RaiGulp)January 1, 2019 (Netflix)February 10, 2019 (Rai YoYo) In 2007, Straffi explained that "the Winx saga was planned in detail from the beginning. In the auditorium, the Winx are briefed by Faragonda, Daphne, and Eldora of their next task: to locate the Silver Spear, the other artifact needed to synthesize the key to lock away the Legendarium forever.
© 2020 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. Seventeen When all the people in Fearwood rushes to their homes, the pickup truck which the Specialists used and drove from, This error was corrected when the episode was streamed on, This error was was corrected when the episode was streamed on. Flora tells Helia that what he had just done was far more impressive and mentions that she should not have made him feel ashamed of himself for earlier and apologizes to him. Daphne says they have capture them without inflicting too much pain, so Aisha materializes a cage while everyone else rounds them up into it. In the forest, the Specialists continue searching for the totem until they hear a howling, causing Helia to be on guard. While admiring them a group of students come in asking Flora for the scheduled tour she was supposed to give. The guys go to search the forests while the girls search the town. ... Winx Club 1x05 Winx Magic Winx (DVD) [Slovensky] Winx clup. Helia, feeling that Flora is disappointed in him leaves the room, despite Flora's protest, and accidentally bumps into Musa along the way. Trending. Shibani Dandekar.
Sign Up Now! Stella makes a comment that Earth is a weird place to first have mummies, zombies, and now werewolves. Zombie Invasion
617 frozen solid, Flora demands Icy to release Helia, but instead she taunts Flora and says if she wants him back than she will have to get in the Legendarium World and escapes. As with the previous season and the Specials, Season 6 was co-produced by Viacom's Nickelodeon Animation Studio. Full Episodes in English new. He warns them not to be out when that happens before shutting himself in. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. But if he was behind them, then who was in the alley? When Selina sends the Treants to attack, the Winx are stripped of … Moments later, the Specialists' ship touches down. Production Code Helia accepts her apology and as the two of them are about to kiss. Sky knocks down a werewolf and prepares to finish it, but gets stopped by Bloom, who tells him and the others not to hurt the werewolves as they are actually the real people under a spell. Episode Guide The sixth season of Winx Club premiered on September, 2013, on Nickelodeon, in the United States. As the guys leave to see Faragonda, Musa again reminds Flora how lucky she is to have Helia. The guys soon found themselves surrounded by more werewolves. Stella disappears when she was using her Ancestral Wand to locate the Magic Totem. The Curse of Fearwood is the seventeenth episode of the sixth season of Winx Club. Winx HD Season 6 Episode 23. KidscartoonChannel. 20:01. They all bring out their Ancestral Wands to pinpoint where the clue to the spear's whereabouts are, in which they get a vision of a totem pole. automatically converted into the image Italian
The Winx, Specialists and Paladins manage to escape into the forest, but become surrounded by more werewolves.
She leaves, but not before asking Helia to tend to the vines while she goes off to do her duty. Season 6 aired on Rai 2 in Italy from January 6, 2014 to August 4, 2014. When Iginio Straffi began developing Winx Club at the Rainbow studio, he outlined the plot to last three seasons (78 episodes).
Original series.
← Previous Selina has her own thoughts that if they do succeed, Acheron will be sealed away forever. Musa noted Riven sounding surly, who states that he would rather be training. I'm right behind you, Helia! However, it turns out to be Riven on a tree, playing a prank, much to Helia's anger. Flora angrily goes after Icy alone into the Legendarium despite Bloom's protests. In Fearwood Forest, the Winx and the Specialists fight off werewolves summoned by Selina. Helia in particular managed to get a significant number of werewolves all on his own without any help, earning praise from the Specialists and Paladins. “Whoa, did they just show up as soon as we started talking about them?”, “Take a look at yourself, sir! The 25 Best Console Launch Games (Since 2000), Fall TV Preview: A Guide to New & Returning Broadcast Shows. Follow. January 19, 2015 (Online Streaming for Nick USA)August 21, 2015 (Nick Jr. USA)September 6 & 7, 2014 (UK)October 4 & 5, 2014 (Canada) I don't think so. It's not pretty!”, “Ah! While Flora comes over to Helia to congratulate him, Helia is quite standoofish towards her and mentions that even though he could not handle the plants earlier he knows how to handle wild beasts. In the courtyard, Flora laments to Musa at how she may have messed things up with Helia by making him feel ashamed at what she considered a simple task. Stream the best of Disney, Pixar, Marvel, Star Wars, National Geographic and more for $6.99/mo. Winx Club: The Secret of the Lost Kingdom, https://winx.fandom.com/wiki/Winx_Club_-_Episode_617?oldid=497238. Please follow the link from the email to continue. Winx Club - Season 6 Episode 17: The Curse of Fearwood - Metacritic. January 19, 2015 (Online Streaming for Nick USA)August 21, 2015 (Nick Jr. USA)September 6 & 7, 2014 (UK)October 4 & 5, 2014 (Canada). 