089-969507 Dott. Explore our range of 100% online career focused degrees across a range of areas. For staff members with the required access the student can be emulated in the Student Portal from this section. Typically they are responsible for courses across a year level or sometimes for a set of courses across a theme or sub-discipline within the degree. Collaborate. UniSA Online degrees normally require international students to study outside of Australia. (2015 Department of Education external student reported data, QS World University rankings 2016). Search Directory Update your telephone details; Staff directory; Find a Form Forms; Online Forms; Online Casual Timesheet.

Please visit our staff directory to search for people, or view a list of all staff. Forms are also available via COVID-19 Related Forms the page.

Studying online does not mean studying alone. Forgotten password. The plan encourages prospective and current staff and students of the University community to engage with, understand and respect differences and similarities among people. Login to myUniSA Change password. (Staff Login Required). Our degrees have been designed specifically for online learning. The four key sections are described below. Pools & Barns; Teaching Software and learnOnline. Continue to invest in your development by exploring what’s available online via our Enterprising Essentials program and other development programs here and regularly review the Safety and Wellbeing information as we will be adding information and resources regularly. UniSA Online degrees normally require international students to study outside of Australia. 2018 International Student Barometer (of 32 institutions in Australia surveyed). Professional staff requiring access to the Find a Student section need to complete the Student Data Access form. Please note: Confidentiality of students' personal information must be adhered to at all times when using UniSA IT systems. If you would like to study a UniSA Online degree within Australia, your visa conditions will need to allow online study. All you need to know about connecting to the internet and the UniSA network from on or off campus. Discover where and how to print, scan and copy documents, and keep track of your quota. If you have any questions or need further assistance, you can get in touch with one of our friendly Student Advisers. The Programs section allows you to search for and display programs by a range of criteria including Program Code, Academic Unit or Program Type. The Courses section allows you to search for courses by a range of criteria including Subject Area, Study Period and  Course Id.

If you've got a question about studying at UniSA Online, we've got an answer. time, on any device, wherever it suits you. These reports are generated in PDF format however can also be viewed as Excel spreadsheets. Discover where and how to print, scan and copy documents, and keep track of your quota. The following resources have been provided for staff to help with: These toolkits contain resources, videos, podcasts, checklists and articles staff will find useful in adapting to an alternative way of working including practical tips on how to divert your desk phone, how to hold virtual meetings and how to set up WorkPace on your home computer. SharePoint Home. We have developed a set of COVID-19 Key Employment Principles  (.docx 41kb) that will assist you in understanding the employment implications of the current working arrangements. © University of South Australia 2020 | CRICOS Provider no 00121B. This will be a key input to completed the working from home form. Purchase; Warranty; Billing; Data Plans; Overseas use; Leaving UniSA User GuidesUser documentation and guidelines for SAS processes. Australian students. Assunta Quattrucci mail: aquattrucci@unisa.it Tel. 089-963037 Forgotten your password? You're an International student if you are: Please remember your residency (the country you are currently in) has no impact on where you are an Australian or International student. Once established, a working from home arrangement should be regularly reviewed to ensure staff are receiving the appropriate support and regular contact with their line manager and colleagues. Please note: Confidentiality of students' personal information (A-46) must be adhered to at all times when using UniSA IT systems. At UniSA we have a range of support services ready to help you with your studies, IT support, career advice, counselling and more.

UniSA's online students have graduate employment rates well above the national average*. UniSA respects the Kaurna, Boandik and Bangarla peoples' spiritual relationship with their country. Student information provided includes: If the student has current course enrolments this information can be exported as an MS Excel spreadsheet. Information is presented in a tabbed format broken down into the following categories: delivery, messages, classes, students, result entry, library, class staff, and course staff. One-stop-shop for all your research needs including managing and storing your data, hosting, tools and services, Download software and applications for home and at work, and learn about our Standard Operating Environment, Recommended and supported items, purchasing, relocating, and disposal, special offers, storage and servers, Locate a meeting room or training room with the AV equipment you require, and learn how to use that equipment.

Tele/Video Conferencing . If there is anything else that would be helpful to you please let us know via ptc@unisa.edu.au. When you choose to study with UniSA Online you will be joining Australia’s University of Enterprise, one of Australia’s largest and highest ranked online education providers. Welcome to UNISA. To assist staff and their managers in establishing a working from home arrangements the following resources have been provided: All staff are required to complete the COVID-19 Pandemic - Working from Home Arrangement (Appian form). UniSA External UG full-time employment rate 83%*Graduate Outcomes Survey 2018. For advice on eligibility to study onshore in Australia, please contact us. Due to the nature of their role and responsibilities, or their specific personal circumstances, some staff will remain working on campus please refer to the Working on Campus information for guidance and support. The University demonstrates its commitment to both staff and students with disabilities through the development and implementation of its Disability Action Plan 2014 – 2018.

Reports can be generated and exported to MS Excel for student lists by class or for all students enrolled in the course. Welcome. The inclusion of stud… Students can be searched by Student Id, Network Username, Family Name and First Name. Due to the nature of their role and responsibilities, or their specific personal circumstances, it will not be feasible or appropriate for all staff to transition to working from home (or an alternative location) as part of our response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Enquire online. Check your eligibility in just one minute, apply at a time that suits you and start at one of 4 start dates each year. Information is presented in a tabbed format broken down into the following categories: delivery, messages, classes, students, result entry, library, class staff, and course staff. Prorogato anche il termine di presentazione dei piani di studio, Consulta le Linee Guida e il Protocollo di Sicurezza, Anche l'Ateneo nel gruppo di ricerca che ha sviluppato il progetto, Ecco i requisiti per accedere al contributo, Verso "UI GreenMetric World University Rankings 2020", Al via le attività di redazione della seconda edizione, Presentazioni e IncontriLa radiografia muonica: attività a Salerno e prospettive, Qualità, innovazione, internazionalizzazione, Semplificazioni amministrative per la nostra comunità, Università degli Studi di Salerno - Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132 - 84084 Fisciano (SA), Immatricolazioni 2020/21 | Proroga dei termini al 16 ottobre, RICERCA | Un nuovo modello per la gestione dell'epidemia Covid-19 in Italia, Sostenibilità UNISA | Al via la raccolta dati per misurare l'impegno dell'Ateneo per la Sostenibilità, Linee operative per il servizio di accompagnamento a lezione e/o per prestito libri in biblioteca per gli studenti con disabilità, Bilancio di Genere dell'Università di Salerno, La radiografia muonica: attività a Salerno e prospettive, Concorsi per il Personale Tecnico Amministrativo, Agevolazioni ed Opportunità per il Personale in Servizio. learnonline Announcements.

Università degli Studi di Salerno - Via Giovanni Paolo II, 132 - 84084 Fisciano (SA) For those staff who do remain working on campus please refer to the Working on Campus information. SAS TrainingComplete online modules and book training sessions. The tabbed format is used for presentation in this section with the following categories currently being displayed: delivery, messages, courses and program director. They support the Academic Director; UniSA Online to ensure the design and development of the course content and assessments are of the highest quality and that discipline knowledge and industry experience remains current and relevant. The Online Course Facilitators have experience and expertise in the relevant discipline and they also coordinate day-to-day activities of online tutors.

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