1:29. Our fall TV preview concludes with a comprehensive guide to the new and... 2013 Fall TV Preview: Our Comprehensive Guide to the Season's New and Returning Shows. The season consists of 26 episodes and concluded its run on November 22, 2015. La maledizione di Fearwood Margaretgurr27. In Canada, the ship touches down with the Winx all bundled up for the chilly weather. The Curse of Fearwood is the seventeenth episode of the sixth season of Winx Club. Flora asks what the occasion is, and Brandon replies that they were called by Faragonda, with Riven finishing that the headmistress wants them to accompany the girls on their next mission. Flora is able to calm the plants and gets Helia down, Flora tells him he did not do it right as he needs to be very careful around these kinds of plants. Their next destination is the small village of Fearwood, a small town in Canada, but it is also rumored to be infested with werewolves. Sky and Thoren break them up before it could escalate, then decide to head back into town to find the Winx. When they go inside, Helia is speechless at the sight of the Greenhouse and Flora reveals that she brought back some of the Grabbing Vines from the Caribbean mission. Our massive preview has details on the most promising new shows and your... Get a list of the best movie and TV titles recently added (and coming... Music title data, credits, and images provided by, Movie title data, credits, and poster art provided by. Icy flies off, taunting Flora to try and catch them. Season
Helia did not quite get the instruction on how to properly tend the plant and winds up getting entangled by it, much to the students shock. Princess Magic Dance - Cartoon Video Games For kids. I should have never made you feel like you did anything wrong.”, “And give up all the fun? In town, they hear another howling coming from an alleyway. Simkl automatically tracks what you’re watching, tells you how many episodes you’ve missed, and connects you to what your friends are into. I don't think so, wolf man. Cartoon game. The legend of the werewolves seems to be based on a French-Canadian game called 'Loup-Garou'. At Alfea, Flora brings Helia to the Secret Greenhouse to show him the wonderful plants the room contains, Helia is a bit hesitant to go in afraid that they might get into trouble, but Flora reassures him and tells him she is now the caretaker. Now show me what you've got.”, “I may not be able to water plants, but I know a thing or two about wrangling wild beasts.”, “Helia, what you just did was far more impressive than squirting a water bottle. The Winx go to Lynphea College for special training with the Specialists and Paladins, skilled warriors. Princess Anna Magic Care Frozen Doctor Games. They fly about to find the Specialists fighting off the werewolves. The Curse of Fearwood Allowed latin and !
Icy then tells Selina to read out of the Legendarium something to deal with the Winx and the Specialists. After saving the villagers from the attack, they enter the Legendarium World to find the final object needed to forge the Legendarium Key. Nickelodeon's Janice Burgess, the creative consultant for the specials and Season 5, was promoted to scriptwriter for this season while continuing her role as creative consultant.Season 6 was titled Winx Club: Bloomix and premiered on September 29, 201… Aisha warns the others to just try and contain the werewolves as they are innocent victims of the werewolf curse. Winx Club Season 1 Episode 7 "Friends in Need" RAI English ... Winx Club Season 2 Episode 17 "Twinning with the Witches" RAI English HD by WinxClubEnglish. The sixth season of Winx Club premiered on Nickelodeon in the United States on 29 September 2013 and on Rai 2 in Italy on 6 January 2014.. Winx Club Season 1 Episode 6 "Mission at Cloudtower" RAI English by WinxClubEnglish. Helia gets ambushed by a werewolf and suddenly hears a voice, he is able to take down the werewolf and discovers that it is Icy, but before he can do anything to defend himself Icy who freezes him. Flora quickly seals them in a vine cage, giving the girls time to get away. 19:44. While Helia holds them back, everyone quickly makes their way to the forest clearing. The moment is ruined when more werewolves showing up. From the viewing orb, Icy becomes impressed with Helia and gets herself an idea to use him and asks Selina to grant her powers from a character in the Legendarium as she plans to personally take part in the fight. Air Date Six Do not forget to switch keyboard layout to the English. Join a community with a new generation of fans, This Email is already registered in Simkl, You can choose a password length of not more than 50 characters.
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